3 research outputs found

    Third Meeting

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    A transcription of the third meeting was published in the Review and Herald, June 7, 1946, page 35. Duration: 1:18:59 (0:0) Recording begins after the welcome and hymn as L. H. Christian announces the Nominating Committee. (00:18) W. G. Turner presents the Nominating Committee and N. C. Wilson (00:55) N. C. Wilson, Secretary, presents the Nominating Committee recommendation for President of the General Conference (01:20) L. H. Christian calls the question and speaks (02:10) Elder McElhany is elected President (7:07) N. C. Wilson prays (11:17) L. H. Christian asks for speakers (11:43) Elder McElhany speaks (16:35) L. H. Christian transitions and introduces M. E. Olsen’s report on the Home Study Institute. Northern European report. (17:26 -18:20 :) Silence. The HSI report was not successfully recorded. (18:21) A. W. Cormack introduces the Northern European report (21:03) G. A. Lindsay, President of East Nordic Union, reports on the work in his area (38:16) A. W. Cormack introduces H. W. Lowe (38:36) H. W. Lowe, President of the British Union speaks (43:03 – 43:19) Silence. Lowe continues until (58:17). (58:17 - 58:32) Silence (58:32) P. G. Nelson, President of the West Nordic Union speaks (1:18:05) A. W. Cormack speaks briefly (1:18:36) L. H. Christian concludes the meeting (1:18:59) Recording of Third Meeting ends abruptly (minutes indicate an unrecorded hymn and benediction

    An Evening with the Southern Asia Division

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    The transcript of this meeting was published in the Review and Herald, June 9, 1946, page 57. Duration: 1:15:03 (0:0) A. L. Ham speaks. Recording begins mid-sentence. (02:17) Pastor Munshi Ram Justin, superintendent of the East and West Punjab Mission, introduces E. W. Pohlman (3:02) E. W. Pohlman plays the marimba (6:04) A. L. Ham speaks about Burma and introduces Pastor A. F. Tarr (7:47) A. F. Tarr discusses the war destruction in Burma and the workers there (24:26) A. L. Ham discusses a letter from Brother Sargent (26:47) E. D. Dick introduces Pastor L. G. Mookerjee from Bengal, India (28:09) L. G. Mookerjee discusses the Adventist people in India (35:53-36:14) Silence (40:57) Mookerjee sings accompanied by piano (43:05) A. L. Ham introduces Mrs. Johanson, wife of the departmental secretary of the South India Union Mission (43:30) Mrs. Johanson plays Cavatina on her violin accompanied by organ [R&H transcript shows remarks by A.L. Ham and O. O. Mattison between the violin solo and Meleen’s remarks that are not recorded.] (48:26) Recording begins near the end of O. O. Mattison’s remarks (49:32) E. M. Meleen introduces Solomon Thomas (51:32) Solomon Thomas, superintendent of the North Tamil Mission talks about the work at the South India Union Mission (1:04:12) A. L. Ham tells a story and makes concluding remarks (1:06:01) Ham reads poem by I. H. Evans (1:08:39) A. W. Cormack introduces a double quartet of India missionaries singing “Speak, My Lord” (1:08:50) Quartet sings (1:12:56) T. J. Michael pray

    The Second Sabbath Afternoon Mission Symposium

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    The transcription of this meeting was published in the Review and Herald, June 27, 1946, page 251. Duration: 1:47:38 (0:0) Unknown person, possibly A. W. Cormack, introduces Mrs. O. E. Thompson (0:16) Mrs. Thompson plays the harp and sings (7:01) E. D. Dick does a roll call of all the various nations represented (14:25) W. P. Bradley introduces M. C. Warren of China (15:23) M. C. Warren discusses his experiences in China (25:57) J. I. Robison introduces Mrs. Herbert Hanson, housekeeper for Haile Selassie (26:46) Mrs. Herbert Hanson (36:32) T. J. Michael introduces J. M. Hnatyshyn (37:41) J. M. Hnatyshyn speaks about his time is Africa (48:20) E. D. Dick introduces special music (48:59) Group from Southern African Division singers introduce their song, the National Song of the Bantu People of Southern Africa (51:10) Group begins singing (53:34) E. D. Dick introduces Pastor G. D. King, president of the South England Conference, London, England (53:51) G. D. King speaks (1:07:41) H. T. Elliott says Dick missed a country during roll call: Texas. Crowd laughs. He introduces J. C. Culpepper, Publishing Department, Inter-American Conference (1:08:46) J. C. Culpepper speaks (1:21:33) E. E. Roenfelt introduces R. E. Hare, president of the Australasian Conference (1:22:14) R. E. Hare speaks (1:37:53) E. D. Dick introduces two more individuals who want to contribute to the World Mission Program (1:38:13) G. G. Ritter, president of the Sau Paulo Conference in Brazil says his conference will contribute 1000(1:40:04)J.R.Passos,oftheParana−Santo−CatarinaMissionofSouthBrazil,sayshisconferencewillcontribute1000 (1:40:04) J. R. Passos, of the Parana-Santo-Catarina Mission of South Brazil, says his conference will contribute 500 (1:42:35) E. D. Dick wraps up (1:43:00) W. H. Branson announces Hymn 182, “It Must be the Breaking of the Day