17 research outputs found

    Outsourcing childcare, home cleaning and meal preparation

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    In this paper the outsourcing of childcare, home cleaning and meal preparation is analysed by means of a socio-economic model that incorporates household-economic, lifecycle, lifestyle and health variables. The data (n= 700) was collected during a telephone survey in the Netherlands. About 10 per cent of the households did not use any of the three forms of outsourcing. About 70 to 90 per cent of households outsourced meal preparation. In any household type, the average monthly expenditures on outsourcing meal preparation were the highest of the three outsourcing categories. In the data analysis a Heckman selection model was applied. Factors affecting different outsourcing expenditures were generally the same for each type of outsourcing studied . Household economic variables as wage and working hours were in general not important in explaining the incidence and expenditures of outsourcing. The same hold for health. Childcare expenditures were also affected positively by life-cycle variables. There was an indication that a traditional lifestyle and traditional family type affected outsourcing expenditures negatively. Education appeared as an important taste shaper: regardless of gender, both medium and higher educated people were more inclined to spend money on outsourcing than the lower educated. Especially people younger than 44 years outsourced meal preparation. Outsourcing was neither restricted to nor especially practised by couples

    Ethnic Differences in Lifestyle and Overweight in The Netherlands

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    Objective: To study the effects of lifestyle variables and socioeconomic status on overweight among native Dutch and immigrants in The Netherlands. Research Methods and Procedures: Data were used from a survey sample (N = 2551) of native Dutch and immigrant respondents (Surinamese/Antilleans, Turks, and Moroccans). BMI was calculated using self-reported weight and height. Lifestyle variables such as modern food habits (take-out food and eating out) and participating in sports were included, as well as socioeconomic and demographic background variables. Bivariate and ordinary least squares analyses were performed to study BMI and the determinants of overweight among the different groups. Results: All immigrant groups had a higher prevalence of overweight than the Dutch, except Moroccans. Men were overweight more frequently than women. Take-out food, eating out, and fresh vegetables were related to a decrease in BMI, whereas convenience foods were related to an increase in BMI. For ready-to-eat meals, the results were mixed. In all groups, age was associated with a higher BMI, and a higher level of education was associated with a lower BMI. Immigrants participated in sports less frequently than native Dutch people. Discussion: One percent to 5% of the total public health costs can be attributed to costs for overweight-related diseases. Public health policies should aim at stimulating healthy lifestyles and discouraging bad food habits through higher taxes on high-calorie foods. In particular, Dutch immigrants should be encouraged to lose weight, because they have a higher risk for overweight-related diseases. Key Words: BMI ¿ ethnicity ¿ food habits ¿ outsourcing ¿ socioeconomic statu

    Can traceability improve consumers' confidence in food quality and safety?

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    Abstract This paper investigates whether the implementation of traceability systems in line with the European General Food Law as well as food labelling laws related to allergens can impact on consumer confidence in food quality and safety. It aims to give insight into consumer demands regarding food traceability, and how consumers perceive the role of traceability within the supply chain. Consumer needs, preferences and expectations regarding effective traceability systems and the delivery of traceability information to consumers were studied by means of consumer discussion groups. In addition, the information needs of a specific group of consumers, namely those with a food related allergy were more closely examined in an ethnographic study. Results showed that consumers generally have little knowledge of traceability and see the use of traceability primarily in relation to food safety. Consumers are confident that traceability systems in the Netherlands are well organized. Consumers are not satisfied with the level of information currently available to them on product labels, but at the same time current labelling is reported to be overwhelming. The acceptance of new systems for offering traceability information to consumers was low. The results point to the need for information on food labels in a format that is of direct use to the consumer. The discussion focuses how information available through food traceability systems should be presented in order to be beneficial to (food allergic) consumers

    The importance of accurate and understandable food allergen labelling for food-allergic consumers

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    New EU regulations regarding food allergen labelling were introduced in 2005. These rules were introduced to ensure that 12 potential food allergens are labelled if they are included as ingredients in food products. The question arises as to whether food-allergic consumers will benefit from the new labelling requirements. A study was conducted in the Netherlands and Greece where researchers observed 40 food-allergic consumers whilst they were grocery shopping for a list of potentially problematic foods. The participants in the study described many problems associated with current food labelling practices, which did not meet the needs of food allergic consumers. Problems were reported regarding readability of fonts, and identifying allergen information on the label which also contained other allergen information. Moreover, information included on the label was not always trusted by the food-allergic consumer, which may cause feelings of insecurity and stress. In particular, participants reported problems with 'may contain' labelling. Recommendations Regarding improvements to existing labelling practices include not only "on package" labelling. but also the introduction of new approaches to food labelling using novel ICT-solutions which may improve the allergen labelling and information provision, particularly from the perspective of individualising information to specific consumer needs

    Food-allergic consumers' labelling preferences: a cross-cultural comparison

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    Background: Recent changes in European food safety legislation have resulted in the implementation of statutory requirements regarding the traceability and labelling of 12 food allergens. This article describes research conducted to establish if current food labelling practices are perceived to be adequate by food-allergic consumers, and whether further policy changes need to be implemented in order to optimize consumer protection. Methods: A total of 40 food-allergic consumers were recruited in both the Netherlands and Greece. Participants were people suffering from one or more of the three most common food-allergies, milk, egg, and/or peanut or tree nut. In a retail environment, participants were given a list of 15 potentially problematic food products which they were asked to buy as if for their own household. The participants were observed during the course of product selection and questioned about specific problems they experienced, as well as information preferences for food allergy information. Results: Participants reported many problems linked to the readability of the label (e.g. font size, contrast). Not all packages contained relevant allergy information, and many participants reported that the ingredients list was insufficient for their needs. Personal experience of particular products was an important factor in the selection process. Dutch participants reported frustration regarding frequent changes in recipes of products available in the supermarket. Conclusions: In general, food-allergic consumers were not satisfied with the current labelling practices. Information was thought to be unclear or insufficient, which resulted in personal stress and feelings of insecurity. Further research is needed to identify how best allergy information might be provided. Keywords: consumers, food allergy, food products, label

    De Prijs van Overgewicht

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    In Nederland zijn steeds meer mensen te dik. Mensen met overgewicht lopen grotere gezondheidsrisico's en de kosten voor gezondheidszorg nemen erdoor toe. Tijd voor een 'snack tax'