6 research outputs found

    Proceedings of a workshop, held in Constanta, Romania on 22 May 2014, on Oral Health of Children in the Central and Eastern European Countries in the context of the current economic crisis

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    This report presents the proceedings of a workshop held in Constanta, Romania on 22 May 2014. During the workshop, representatives from 18 Central and Eastern European countries gave oral presentations on the current oral health of children and young adults aged 16 years and younger. The aim of the workshop was to collect and present data relating to the oral health of children from Central and Eastern European countries and to discuss them in the context of the political changes that have taken place over the last two decades and the recent economic crisis. The presenters had previously completed a series of questions on oral epidemiological studies, prevention of oral disease, treatment and payment, dental personnel, uptake of oral health care and other considerations and structured their presentations on these topics plus the influence of the economic crisis on oral health. It should be remembered that this paper is a report of the proceedings of a workshop and not a study. Ethics approval is not required for workshops. After the 18 oral presentations a 90 min discussion took place during which further points were raised. The presentations, the discussion and the conclusions which were reached are reported in this manuscript

    Determinarea in vitro a acţiunii fluorului aplicat local asupra microdurităţii smalţului dinţilor albiţi cu diferite sisteme profesionale de albire

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    Rezumat. Cerinţele estetice ale pacienţilor, presiunea socială a unui zîmbet perfect, incidenţa cresută a disarmoniilor dentare de multiple etiologii impun în ultimul timp tot mai mult tratamente cu caracter de albire a dinţilor şi îmbunătăţire a estetici dentare. Fapt ce ne-a făcut să studiem acţiunea unor preparate de albire asupra microdurităţii smalţului dentar şi capacitatea unor produse de remineralizare pe bază de fluor de a influenţa modificările ce pot apărea în urma acţiunii sistemelor de albire.Summary. Aesthetic demands of patients, social pressure of having a perfect smile, high incidence of dental disorders of multiple etiologies require lately more and more treatments of teeth whitening and of dental aesthetics improvement. This made us study the action of some whitening preparations on dental enamel’s microhardness and the capacity of some fluorine based remineralization products to influence changes that may result from the action of whitening systems

    In vitro study of fluor effect on enamel de/remineralisation using SEM and Energy-Dispersive-X-Ray-Analysis

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    Cercetarea în vitro a efectului fluorului asupra de/remineralizării smalţului dentar s-a axat pe schimbarea indicilor fizici, cum ar fi creşterea rezistenţei sau scăderea mineralelor în mediul acid. Obiectivul acestui studiu a fost de a evidenţia în vitro schimbarea de structură la suprafaţa smalţului, folosind microscopia electronică prin scanare(SEM) şi microanaliza elementală cu sistemul EDX(Energy-Dispersive-X-Ray-Analysis), simularea schimbării pH-ul în mediul oral în cazul aplicării agenţilor de remineralizare (Caseină Fosfopeptidă -Fluor Fosfat Amorf de Calciu cu şi fără asocierea fluorului). Evaluarea rezultatelor a fost realizată cu ajutorul testelor statistice. Agenţii de remineralizare bazaţi pe CPP-ACPF asociaţi cu fluor, dupa 14 zile, au demostrat cel mai bun efect de remineralizare asupra leziunilor carioase incipiente şi contracararea procesele de demineralizarea legate de variaţii ale pH-ului, simulate zilnic în mediul oral.The studies in vitro regarding fluor effect on enamel remineralisation were focused on objective changing of physical indices, like as resistance increase or minerals loss decrease in acid environment. The objective of this study was to highlight the changing in vitro of enamel surface structure, using SEM and energy-dispersive-X-ray-analysis, simulating the pH changing of oral environment related to the application of remineralisation agents (Caseine Phosphopeptide-Calcium Phosphat Fluor, with or without fluor association). The assessment of results was performed using statistical tests. The remineralisation agents based on CPP-ACPF associated with fluor present, after 14 days, highest remineralisation effects on incipient carious lesions and counteract the demineralisation procesess related to simulated daily pH variations of oral environment

    Knowledge, dentist confidence and management of periodontal patients among general dentists from Belarus, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova and Romania

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    Background: Evidence concerning periodontal practice in Eastern European countries is scarce. The aim of the present study was to investigate periodontal risk knowledge, patient management and self-perceived confidence among General Dentists (GDs) from five Eastern European regarding their provision of periodontal care. Methods: GDs from Belarus, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova and Romania participated in a questionnaire survey. Power calculations were used to identify the sample size for each country. The structured questionnaire included several domains of inquiry. The socio-demographic domain inquired about dentist’s age, gender and years of clinical experience. The dental practice domain inquired about practice location, practising or not practising in a group practice and having or not having a periodontist or a dental hygienist in the practice. The distributions of answers across-countries were compared employing one way ANOVA (comparison of means) or Chi square test (comparison of proportions). For each country, the predictors of the study outcomes: a summative knowledge score for periodontal risks and dentist’s confidence level were identified employing either linear or logistic multiple regression models. Results: The sample comprised 390 Belarussian, 488 Lithuanian, 349 Macedonian, 316 Moldovan, and 401 Romanian GDs. The majority of GDs (~ 80%) practiced in urban areas. Age and gender distributions differed significantly among countries. Significant across-country differences were found regarding working/not working in a group practice, having/not having access to a periodontist/dental hygienist and in proportions of patients receiving periodontal treatments or being referred to specialists. None of Macedonian patients nor the majority of Moldovan patients (78%) were referred to periodontists. There were also significant across-country differences in diagnosis, patient management and periodontal knowledge. Only in the Lithuanian cohort were dentists’ confidence levels associated significantly with their knowledge. In all countries, taking a medical history was a consistent and significant predictor of having higher periodontal knowledge score. Except in Belarus, periodontal risk assessment was a significantly consistent predictor of certainty levels associated with the provision of periodontal treatments. Conclusions: There were substantial differences among GDs in the five countries regarding diagnosis, dentist’s confidence and management of periodontal patients.Dentistry, Faculty ofNon UBCReviewedFacult