5 research outputs found

    Analyse de la dynamique de la végétation du Burkina Faso par utilisation de séries temporelles d’images FAPAR

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    La dynamique de la végétation des secteurs phytogéographiques est un paramètre clé pour la gestion durable des ressources végétales au Burkina Faso. Cette étude vise à mettre en évidence les changements affectant la productivité de la végétation au Burkina Faso sur la période 1999-2019. Les métriques de la phénologie de la végétation dont la valeur du maximum (Vmx) et la valeur moyenne (Vav) ont été extraites sur une série temporelle d’images FAPAR pour le calcul des variables statistiques. Les variables statistiques utilisées pour l’appréciation globale du changement de la production de la végétation sont le coefficient de variation, la pente des droites de tendance et l’anomalie standardisée (Z-score). Les résultats indiquent que de forts gains de la productivité de la végétation ont été observés dans le domaine sahélien et le secteur nord-soudanien. Cela est lié à l’expansion des zones de cultures et à une faible persistance des années de déficit de la production végétale sur la période de la nouvelle normale de précipitation (1991-2020). Cependant, le secteur sud-soudanien marqué par des formations ligneuses abondantes a enregistré de faibles gains de la production de la végétation. La cartographie utilisant les métriques du maximum et de la moyenne donne une tendance globale, mais ne fournit pas assez de détail sur le changement affectant les différentes bandes de végétation. Une combinaison des métriques phénologiques de la végétation au moyen de modèle construit sur la base de biomasse végétale collectée sur le terrain pourrait améliorer ces résultats de la cartographie de zones de changement des secteurs phytogéographiques

    Spatial dynamic of mobile dunes, soil crusting and Yobe’s bank retreat in the Niger’s Lake Chad basin part: Cases of Issari and Bagara

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    The process of desertification is accelerated in the northern part of Lake Chad basin since the early 1970. Those processes linked to the recurrent drought and a heavy human pressure induced a great environmental damages. So this study based on diachronic cartography (1957, 1975 and 2007) aimed to describe and quantify the degradation dynamics in the contrasting Niger’s Lake Chad basin part. Thus significant environmental changes have been observed in this area from 1957 to 2007. Indeed in the Manga, the natural commodities and fields were threatened by mobile dunes making blocking with sand: the mobile dunes spread from ~200 ha in 1975 to ~900 ha in 2007 while they had not watched in 1957. In the fluvio-deltaic area of Kadzell, the soil crusting and the Yobe River retreat remain the major damages. The crusting area has been multiplied by more than two while the lateral migration of the Yobe bank reached near of 3 m.yr-1. This study highlights the key role of man in the process of degradation related to climate parametersKey words: Lake Chad, degradation dynamics, soil crusting, dunes, human activities

    Relationships Between Rainfall And Vegetation Production During The Period 1999-2019 In Burkina Faso

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    Burkina Faso is a country of transition between the Saharan desert and rainforests. Over six hundred kilometres from the north-east to the south-west, there is a strong variation in rainfall with four plant areas and strong heterogeneities in human densities and activities. Since vegetation is largely dependent on precipitation, the objective of this study is to study the relationships between precipitation and vegetation in Burkina Faso. The methodology is based on spatio-temporal analysis of correlations between FAPAR (a vegetation index) and rainfall parameters (cumulated rainfall, annual number of rainy days). This study showed a strong and significant correlation between precipitation metrics and vegetation. It also revealed facial variations across the country. The correlations are more pronounced in regions with high population densities and natural formations consisting of steppe and savannah with a strong dominance of rainfed crops and annual herbaceous plants. Low correlations are observed in areas of high conservation areas and classified forests with higher abundance of woody and other multi-year species

    Abstracts of the 1st International Colloquium in Mine & Society

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    This book presents the abstracts of the selected contributions to the First International Colloquium on Mines and Society (CIMS) organized by The Higher Institute of Mining and Geology of Boke. The theme of this colloquium was "Mining and Sustainable Development, a major challenge for an Emerging Africa" which aims to bring together teachers, researchers, and Professionals from different backgrounds in order to exchange the results of their research work, share their points of view on the issue of mining and sustainable development. It also aims to define, in a collaborative and inclusive manner, research prospects or future projects between all the actors involved in this field. Colloquium Title: 1st International Colloquium in Mine & SocietyTheme: Mining and Sustainable Development, A Major Challenge for an Emerging AfricaColloquium Date: 20-22 May 2022Colloquium Location: A L’Hôtel Rio Nunez de BokeColloquium Organizer: The Higher Institute of Mining and Geology of Bok