27 research outputs found

    Distribution of sequence features of regions and corresponding probes with low (<3 fold) and normal (15-29 fold) sequence coverage.

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    <p>A,B) Length of the regions/probes. C,D) Percentage of low complexity DNA inside the regions/probes. E,F) GC content of regions/probes. G) Hybridization temperature of the probes.</p

    Enrichment of target regions.

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    <p>All sequencing tags that map uniquely to the reference human genome are displayed in blue. The height of peaks corresponds to the number of tags mapping to the same location. Red circles represent genomic areas plotted on the array. The image was generated using Genome Graphs (<a href="http://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgGenome" target="_blank">http://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgGenome</a>).</p

    The overall DNA methylation level at single CpG resolution, and over genomic features.

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    <p>The probability density distribution and the box-plot of DNA methylation shows differences between the T21 twin and the normal twin at the level of A) single CpG sites, B) promoters, C) CpG islands, D) Exons, E) Introns, F) LADs, and G) iLADs. The red line in the probability plot shows the probability distribution of T21 twin methylome subtracted from the normal twin methylome (T21—N). While, the blue line shows the probability distribution of the normal twin methylome subtracted from T21 twin methylome (N—T21). DNA hyper-methylation in T21 twin (T21 > Normal) is observed at the level of CpGs, and all the genomic features, but the effect is more pronounced in promoters and CpG islands.</p