8,168 research outputs found

    Critical Temperature of a Trapped Bose Gas: Mean-Field Theory and Fluctuations

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    We investigate the possibilities of distinguishing the mean-field and fluctuation effects on the critical temperature of a trapped Bose gas with repulsive interatomic interactions. Since in a direct measurement of the critical temperature as a function of the number of trapped atoms these effects are small compared to the ideal gas results, we propose to observe Bose-Einstein condensation by adiabatically ramping down the trapping frequency. Moreover, analyzing this adiabatic cooling scheme, we show that fluctuation effects can lead to the formation of a Bose condensate at frequencies which are much larger than those predicted by the mean-field theory.Comment: 4 pages of ReVTeX and 3 figures. Submitted to Physical Review

    Scaling laws for the movement of people between locations in a large city

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    Large scale simulations of the movements of people in a ``virtual'' city and their analyses are used to generate new insights into understanding the dynamic processes that depend on the interactions between people. Models, based on these interactions, can be used in optimizing traffic flow, slowing the spread of infectious diseases or predicting the change in cell phone usage in a disaster. We analyzed cumulative and aggregated data generated from the simulated movements of 1.6 million individuals in a computer (pseudo agent-based) model during a typical day in Portland, Oregon. This city is mapped into a graph with 181,206181,206 nodes representing physical locations such as buildings. Connecting edges model individual's flow between nodes. Edge weights are constructed from the daily traffic of individuals moving between locations. The number of edges leaving a node (out-degree), the edge weights (out-traffic), and the edge-weights per location (total out-traffic) are fitted well by power law distributions. The power law distributions also fit subgraphs based on work, school, and social/recreational activities. The resulting weighted graph is a ``small world'' and has scaling laws consistent with an underlying hierarchical structure. We also explore the time evolution of the largest connected component and the distribution of the component sizes. We observe a strong linear correlation between the out-degree and total out-traffic distributions and significant levels of clustering. We discuss how these network features can be used to characterize social networks and their relationship to dynamic processes.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figure

    Negative Ion Drift Velocities In Mixtures Of Methane And Sulphur Hexafluoride

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    The velocities of negative ions drifting in mixtures of methane and Sulphur hexafluoride have been measured. Measurements were made as a function of gas composition, reduced electric field strength between 3 and 185 Td, and total gas pressure in the range 100-600 Torr at 300K. The data indicate that SF 6- (SF6) ions are the dominant ion in all of the gas mixtures studied. Extrapolation of the data using Blanc\u27s Law was used to determine the velocity of Sulphur hexafluoride ions drifting in pure methane

    Production Efficiency of Ultracold Feshbach Molecules in Bosonic and Fermionic Systems

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    We investigate the production efficiency of ultracold molecules in bosonic 85^{85}Rb and fermionic 40^{40}K when the magnetic field is swept across a Feshbach resonance. For adiabatic sweeps of the magnetic field, the conversion efficiency of each species is solely determined by the phase space density of the atomic cloud, in contrast to a number of theoretical predictions. Our novel model for the adiabatic pairing process, developed from general physical principles, accurately predicts the conversion efficiency for {\it both} ultracold gases of bosons and of fermions. In the non-adiabatic regime our measurements of the 85^{85}Rb molecule conversion efficiency follow a Landau Zener model, with a conversion efficiency that is characterized by the density divided by the time derivative of the magnetic field.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Normal-superfluid interaction dynamics in a spinor Bose gas

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    Coherent behavior of spinor Bose-Einstein condensates is studied in the presence of a significant uncondensed (normal) component. Normal-superfluid exchange scattering leads to a near-perfect local alignment between the spin fields of the two components. Through this spin locking, spin-domain formation in the condensate is vastly accelerated as the spin populations in the condensate are entrained by large-amplitude spin waves in the normal component. We present data evincing the normal-superfluid spin dynamics in this regime of complicated interdependent behavior.Comment: 5 pages, 4 fig

    Electron-ion Recombination In Gas Mixtures Of Helium, Nitrogen, And Carbon Dioxide

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    A study has been conducted to determine the electron-ion recombination rates in gas mixtures of helium, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide. Measurements were made as functions of electric field strength, gas pressure, and gas composition. In gas mixtures containing only nitrogen and carbon dioxide, the rates were dependent on pressure. This dependence is interpreted as being due to the separate effects of two- and three-body recombination processes. No pressure dependence was observed for mixtures containing helium. In such mixtures, two-body recombination appears to be dominant. Moreover, the addition of relatively low concentrations of helium to the discharge leads to a dramatic change in the bulk recombination rate. Two possible explanations for this observation are suggested. © 1984 American Institute of Physics

    Output coupling of a Bose-Einstein condensate formed in a TOP trap

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    Two distinct mechanisms are investigated for transferring a pure 87Rb Bose-Einstein condensate in the F = 2, mF = 2 state into a mixture of condensates in all the mF states within the F = 2 manifold. Some of these condensates remain trapped whilst others are output coupled in the form of an elementary pulsed atom laser. Here we present details of the condensate preparation and results of the two condensate output coupling schemes. The first scheme is a radio frequency technique which allows controllable transfer into available mF states, and the second makes use of Majorana spin flips to equally populate all the manifold sub-states.Comment: 12 Pages, 5 Figures, submitted to J. Phys.

    Recent Experiments with Bose-Condensed Gases at JILA

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    We consider a binary mixture of two overlapping Bose-Einstein condensates in two different hyperfine states of \Rb87 with nearly identical magnetic moments. Such a system has been simply realized through application of radiofrequency and microwave radiation which drives a two-photon transition between the two states. The nearly identical magnetic moments afford a high degree of spatial overlap, permitting a variety of new experiments. We discuss some of the conditions under which the magnetic moments are identical, with particular emphasis placed on the requirements for a time-averaged orbiting potential (TOP) magnetic trap.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures; corrected post-publication editio

    Modeling the iron oxides and oxyhydroxides for the prediction of environmentally sensitive phase transformations

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    Iron oxides and oxyhydroxides are challenging to model computationally as competing phases may differ in formation energies by only several kJ/mol, they undergo magnetization transitions with temperature, their structures may contain partially occupied sites or long-range ordering of vacancies, and some loose structures require proper description of weak interactions such as hydrogen bonding and dispersive forces. If structures and transformations are to be reliably predicted under different chemical conditions, each of these challenges must be overcome simultaneously, while preserving a high level of numerical accuracy and physical sophistication. Here we present comparative studies of structure, magnetization, and elasticity properties of iron oxides and oxyhydroxides using density functional theory calculations with plane-wave and locally-confined-atomic-orbital basis sets, which are implemented in VASP and SIESTA packages, respectively. We have selected hematite, maghemite, goethite, lepidocrocite, and magnetite as model systems from a total of 13 known iron oxides and oxyhydroxides; and use same convergence criteria and almost equivalent settings in order to make consistent comparisons. Our results show both basis sets can reproduce the energetic stability and magnetic ordering, and are in agreement with experimental observations. There are advantages to choosing one basis set over the other, depending on the intended focus. In our case, we find the method using PW basis set most appropriate, and combine our results to construct the first phase diagram of iron oxides and oxyhydroxides in the space of competing chemical potentials, generated entirely from first principlesComment: 46 pages - Accepted for publication in PRB (19 journal pages), January 201
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