7 research outputs found

    Neologism: Easy Vocabulary Publishing

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    Abstract. Creating, documenting, publishing and maintaining an RDF Schema vocabulary is a complex, time-consuming task. This makes vocabulary maintainers reluctant to evolve their creations quickly in response to user feedback; it prevents use of RDF for casual, ad-hoc data publication about niche topics; it leads to poorly documented vocabularies, and contributes to poor compliance of vocabularies with bestpractice recommendations. Neologism is a web-based vocabulary editor and publishing system that dramatically reduces the time required to create, publish and modify vocabularies. By removing a lot of pain from this process, Neologism will contribute to a generally more interesting, relevant and standards-compliant Semantic Web.

    RDF and XML: Towards a unified query layer

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    lopes2010aInternational audienceOne of the requirements of current Semantic Web applications is to deal with heterogeneous data. The Resource Description Framework (RDF) is the W3C recommended standard for data representation, yet data represented and stored using the Extensible Markup Language (XML) is almost ubiquitous and remains the standard for data exchange. While RDF has a standard XML representation, XML Query languages are of limited use for transformations between natively stored RDF data and XML. Being able to work with both XML and RDF data using a common framework would be a great advantage and eliminate unnecessary intermediate steps that are currently used when handling both formats