141 research outputs found

    Neuromuscular fatigue and endocrine responses in elite Australian Rules football players

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    The first purpose of this research was to establish the reliability of numerous measures obtained from a single and short duration repeated countermovement jump (CMJ) utilising a portable forceplate (Experimental Studies 1 and 2). Secondly, the response of reliable CMJ variables and T, C and T:C to a single elite level ARF match was assessed to identify the pattern of response and highlight those measures with the greatest potential for usefulness as monitoring tools across longer periods (Experimental Study 3). Finally, those variables identified as most valuable in Experimental Study 3 in addition to T, C and T:C; were measured throughout a season of elite ARF competition in order to examine the manner of their response and assess the magnitude of change in these variables in relation to performance and training and competition loads (Experimental Study 4)

    Unilateral and bilateral lower-body resistance training does not transfer equally to sprint and change of direction performance

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    Given maximal strength can be developed using bilateral or unilateral resistance training, the purpose of this study was to determine the magnitude of transfer of unilateral or bilateral resistance training to sprint and change of direction (COD) performance. Thirty-three trained participants (average training age = 5.4 ± 2.9 years and 1 repetition maximum [1RM] 90° squat = 177.6 ± 26.7 kg) completed either a bilateral group (BIL, n = 13), unilateral (UNI, n = 10), or comparison (COM, n = 10) 18-week randomized controlled training design. Training involved 2 lower-body, volume-load-matched resistance sessions per week (6-8 sets × 4-8 reps at 45-88% 1RM), differing only in the prescription of a bilateral (squat) or unilateral (step-up) resistance exercise. Strength was assessed through 1RM squat and step-up, in addition to 20-m sprint and a customized 50° COD test. The effect size statistic ± 90% confidence limit (ES ± CL) was calculated to examine the magnitude of difference within and between groups at each time point. BIL and UNI groups improved their trained and nontrained strength exercise with an unclear difference in adaptation of squat strength (ES = -0.34 + 0.55). Both groups improved 20-m sprint (ES: BIL = -0.38 ± 0.49 and UNI = -0.31 ± 0.31); however, the difference between the groups was unclear (ES = 0.07 ± 0.58). Although both groups had meaningful improvements in COD performance, bilateral resistance training had a greater transfer to COD performance than unilateral resistance training (between-groups ES = 0.59 ± 0.64). Both bilateral and unilateral training improved maximal lower-body strength and sprint acceleration. However, the BIL group demonstrated superior improvements in COD performance. This finding potentially highlights the importance of targeting the underlying physiological stimulus that drives adaptation and not exercise selection based on movement specificity of the target performance

    Specificity and transfer of lower-body strength: influence of bilateral or unilateral lower-body resistance training

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    Appleby, BB, Cormack, SJ, and Newton, RU. Specificity and transfer of lower-body strength: Influence of bilateral or unilateral lower-body resistance training. J Strength Cond Res 33(2): 318-326, 2019-To examine the development of lower-body strength using either bilateral or unilateral resistance training. Developmental rugby players (n = 33; mean training age = 5.4 ± 2.9 years; 1 repetition maximum [1RM] 90° squat = 178 ± 27 kg) completed an 18-week randomized controlled training design (bilateral group [BIL], n = 13; unilateral group [UNI], n = 10; comparison, n = 10). The 8-week training phase involved 2 lower-body, volume-load matched resistance sessions per week (6-8 sets × 4-8 reps at 45-88% 1RM), differing only in the prescription of a bilateral (back squat) or unilateral (step-up) resistance exercise. Maximum strength was assessed by a randomized order of 1RM back squat and step-up testing and analyzed for within- and between-group differences using effect sizes (ES ± 90% confidence limits [CL]). Both training groups showed practically important improvements in their trained exercise (ES ± 90% CL: BIL = 0.67 ± 0.48; UNI = 0.74 ± 0.38) with transfer to their nontrained resistance exercise (BIL step-up = 0.27 ± 0.39: UNI squat = 0.42 ± 0.39). The difference between groups in adaptation of squat strength was unclear (BIL ES = -0.34 ± 0.55), while the UNI group showed an advantage in step-up training (ES = 0.41 ± 0.36). The results demonstrate that practically important increases in lower-body strength can be achieved using bilateral or unilateral resistance training and development of that strength may be expressed in the movement not trained, supporting the transfer of strength training between exercises of similar joint movements and muscles. Coaches may choose to incorporate unilateral strength training where the prescription of bilateral training may be inhibited

    Kinetics and kinematics of the squat and step-up in well-trained rugby players

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    The purpose of this study was to compare and contrast the kinetics and kinematics of squat and step-up performance in well-trained athletes. Triaxial ground reaction force (GRF) and 3D kinematic data were collected in 4 maximal effort repetitions each at 70, 80, and 90% of 1 repetition maximum (1RM) of squat and step-up. The difference in concentric phase kinetics and kinematics between the squat and step-up was compared using effect sizes (ES ± 90% confidence limits [CLs]) classified as: less than 0.2 as trivial; 0.2-0.6 as small; 0.6-1.2 as moderate; and 1.2-2.0 as large. Where the 90% CL crossed negative and positive 0.2 values, the effect was considered unclear.n Ground reaction force was higher for the step-up than squat at all relative intensities per leg (peak GRF ES: 2.56 ± 0.19 to 2.70 ± 0.37; average GRF ES: 1.45 ± 0.27 to 1.48 ± 0.29). Per leg, the difference in concentric impulse favored the step-up compared with squat at 70% 1RM (ES = 0.71 ± 0.40) and 80% 1RM (ES = 0.30 ± 0.41) but was unclear at 90% 1RM (ES = -0.25 ± 0.47). The squat peak velocity was greater compared with step-up at all intensities (ES = -1.74 ± 0.48 to -1.33 ± 0.48). Despite a lower external load and a single base of support, per leg, the step-up produced comparable GRF because the squat suggesting overload provided by the step-up is sufficient for maximal strength development. Future research may investigate the efficacy of the step-up in a training intervention for the development of lower-body strength

    Reliability of squat kinetics in well-trained rugby players: Implications for monitoring training

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    The aim of this study was to determine the within-session reliability in kinetic variables of the squat in well-trained athletes during a typical resistance training protocol. Fifteen subjects completed 2 testing sessions. Session 1 was establishment of 1 repetition maximum (1RM) squat, and session 2 involved 2 sets of 2 maximal effort repetitions of the squat at 70, 80, and 90% of 1RM with 3D motion analysis and ground reaction force (GRF) measurement using 2 in-ground triaxial force plates. Reliability was calculated using typical error ± 90% confidence limits, expressed as the coefficient of variation and intraclass correlation coefficient. The smallest worthwhile change (SWC%), calculated as 0.2 × between-subject SD, was used to determine the smallest important change in performance. Peak GRF and average GRF were found to have acceptable measures of reliability with the combined left and right leg average GRF capable of detecting the SWC. Independent limb contributions were reliable (left and right, or dominant and nondominant). Reliable kinetics can be obtained in back squat performance typical of a resistance training session in well-trained athletes. This suggests that coaches integrating force plate technology within training sessions may effectively capture between 1 and 6 training sets among several athletes, facilitating analysis and intervention on larger data sets

    The influence of different length between match microcycles on neuromuscular, hormonal and perceptual responses in professional rugby league players

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    Optimal recovery between matches is critically important in team sports. Indeed, altered neuromuscular performance, hormone levels and increased fatigue can manifest in under recovered team sport athletes. However, the recovery patterns in these variables in the days following professional rugby league matches is unknown. The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of different between-match training periods on neuromuscular, hormonal and perceptual measures in professional rugby league players. Following familiarization, 12 professional rugby league players from the same team were assessed for changes in countermovement jump (CMJ) (force, power, flight time), perceptual responses (fatigue, well being and muscle soreness) and salivary hormone (testosterone (T) and cortisol (C)) levels during 5, 7 and 9 day periods between matches. Measures were taken 4h prior to the initial match, and then 1, 2, 4, 6*, 7*, 8* and 9* days following (*depending on group). All training was prescribed by the coaches and monitored using the session-RPE method. Lower daily training load was completed on the 5-day compared with the 7 and 9-day conditions (p\u3c0.05). Some CMJ variables (flight time and flight time:contraction time), perception of fatigue, well-being and muscle soreness were reduced in the 2 days following the match in each condition (p\u3c0.05). All CMJ variables returned to near baseline values following 4 days in each condition. Both CMJ maximum and relative power were lower in the 7 day condition when compared with the 9 day condition (p\u3c0.05). Fatigue levels were reduced at 48 h in the 7 and 9-day groups (p\u3c0.05) but had returned to baseline in the 5-day group. All perceptual measures returned to baseline levels prior to the following match in each condition and followed changes in training load. Salivary T and C did not change in response to the match. These results show that neuromuscular performance and perception of fatigue are reduced for at least 48 h following a rugby league match but these can be fully recovered within 4 days. CMJ variables involving flight time appear to be best for assessing acute fatigue caused by a match, and variables involving power may be useful in assessing accumulated fatigue. The perceptual measures were sensitive to both acute fatigue and accumulated fatigue. The salivary hormone analyses were of limited value for assessing recovery. These findings show that with correct training, it is possible to recover neuromuscular, perceptual and endocrine measures within 4 days after a rugby league match

    Modeling the Risk of Team Sport Injuries: A Narrative Review of Different Statistical Approaches

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    Injuries are a common occurrence in team sports and can have significant financial, physical and psychological consequences for athletes and their sporting organizations. As such, an abundance of research has attempted to identify factors associated with the risk of injury, which is important when developing injury prevention and risk mitigation strategies. There are a number of methods that can be used to identify injury risk factors. However, difficulty in understanding the nuances between different statistical approaches can lead to incorrect inferences and decisions being made from data. Accordingly, this narrative review aims to (1) outline commonly implemented methods for determining injury risk, (2) highlight the differences between association and prediction as it relates to injury and (3) describe advances in statistical modeling and the current evidence relating to predicting injuries in sport. Based on the points that are discussed throughout this narrative review, both researchers and practitioners alike need to carefully consider the different types of variables that are examined in relation to injury risk and how the analyses pertaining to these different variables are interpreted. There are a number of other important considerations when modeling the risk of injury, such as the method of data transformation, model validation and performance assessment. With these technical considerations in mind, researchers and practitioners should consider shifting their perspective of injury etiology from one of reductionism to one of complexity. Concurrently, research implementing reductionist approaches should be used to inform and implement complex approaches to identifying injury risk. However, the ability to capture large injury numbers is a current limitation of sports injury research and there has been a call to make data available to researchers, so that analyses and results can be replicated and verified. Collaborative efforts such as this will help prevent incorrect inferences being made from spurious data and will assist in developing interventions that are underpinned by sound scientific rationale. Such efforts will be a step in the right direction of improving the ability to identify injury risk, which in turn will help improve risk mitigation and ultimately the prevention of injuries

    Do physical capacity and interchange rest periods influence match exercise-intensity profile in Australian football?

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine if Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery level 2 (Yo-Yo IR2) and the number of interchange rotations affected the match activity profile of elite Australian footballers. Method: Fifteen elite Australian footballers completed the Yo-Yo IR2 before the beginning of the season and played across 22 matches in which match activity profiles were measured via microtechnology devices containing a global positioning system (GPS) and accelerometer. An interchange rotation was counted when a player left the field and was replaced with another player. Yo-Yo IR2 results were further split into high and low groups. Results: Players match speed decreased from 1st to 4th quarter, while average-speed (m/min: P = .05) and low-speed activity (LSA, 15 km/h) per minute (HSR m/min) and accelerometer load/min throughout the entire match. The number of interchanges significantly influenced the HSR m/min and m/min throughout the match except in the 2nd quarter. Furthermore, the low Yo-Yo IR2 group had significantly less LSA m/min in the 4th quarter than the high Yo-Yo IR2 group (92.2 vs 96.7 m/ min, P = .06). Conclusions: Both the Yo-Yo IR2 and number of interchanges contribute to m/min and HSR m/min produced by elite Australian footballers, affecting their match activity. However, while it appears that improved Yo-Yo IR2 performance prevents reductions in LSA m/min during a match, higher-speed activities (HSR m/min) and overall physical activity (m/min and load/min) are still reduced in the 4th quarter compared with the 1st quarter. © 2013 Human Kinetics, Inc

    Continuous macroscopic limit of a discrete stochastic model for interaction of living cells

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    In the development of multiscale biological models it is crucial to establish a connection between discrete microscopic or mesoscopic stochastic models and macroscopic continuous descriptions based on cellular density. In this paper a continuous limit of a two-dimensional Cellular Potts Model (CPM) with excluded volume is derived, describing cells moving in a medium and reacting to each other through both direct contact and long range chemotaxis. The continuous macroscopic model is obtained as a Fokker-Planck equation describing evolution of the cell probability density function. All coefficients of the general macroscopic model are derived from parameters of the CPM and a very good agreement is demonstrated between CPM Monte Carlo simulations and numerical solution of the macroscopic model. It is also shown that in the absence of contact cell-cell interactions, the obtained model reduces to the classical macroscopic Keller-Segel model. General multiscale approach is demonstrated by simulating spongy bone formation from loosely packed mesenchyme via the intramembranous route suggesting that self-organizing physical mechanisms can account for this developmental process.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Sleep regularity and predictors of sleep efficiency and sleep duration in elite team sport athletes

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    Background Many elite athletes have suboptimal sleep duration and efficiency, potentially due to factors that may impact sleep onset and offset times. Variability in sleep onset and offset may negatively influence sleep. The sleep regularity index (SRI) is a novel metric for sleep regularity, however there are no published descriptions of SRI in elite athletes. Further, contributors to sleep efficiency and duration in elite athletes using objective measures have not been explored. Methods Sleep was monitored over a minimum of seven consecutive days (7 to 43)—in 203 elite team sport athletes (age range = 19–36 years; female, n = 79; male, n = 124, total sleep nights = 1975) using activity monitoring and sleep diaries. The sleep regularity index (SRI) was calculated to reflect the night-to-night shifts in sleep by accounting for changes in sleep onset and sleep offset. Sleep characteristics were compared between regular and irregular sleepers and important contributors to sleep efficiency and total sleep time were assessed using multiple linear regression models. Results The median sleep regularity index and interquartile range were 85.1 (81.4 to 88.8). When compared to irregular sleepers, regular sleepers demonstrated (1) significantly greater sleep efficiency (p = 0.006; 0.31 medium effect size [ES]), (2) significantly less variability in total sleep time (− p ≤ 0.001; − 0.69, large ES) and sleep efficiency (− 0.34, small ES), (3) similar total sleep time and (4) significantly less variation in sleep onset (p ≤ 0.001; − 0.73, large ES) and offset (p ≤ 0.001; − 0.74, large ES) times. Sleep characteristics explained 73% and 22% of the variance in total sleep time and sleep efficiency, respectively. The most important contributor to total sleep time was a later sleep offset time, while the most important contributors to sleep efficiency were an earlier bedtime and less variable sleep onset times. Conclusions Bedtime and a consistent sleep onset time are important factors associated with sleep efficiency in athletes, while sleep offset is an important factor for total sleep time. Coaches and staff can assist their athletes by providing training schedules that allow for both regularity and sufficiency of time in bed where possible
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