11 research outputs found

    Kajian Experimental Dan Numerik Desain Perancangan Elemen Batang Profil L Berbahan Ferrocement Sebagai Pengganti Elemen Rangka Kuda-kuda Atap Ringan Berbahan Kayu Atau Berbahan Baja

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji secara numerik dan eksperimen desain rancanganelemen batang profil L berbahan ferrocement sebagai elemen pengganti untuk rangkabatang kuda-kuda kayu untuk atap rumah sederhana. Penelitian ini dilakukan berdasarkankajian mekanikal elemen batang profil L yang memungkinkan untuk digunakan padarangka kuda-kuda sederhana. Kajian numerik yang dilakukan adalah menggunakanmetode elemen hingga dengan memanfaatkan software ADINA SAP 2000, sedangkankajian eksperimental dilakukan dengan membuat model rangka kuda-kuda sederhana.Hasil kajian numerik yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa keruntuhan material masihdominan adalah keruntuhan tekan dimana tidak ada pengaruh faktor panjang elemenbelum dan diperoleh Safety Factor (SF)>3,0. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa hasilkajian numerik hampir mendekati pengujian secara experimental dimana untuk bebanringan, rancangan ini dapat dimungkinkan digunakan untuk konstruksi atap atau rangkabatang yang mengalami beban yang kecil (sederhana

    Kajian Sebaran Panas Pada Outlet Pltu Bolok Kupang

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui rambatan panas akibat temperatur air yang keluar dariout let PLTU Batu bara Bolok masih sangat tinggi dibanding suhu air disekitarnya. Hal ini dapatmengganggu kondisi lingkungan disekitarnya sehingga diperlukan usaha untuk mengetahui bagaimanarambatan panas dan sejauh mana pengaruhnya.Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan metode experimental dan kajian analisis finite elementmenggunakan program SMS versi 8.1. Data suhu pada daerah air laut diasumsikan sedangkan data suhuair laut eksisting disekitarnya didapat dengan melakukan pengukuran langsung dilapangan danberdasarkan data sekunder disamping itu. Berdasarkan data – data tersebut selanjutnya dilakukansimulasi dengan program SMS versi 8.1Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa berdasarkan hasil simulasi pola arus menunjukkan bahwakecepatan sebaran temperatur mengikuti kecepatan arus air yaitu maksimum 0.238 m/det sehinggakecepatannya adalah 500 m per 30 menit. Suhu pada daerah outlet PLTU dengan debit 3000 liter/detmeningkatkan suhu eksisting hingga 20C dalam radius 100 m. Perbedaan suhu akan semakin menurunseiring bertambahnya radius jangkauan dengan rata-rata 30% setiap jarak 100 m dengan waktu rambatansaat arus puncak 6 jam. Kondisi ini akan berbalik apabila letak pipa outlet dan inlet cukup berdekatan

    Pengaruh Pemodelan Zona Terkekang Terhadap Prediksi Hubungan Momen-Kurvatur Kolom Persegi Beton Mutu Tinggi

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    . This paper studies one aspect of confinement modeling of high strength concrete square columns subjected to axially eccentric compression. Confined zone models were studied to evaluate their effect on the analytical prediction of strength and ductility of high strength concrete square columns. Several models of confined zones found in literatures were discussed to observe their characteristics and sensitivity. Based on the findings, a computer program MOKUR2D was developed. In the program, confined zone in reinforced concrete columns can be modeled with three different approaches, i.e. conventional models (using a coefficient of effective confinement), models with unconfined arching zone, or models with three zones of confinement. A comparative study using the program was later carried out on 4 high-strength concrete square columns tested by Sheikh and Bayrak [1998]. The cross-section size of all columns was 305 x 305 mm. All columns were reinforced with 8 bars of 19.5 mm diameter, uniformly distributed around the core perimeter. Yield strength of the rebars was 454 MPa. Two types of ties configuration ties were used with volumetric ratio varying from 1.68 percent to 5.12 percent. The spacing of the ties was from 90 mm to 108 mm. From the study, it was found that the conventional model is able to produce a fairly good estimate of test results. The best estimate of test results is given by the model with three zones of confinement in which the arching zoneis assigned with 50% of full confinement

    Program Desain Penulangan Dinding Penahan Tanah (Retaining Wall) Menggunakan Perangkat Lunak Visual Basic .Net 2008

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    The retaining wall usually used to resist lateral pressure which is caused by backfill material. The stability of retaining wall is obtained mainly from its weight and the weight of the soil at the toe and the heel of retaining wall. The purpose of this research is make a program to design the semi gravity wall and the cantilever wall by using Visual Basic. NET 2008 program. SC Wall 2011 is a result of this research that using programming language of Visual Basic .NET 2008 that used to calculate the stability and reinforcement of the cantilever and semi gravity wall. Based on the output of SC Wall 2011, it shows that the program can be used to design the cantilever wall and the semi gravity wall, because its calculation is faster than the manual calculation. This program needs approximately 1.5 minutes to solve a simple problems

    Substitusi Agregat Halus Beton Menggunakan Kapur Alam Dan Menggunakan Pasir Laut Pada Campuran Beton

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    The limited of material that occur in Sumba Barat Daya district cause the used of natural limestone and sea sand as a substitute for fine aggregate that is scientifically unknown quality, so it needs to do a study of the material. The purpose of this research is to determine the percentage of natural limestone and sea sand that can be used and to determine the quality of the resulting concrete. Specimens used in this research is concrete cylinder (diameter 15 cm and high 30 cm). The methods used for data analysis was descriptive statistics. Based on the results obtained that the percentage that can be used for sea sand is 100% and for natural limestone is 25%. The result of Quality test obtained that the concrete with natural limestone have compressive strength and split tensile strength is smaller than the normal concrete and do not reach the compressive strength of the plan. While the concrete using sea sand is concrete which produces compressive strength and split tensile strength greater than normal concrete

    Studi Kinerja Jalan Akibat Hambatan Samping Di Jalan Timor Raya Depan Pasar Oesao Kabupaten Kupang

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    Poor land use management systems and transportation management systems nowadays more visible in various areas in the East often lead to complicated problems. One segment of Timor Raya street is often jammed in Oesao Market area, this happens because of the many traders who trade on the curb lane to the shoulder of the road . In addition the number of vehicles parked on the shoulder of the road further aggravate the condition of the road especially at busy times. From the results of the analysis indicate that the side friction road values were very high at 3998.60 events caused by the presence of market activity in the left and right side of the road, too many parked vehicles and pedestrian which is reducing the effective width of the road that directly affect the performance of the road itself . This problem caused actual speed at the road segment becoming increasingly low at 23,49 km/h with average travel time of 0.0125 hours . The results of analysis show that the level of service is at grade E. The biggest factor that is very influential in determining the level of service at the location is the market activity at the sides of the which increase the side frictio

    Kajian Kuat Tekan Beton Pasca Bakar Dengan Dan Tanpa Perendaman Berdasarkan Variasi Mutu Beton

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap mutu beton 15 MPa, 20 MPa, 22 MPa dan 25 MPa dengan sampel berupa kubus 15 cm Γ— 15 cm Γ— 15 cm. Jumlah sampel penelitian pada masing-masing mutu beton sebanyak 9 buah sehingga total keseluruhan sampel penelitian sebanyak 36 buah. Pembakaran dilakukan pada suhu 400oC dan lamanya pembakaran selama 3 jam.Perendaman beton pasca bakar dilakukan selama 14 hari.Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa berdasarkan variasi mutu beton (15 MPa, 20 MPa, 22 MPa, dan 25 MPa) didapatkan nilai kuat tekan rata-rata pada pada perlakuan standar menghasikan kuat tekan rata-rata sebesar 26,00 MPa, 26,67 MPa, 28,44 MPa dan 29,48 MPa. Pada perlakuan beton pasca bakar dengan perendaman menghasilkan kuat tekan rata-rata sebesar 19,41 MPa, 22,37 MPa, 24,15 MPa dan 25,85 MPa. Sedangkan pada perlakuan beton pasca bakar tanpa perendaman menghasilkan kuat tekan rata-rata sebesar 24,89 MPa, 25,78 MPa, 28,67 MPa dan 30,52 MPa. Penurunan kekuatan beton pasca bakar tanpa perendaman pada mutu beton 15 MPa dan 20 MPa sebesar 4,274% dan 3,333% dan peningkatan pada mutu beton 22 MPa dan 25 MPa sebesar 0,781% dan 3,518%. Penurunan kekuatan beton pasca bakar dengan perendaman sebesar 25,356%, 16,111%, 15,104% dan 12,312%