118 research outputs found

    Wilson Loops, D-Branes, and Reparametrization Path-Integrals

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    We study path-integrals over reparametrizations of the world-sheet boundary. Such integrals arise when string propagates between fixed space-time contours. In gauge/string duality they are needed to describe gauge theory Wilson loops. We show that (1) in AdS/CFT, the integral is well defined and gives a finite 1-loop correction to the Wilson loop; (2) in critical string theory, the integral is UV divergent, and fixed contour amplitudes are off shell. In the second case, we show that the divergences can be removed by renormalizing the contour. We calculate the 2-loop contour beta-function and explain how it is related to the D0-brane effective action. We also apply this method to compute the first alpha' correction to the effective action of higher dimensional branes.Comment: 36p

    Baryon Spectra and AdS/CFT Correspondence

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    We provide a detailed map between wrapped D3-branes in Anti-de Sitter (AdS) backgrounds and dibaryon operators in the corresponding conformal field theory (CFT). The effective five dimensional action governing the dynamics of AdS space contains a U(1)RU(1)_R gauge field that mediates interactions between objects possessing R-charge. We show that the U(1)RU(1)_R charge of these wrapped D3-branes as measured by the gauge field matches the R-charge of the dibaryons expected from field theory considerations. We are able, through a careful probe brane calculation in an AdS5Ă—T1,1AdS_5\times T^{1,1} background, to understand the exact relation between the mass of the wrapped D3-brane and the dimension of the corresponding dibaryon. We also make some steps toward matching the counting of dibaryon operators in the CFT with the ground states of a supersymmetric quantum mechanical system whose target space is the moduli space of D-branes. Finally, we discuss BPS excitations of the D3-brane and compare them with higher dimension operators in the CFT.Comment: 24 pages, typos correcte

    Kappa-symmetric deformations of M5-brane dynamics

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    We calculate the first supersymmetric and kappa-symmetric derivative deformation of the M5-brane worldvolume theory in a flat eleven-dimensional background. By applying cohomological techniques we obtain a deformation of the standard constraint of the superembedding formalism. The first possible deformation of the constraint and hence the equations of motion arises at cubic order in fields and fourth order in a fundamental length scale ll. The deformation is unique up to this order. In particular this rules out any induced Einstein-Hilbert terms on the worldvolume. We explicitly calculate corrections to the equations of motion for the tensor gauge supermultiplet.Comment: 17 pages. Additional comments in section

    Solitons and giants in matrix models

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    We present a method for solving BPS equations obtained in the collective-field approach to matrix models. The method enables us to find BPS solutions and quantum excitations around these solutions in the one-matrix model, and in general for the Calogero model. These semiclassical solutions correspond to giant gravitons described by matrix models obtained in the framework of AdS/CFT correspondence. The two-field model, associated with two types of giant gravitons, is investigated. In this duality-based matrix model we find the finite form of the nn-soliton solution. The singular limit of this solution is examined and a realization of open-closed string duality is proposed.Comment: 17 pages, JHEP cls; v2: final version to appear in JHEP, 2 references added, physical motivation and interpretation clarifie

    Quantum geometry and gravitational entropy

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    Most quantum states have wavefunctions that are widely spread over the accessible Hilbert space and hence do not have a good description in terms of a single classical geometry. In order to understand when geometric descriptions are possible, we exploit the AdS/CFT correspondence in the half-BPS sector of asymptotically AdS_5 x S^5 universes. In this sector we devise a "coarse-grained metric operator" whose eigenstates are well described by a single spacetime topology and geometry. We show that such half-BPS universes have a non-vanishing entropy if and only if the metric is singular, and that the entropy arises from coarse-graining the geometry. Finally, we use our entropy formula to find the most entropic spacetimes with fixed asymptotic moments beyond the global charges.Comment: 29 pages, 2 figures; references adde

    Strings in flat space and pp waves from N=4{\cal N}=4 Super Yang Mills

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    We explain how the string spectrum in flat space and pp-waves arises from the large NN limit, at fixed gYM2g^2_{YM}, of U(N) N=4{\cal N} =4 super Yang Mills. We reproduce the spectrum by summing a subset of the planar Feynman diagrams. We give a heuristic argument for why we can neglect other diagrams. We also discuss some other aspects of pp-waves and we present a matrix model associated to the DLCQ description of the maximally supersymmetric eleven dimensional pp-waves.Comment: 36 pages, 5 figures. v3: minor typos corrected, references adde

    The Library of Babel: On the origin of gravitational thermodynamics

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    We show that heavy pure states of gravity can appear to be mixed states to almost all probes. For AdS_5 Schwarzschild black holes, our arguments are made using the field theory dual to string theory in such spacetimes. Our results follow from applying information theoretic notions to field theory operators capable of describing very heavy states in gravity. For half-BPS states of the theory which are incipient black holes, our account is exact: typical microstates are described in gravity by a spacetime ``foam'', the precise details of which are almost invisible to almost all probes. We show that universal low-energy effective description of a foam of given global charges is via certain singular spacetime geometries. When one of the specified charges is the number of D-branes, the effective singular geometry is the half-BPS ``superstar''. We propose this as the general mechanism by which the effective thermodynamic character of gravity emerges.Comment: LaTeX, 6 eps figures, uses young.sty and wick.sty; Version 2: typos corrected, minor rewordings and clarifications, references adde

    An orientifold of adS_5xT^11 with D7-branes, the associated alpha'^2- corrections and their role in the dual N=1 Sp(2N+2M)xSp(2N) gauge theory

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    We study the N=1 Sp(2N+2M)xSp(2N) gauge theory on a stack of N physical and M fractional D3-branes in the background of an orientifolded conifold. The gravity dual is a type IIB orientifold of adS_5xT^11 (with certain background fluxes turned on) containing an O7-plane and 8 D7-branes. In the conformal case (M=0), we argue that the alpha'^2-corrections localized on the 8 D7-branes and the O7-plane should give vanishing contributions to the supergravity equations of motion for the bulk fields. In the cascading case (M not equal to 0), we argue that the alpha'^2-terms give rise to corrections which in the dual Sp(2N+2M)xSp(2N) gauge theory can be interpreted as corrections to the anomalous dimensions of the matter fields.Comment: 28 pages, 3 figures, LaTeX; v2: references added; v3: minor change

    On the Holographic RG-flow and the Low-energy, Strong Coupling, Large N Limit

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    From the AdS/CFT correspondence, we learn that the classical evolution of supergravity in the bulk can be reduced to a RG-flow equation for the dual low-energy, strongly coupled and large N gauge theory on the boundary. This result has been used to obtain interesting relations between the various terms in the gravitational part of the boundary effective action, in particular the term that affect the cosmological constant. It is found that once the cosmological constant is cancelled in the UV theory, the RG-flow symmetry of the boundary effective action automatically implies the existence of zero cosmological constant solutions that extend all the way into the IR. Given the standard (and well founded) contradiction between the RG-flow idea and the observational evidence of a small cosmological constant, this is considered to be an important progress, albeit incomplete, towards the final solution. Motivated by this success, it would be interesting to see whether this RG-stability extends outside the scope of strong 't Hooft coupling and large N regime that are implicitly assumed in the de Boer-Verlinde-Verlinde Hamilton-Jacobi formulation of the holographic RG-flow equations of the boundary theory. In this paper, we address this question. Taking into account the leading order corrections in the 1/N and α′/R2\alpha'/{R^2} parameters, we derive new bulk/boundary relations, from which one can read all the local terms in the boundary effective action. Next, we use the resulting constraints, to examine whether the RG-stability of the cosmological constant extends to the new coupling regime. It would be also interesting to use these constraints to study the Randall-Sundrum scenario in this case.Comment: 27 pages, LateX, no figures, minor changes, typos corrected and added more reference
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