43 research outputs found

    Isogeometric Analysis and Harmonic Stator-Rotor Coupling for Simulating Electric Machines

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    This work proposes Isogeometric Analysis as an alternative to classical finite elements for simulating electric machines. Through the spline-based Isogeometric discretization it is possible to parametrize the circular arcs exactly, thereby avoiding any geometrical error in the representation of the air gap where a high accuracy is mandatory. To increase the generality of the method, and to allow rotation, the rotor and the stator computational domains are constructed independently as multipatch entities. The two subdomains are then coupled using harmonic basis functions at the interface which gives rise to a saddle-point problem. The properties of Isogeometric Analysis combined with harmonic stator-rotor coupling are presented. The results and performance of the new approach are compared to the ones for a classical finite element method using a permanent magnet synchronous machine as an example

    Numerical Methods for the Estimation of the Impact of Geometric Uncertainties on the Performance of Electromagnetic Devices

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    This work addresses the application of Isogeometric Analysis to the simulation of particle accelerator cavities and other electromagnetic devices whose performance is mainly determined by their geometry. By exploiting the properties of B-Spline and Non-Uniform B-Spline basis functions, the Isogeometric approximation allows for the correct discretisation of the spaces arising from Maxwell's equations and for the exact representation of the computational domain. This choice leads to substantial improvements in both the overall accuracy and computational effort. The suggested framework is applied to the evaluation of the sensitivity of these devices with respect to geometrical changes using Uncertainty Quantification methods and to shape optimisation processes. The particular choice of basis functions simplifies the construction of the geometry deformations significantly. Finally, substructuring methods are proposed to further reduce the computational cost due to matrix assembly and to allow for hybrid coupling of Isogeometric Analysis and more classical Finite Element Methods. Considerations regarding the stability of such methods are addressed. The methods are illustrated by simple numerical tests and real world device simulations with particular emphasis on particle accelerator cavities

    Uncertainty Quantification for Maxwell's Eigenproblem based on Isogeometric Analysis and Mode Tracking

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    The electromagnetic field distribution as well as the resonating frequency of various modes in superconducting cavities used in particle accelerators for example are sensitive to small geometry deformations. The occurring variations are motivated by measurements of an available set of resonators from which we propose to extract a small number of relevant and independent deformations by using a truncated Karhunen-Lo\`eve expansion. The random deformations are used in an expressive uncertainty quantification workflow to determine the sensitivity of the eigenmodes. For the propagation of uncertainty, a stochastic collocation method based on sparse grids is employed. It requires the repeated solution of Maxwell's eigenvalue problem at predefined collocation points, i.e., for cavities with perturbed geometry. The main contribution of the paper is ensuring the consistency of the solution, i.e., matching the eigenpairs, among the various eigenvalue problems at the stochastic collocation points. To this end, a classical eigenvalue tracking technique is proposed that is based on homotopies between collocation points and a Newton-based eigenvalue solver. The approach can be efficiently parallelized while tracking the eigenpairs. In this paper, we propose the application of isogeometric analysis since it allows for the exact description of the geometrical domains with respect to common computer-aided design kernels, for a straightforward and convenient way of handling geometrical variations and smooth solutions

    Uncertainty Modeling and Analysis of the European X-ray Free Electron Laser Cavities Manufacturing Process

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    This paper reports on comprehensive efforts on uncertainty quantification and global sensitivity analysis for accelerator cavity design. As a case study object the TESLA shaped superconducting cavities, as produced for the European X-ray Free Electron Laser (EXFEL), are selected. The choice for these cavities is explained by the available measurement data that can be leveraged to substantiate the simulation model. Each step of the manufacturing chain is documented together with the involved uncertainties. Several of these steps are mimicked on the simulation side, e.g. by introducing a random eigenvalue problem. The uncertainties are then quantified numerically and in particular the sensitivities give valuable insight into the systems behavior. We also compare these findings to purely statistical studies carried out for the manufactured cavities. More advanced, adaptive, surrogate modeling techniques are adopted, which are crucial to incorporate a large number of uncertain parameters. The main contribution is the detailed comparison and fusion of measurement results for the EXFEL cavities on the one hand and simulation based uncertainty studies on the other hand. After introducing the quantities of physical interest for accelerator cavities and the Maxwell eigenvalue problem, the details on the manufacturing of the EXFEL cavities and measurements are reported. This is followed by uncertainty modeling with quantification studies

    Numerical Methods for the Estimation of the Impact of Geometric Uncertainties on the Performance of Electromagnetic Devices

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    This work addresses the application of Isogeometric Analysis to the simulation of particle accelerator cavities and other electromagnetic devices whose performance is mainly determined by their geometry. By exploiting the properties of B-Spline and Non-Uniform B-Spline basis functions, the Isogeometric approximation allows for the correct discretisation of the spaces arising from Maxwell's equations and for the exact representation of the computational domain. This choice leads to substantial improvements in both the overall accuracy and computational effort. The suggested framework is applied to the evaluation of the sensitivity of these devices with respect to geometrical changes using Uncertainty Quantification methods and to shape optimisation processes. The particular choice of basis functions simplifies the construction of the geometry deformations significantly. Finally, substructuring methods are proposed to further reduce the computational cost due to matrix assembly and to allow for hybrid coupling of Isogeometric Analysis and more classical Finite Element Methods. Considerations regarding the stability of such methods are addressed. The methods are illustrated by simple numerical tests and real world device simulations with particular emphasis on particle accelerator cavities

    OdePkg: Present and Future

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