124 research outputs found

    Self-assembling multiblock amphiphiles: Molecular design, supramolecular structure, and mechanical properties

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    We perform off-lattice, canonical ensemble molecular dynamics simulations of the self-assembly of long segmented copolymers consisting of alternating, tunably attractive and hydrophobic {\em binder} domains, connected by hydrophilic {\em linker} chains whose length may be separately controlled. In such systems, the molecular design of the molecule directly determines the balance between energetic and entropic tendencies. We determine the structural phase diagram of this system, which shows collapsed states (dominated by the attractive linkers' energies), swollen states (dominated by the random coil linkers' entropies) as well as intermediate network hydrogel phases, where the long molecules exhibit partial collapse to a {\em single molecule network} state. We present an analysis of the connectivity and spatial structure of this network phase, and relate its basic topology to mechanical properties, using a modified rubber elasticity model. The mechanical properties are further characterized in a direct computational implementation of oscillatory rheology measurements. We find that it is possible to optimize the mechanical performance by an appropriate choice of molecular design, which may point the way to novel synthetics that make optimal mechanical use of constituent polymers

    Curvature-induced cross-hatched order in two-dimensional semiflexible polymer networks

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    A recurring motif in the organization of biological tissues are networks of long, fibrillar protein strands effectively confined to cylindrical surfaces. Often, the fibers in such curved, quasi-2D geometries adopt a characteristic order: the fibers wrap around the central axis at an angle which varies with radius and, in several cases, is strongly bimodally distributed. In this Letter, we investigate the general problem of a 2D crosslinked network of semiflexible fibers confined to a cylindrical substrate, and demonstrate that in such systems the trade-off between bending and stretching energies, very generically, gives rise to cross-hatched order. We discuss its general dependency on the radius of the confining cylinder, and present an intuitive model that illustrates the basic physical principle of curvature-induced order. Our findings shed new light on the potential origin of some curiously universal fiber orientational distributions in tissue biology, and suggests novel ways in which synthetic polymeric soft materials may be instructed or programmed to exhibit preselected macromolecular ordering

    Catch Bonding in the Forced Dissociation of a Polymer Endpoint

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    Applying a force to certain supramolecular bonds may initially stabilize them, manifested by a lower dissociation rate. We show that this behavior, known as catch bonding and by now broadly reported in numerous biophysics bonds, is generically expected when either or both the trapping potential and the force applied to the bond possess some degree of nonlinearity. We enumerate possible scenarios, and for each identify the possibility and, if applicable, the criterion for catch bonding to occur. The effect is robustly predicted by Kramers theory, Mean First Passage Time theory, and finally confirmed in direct MD simulation. Among the catch scenarios, one plays out essentially any time the force on the bond originates in a polymeric object, implying that some degree of catch bond behavior is to be expected in {\em any} protein-protein bond, as well as in more general settings relevant to polymer network mechanics or optical tweezer experiments

    Confinement without boundaries: Anisotropic diffusion on the surface of a cylinder

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    Densely packed systems of thermal particles in curved geometries are frequently encountered in biological and microfluidic systems. In 2D systems, at sufficiently high surface coverage, diffusive motion is widely known to be strongly affected by physical confinement, e.g., by the walls. In this Letter, we explore the effects of confinement by shape, not rigid boundaries, on the diffusion of particles by confining them to the surface of a cylinder. We find that both the magnitude and the directionality of lateral diffusion is strongly influenced by the radius of the cylinder. An anisotropy between diffusion in the longitudinal and circumferential direction of the cylinder develops. We demonstrate that the origin of this effect lies in the fact that screw-like packings of mono- and oligodisperse discs on the surface of a cylinder induce preferential collective motions in the circumferential direction, but also show that even in polydisperse systems lacking such order an intrinsic finite size confinement effect increases diffusivity in the circumferential direction

    Disorder, pre-stress and non-affinity in polymer 8-chain models

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    To assess the role of single-chain elasticity, non-affine strain fields and pre-stressed reference states we present and discuss the results of numerical and analytical analyses of modified 8-chain Arruda-Boyce model for cross-linked polymer networks. This class of models has proved highly successful in modeling the finite-strain response of flexible rubbers. We extend it to include the effects of spatial disorder and the associated non-affinity, and use it to assess the validity of replacing the constituent chain's nonlinear elastic response with equivalent linear, Hookean springs. Surprisingly, we find that even in the regime of linear response, the full polymer model gives very different results from its linearized counterpart, even though none of the chains are stretched beyond their linear regime. We demonstrate that this effect is due to the fact that the polymer models are under considerable pre-stress in their ground state. We show that pre-stress strongly suppresses non-affinity in these unit cell models, resulting in a marked stiffening of the bulk response. The effects of pre-stress we discuss may explain why fully affine mechanical models, in many cases, predict the bulk mechanical response of disordered stiff polymer networks so well.Comment: 29 pages, 7 figures. Submitted to J. Mech. Phys. Solid

    Fluctuation-stabilized marginal networks and anomalous entropic elasticity

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    We study the elastic properties of thermal networks of Hookean springs. In the purely mechanical limit, such systems are known to have vanishing rigidity when their connectivity falls below a critical, isostatic value. In this work we show that thermal networks exhibit a non-zero shear modulus GG well below the isostatic point, and that this modulus exhibits an anomalous, sublinear dependence on temperature TT. At the isostatic point, GG increases as the square-root of TT, while we find GTαG \propto T^{\alpha} below the isostatic point, where α0.8{\alpha} \simeq 0.8. We show that this anomalous TT dependence is entropic in origin.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Harnessing entropy to enhance toughness in reversibly crosslinked polymer networks

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    Reversible crosslinking is a design paradigm for polymeric materials, wherein they are microscopically reinforced with chemical species that form transient crosslinks between the polymer chains. Besides the potential for self-healing, recent experimental work suggests that freely diffusing reversible crosslinks in polymer networks, such as gels, can enhance the toughness of the material without substantial change in elasticity. This presents the opportunity for making highly elastic materials that can be strained to a large extent before rupturing. Here, we employ Gaussian chain theory, molecular simulation, and polymer self-consistent field theory for networks to construct an equilibrium picture for how reversible crosslinks can toughen a polymer network without affecting its linear elasticity. Maximisation of polymer entropy drives the reversible crosslinks to bind preferentially near the permanent crosslinks in the network, leading to local molecular reinforcement without significant alteration of the network topology. In equilibrium conditions, permanent crosslinks share effectively the load with neighbouring reversible crosslinks, forming multi-functional crosslink points. The network is thereby globally toughened, while the linear elasticity is left largely unaltered. Practical guidelines are proposed to optimise this design in experiment, along with a discussion of key kinetic and timescale considerations

    Persistence-driven durotaxis: Generic, directed motility in rigidity gradients

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    Cells move differently on substrates with different elasticities. In particular, the persistence time of their motion is higher on stiffer substrates. We show that this behavior will result in a net transport of cells directed up a soft-to-stiff gradient. Using simple random walk models with controlled persistence and stochastic simulations, we characterize this propensity to move in terms of the durotactic index measured in experiments. A one-dimensional model captures the essential features of this motion and highlights the competition between diffusive spreading and linear, wavelike propagation. Since the directed motion is rooted in a non-directional change in the behavior of individual cells, the motility is a kinesis rather than a taxis. Persistence-driven durokinesis is generic and may be of use in the design of instructive environments for cells and other motile, mechanosensitive objects.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure