13 research outputs found

    The public debt of Romania considering the integration in the European Union

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    In 2008, the budgetary politics was expansionist, pro cyclic and led to the accumulation of some significant macro economical lacks of balance manifested by budgetary deficits and of current account and o raised inflation rate. Lack of predictability of the budgetary-fiscal politics and the registered budgetary side-slips over the last year facilitated the fast degradation of perception, confirmed by the reduction of qualificatives given to Romania by the rating agencies, pressures amplification in the sense of the Romanian coin depreciation and raise of the financing costs.public debt, budgetary deficit, inflation rate, financing costs

    Econometric model of inflation and currency rate of exchange

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    Because the frequent utility and the accuracy imposed by the econometrical changing we are going to present a case study made in Romania in 2000-2006. At the end of this case we will find the answer to natural question: who influences whom? (inflation influences the currency rate of exchange or the vice-versa in Romanian economy?)peer-reviewe

    Economic Forecasts Based on Econometric Models Using EViews 5

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    The forecast of evolution of economic phenomena represent on the most the final objective of econometrics. It withal represent a real attempt of validity elaborate model. Unlike the forecasts based on the study of temporal series which have an recognizable inertial character the forecasts generated by econometric model with simultaneous equations are after to contour the future of ones of important economic variables toward the direct and indirect influences bring the bear on their about exogenous variables. For the relief of the calculus who the realization of the forecasts based on the econometric models its suppose is indicate the use of the specialized informatics programs. One of this is the EViews which is applied because it reduces significant the time who is destined of the econometric analysis and it assure a high accuracy of calculus and of the interpretation of results.economic phenomena, econometric model, forecasts, EViews program


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    In order to survive and develop, organizations need to create structures able to anticipate tendencies of economic and social evolution. Therefore, the strategic planning of the organization, the human resources included, represents the most important managerial activity of long run effects. Sadly, the Covid-19 pandemic changed and continues to change the human resources organization. Thus, the organization itself has to assess permanently. The organization needs to assess its own structure, the efficiency of the information and resources, the ability of the organization’s adjustment to the external conditions. The organization has to assess the personnel’s abilities to make use of the new technologies, the capacity of investing in improving and re-training the personnel etc


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    In order to survive and develop, organizations need to create structures able to anticipate tendencies of economic and social evolution. Therefore, the strategic planning of the organization, the human resources included, represents the most important managerial activity of long run effects. Sadly, the Covid-19 pandemic changed and continues to change the human resources organization. Thus, the organization itself has to assess permanently. The organization needs to assess its own structure, the efficiency of the information and resources, the ability of the organization’s adjustment to the external conditions. The organization has to assess the personnel’s abilities to make use of the new technologies, the capacity of investing in improving and retraining the personnel etc


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    A quarter of a million Romanians receive the guaranteed minimum income, that is to say, the state's social support to those who do not have enough income to live in. More specifically, according to May (latest available) data from the Ministry of Labor, 248,987 Romanian citizens received social assistance. Compared to the total number of inhabitants in the records of the Ministry of Labor, it results that 1.17% of the entire population receives this guaranteed minimum income. In May, for which we have the most recent official data available, the average guaranteed minimum income paid to beneficiaries was 281 lei. The government paid 70 million lei for this aid in that mont


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    According to the definition of the National Institute of Statistics, the relative poverty rate represents the proportion of the poor (according to the relative estimation method) in the total population. It is considered poor people in households with an adult-equivalent income (including or exclusive of own resource consumption) lower than the poverty threshold. This indicator is currently determined for the 60% threshold of the median of adultequivalent income. The indicator is sometimes referred to as "the risk of poverty". To analyze the dynamics of the relative poverty rate for the period considered, we used the statistical indicators of the chronological series, respectively the absolute, relative and average indicators


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    Media, along with median and mode, is the system of central trend indicators. They are usually placed in the central area of the moderately asymmetric one-dimensional distributions, which gives them a high degree of significance, representativeness, with a special importance in the practice of statistical analysis. The main types of medium are: artistic, harmonic, square, geometric and chronological. Each of these environments has two variants: simple and weighted. Position indicators that characterize a series of one-dimensional distribution (the most common in economic statistics) are: - median; - module. With respect to the series after the value of the receipts, following the application of the algorithm, the semidoms of the frequencies is 40and therefore the median interval will be [258, 263). The modal interval is the interval that corresponds to the highest frequency as the value and therefore for the series after the amount of the proceeds earned, it will be [258, 263]