2 research outputs found

    Correlaci贸n entre renograma est谩ndar e histolog铆a para diagn贸stico etiol贸gico de disfunci贸n del injerto en pacientes trasplantados renales en el Hospital San Vicente Fundaci贸n en Medell铆n, Colombia, periodo enero/2009-diciembre/2013: serie de casos

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    Objective: Find the correlation between renal biopsy and renogram for evaluation of complications of renal transplantation.Methods: Correlation study, descriptive and retrospective records of patients who attended the kidney transplant service at the University Hospital Foundation San Vicente diagnosed with graft dysfunction in the period between January 2009 and December 2013.Criteria were reviewed inclusion in the study: Renal biopsy and standard MAG3 or DTPA renogram also demographic variables.Results: 33 medical records, only 18 eligible patients with the inclusion criteria were reviewed. We documented rejection in 7 patients with renal biopsies and 3 scans. In 11 patients without rejection was found by biopsy, scintigraphy ruled it in 6 of them. This translates into 42 % sensitivity (CI 0-86) and 45 % specificity (20-88), with a PPV of 33 % (CI 0-77) and NPV of 44% (CI 24-95).Conclusion: Our results differ from previous studies because renogram performance in our sample was poor for both rejection to acute tubular necrosis. Several independent factors could be related to our results.Objetivo: Encontrar la correlaci贸n entre la biopsia renal y el renograma, para evaluaci贸n de complicaciones del trasplante renal.M茅todos: Estudio de correlaci贸n, descriptivo y retrospectivo, se revisaron los registros de pacientes que asistieron al servicio de trasplante renal del Hospital Universitario de San Vicente Fundaci贸n con diagn贸stico de disfunci贸n del injerto en el periodo comprendido entre enero de 2009 y diciembre de 2013.Criterio de inclusi贸n al estudio: La biopsia renal y renograma est谩ndar con MAG3 o DTPA, adem谩s de variables demogr谩ficas.Resultados: Despu茅s de revisar 33 historias cl铆nicas fueron elegibles solo 18 pacientes seg煤n criterios de inclusi贸n, y se document贸 rechazo en 7 pacientes por biopsia renal y 3 por gammagraf铆a. De 11 pacientes que no se presentaron rechazo por biopsia, en 6 de ellos la ocurrencia del evento fue descartada por la gammagraf铆a. Esto revel贸 42 % de sensibilidad (IC 0-86) y 45 % de especificidad (20-88), con un VPP de 33 % (IC 0-77) y VPN de 44 % (IC 24-95).Conclusi贸n: Los anteriores resultados discreparon de estudios previos, ya que el rendimiento del renograma en esta muestra fue pobre tanto para rechazo como para necrosis tubular aguda, situaci贸n que podr铆a estar relacionada con diversos factores independientes de la misma investigaci贸n

    Associated urological malformations and development of chronic kidney disease in pediatric patients with urinary tract infection at San Vicente de Pa煤l Hospital (Medell铆n, Colombia) between 1960 and 2010 = Malformaciones urol贸gicas asociadas y desarrollo de enfermedad renal cr贸nica en pacientes pedi谩tricos con diagn贸stico de infecci贸n urinaria que consultaron al Hospital Universitario San Vicente de Pa煤l (Medell铆n, Colombia) entre los a帽os 1960-2010

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    Introduction: Urinary tract infection (UTI) is a major cause of bacterial disease in the pediatric population. Associated factors such as vesicoureteral reflux (VUR), posterior urethral valves, neurogenic bladder and other anatomical malformations increase the likelihood of developing renal scarring and dysplasia/hypoplasia, which at the same time increase in the long term the risk of hypertension (HT), proteinuria and chronic kidney disease (CKD). Objective: To describe the malformations associated with the frequency of UTI and development of CKD in pediatric patients who consulted San Vicente de Pa煤l Hospital, in Medellin, Colombia, between 1960 and 2010. Methods: A descriptive, retrospective study in which the clinical records of 4.476 patients with UTI were evaluated. Results: Patients with urinary tract anomalies corresponded to 78.3% of the total (predominance of women: 52.8%). Primary VUR was found in 29.9%; out of these, 5.1% progressed to CKD. Neurogenic bladder was diagnosed in 8.6%, of which 70.8% were secondary to myelomeningocele and 4.9% developed CKD. The posterior urethral valves were present in 3.5% of the total sample, of which 28.5% developed CKD. Conclusion: UTI in the pediatric population is a marker of urinary tract malformation and the prognosis is determined by the presence of VUR, obstructive anomalies and/or renal dysplasia favoring renal scarring, and increasing the risk of hypertension, proteinuria and CKD. An appropriate diagnostic approach would be the basis to implement management strategies to prevent deterioration of renal function