3 research outputs found

    COVID-19 and its effects on the driving style of spanish drivers

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    Spain is one of the countries most affected by COVID-19. Until May 5, 2021 there have been 3.54 million people infected and 78,399 deaths according to the Johns Hopkins Institute. This has meant that Spain is one of the countries in the world where the most restrictive measures have been adopted and which have had a strong impact on the economic, social, and mental health of citizens. One of the consequences of this pandemic is a severe increase in the strain on the healthcare system. Many of those infected had to be admitted to hospitals and even to Intensive Care Units (ICU). In this scenario, it is essential to reduce traffic accidents in order to avoid overcrowded hospitals. However, the Spanish General Directorate of Traffic highlights in several traffic reports that despite the decrease in the volume and distance of trips, the number of traffic accidents has not altered significantly and even during some periods has been higher than before the pandemic. The aim of this work is to establish if there has been a change in the driving style of drivers during the pandemic and to identify the group of people adopting a more inefficient and unsafe driving style. To this end, a study was carried out with 30 volunteers and their current driving style was compared with their driving style before the pandemic. The results show that drivers have adopted a more aggressive driving style than before the pandemic, especially women and those who have suffered anxiety due to COVID-19.5311-8814-F0ED | Sara Maria da Cruz Maia de Oliveira PaivaN/

    Analysis of mobility changes caused by COVID-19 in a context of moderate restrictions using data collected by mobile devices

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    Since its inception, COVID-19 has changed several dynamics in society, both on a personal and professional level. Mobility was one of the most affected aspects, as a result of the necessary social distancing and preventive measures that had to be enacted by the various countries and which restricted, at various times, freedom of movement. The impact that COVID-19 had, and still has, on mobility is important to be understood so that the necessary measures can be taken in order to return to normality and, for example, not regress in the steps that were being taken in encouraging the use of public transport as a measure to combat the carbon footprint as well as traffic congestion in cities. This paper intends to analyze the reality of Spain and Portugal, in the period between May 10th and July 2nd, 2021, in which both countries had already finished restricting mobility measures. The study used data from Google Community Mobility Reports and was done by regions, taking into account the average age of inhabitants and the number of inhabitants in each region. The analysis focused on different categories of places such as retail and recreation, groceries and pharmacies, parks, transit stations, workplaces, and residential. One of the main conclusions of this study is the lower use of public transports for fear of a greater risk of infection. This could be a problem in the medium term if this trend continues. On the other hand, it is important to highlight a greater presence in parks after the end of the lockdown, which promotes healthy habits that combat problems such as overweight or obesity. COVID-19 can be seen as an opportunity to promote more active mobility through the creation of infrastructure, such as for bicycles.5311-8814-F0ED | Sara Maria da Cruz Maia de Oliveira PaivaN/

    Beside and behind the wheel : factors that influence driving stress and driving behavior

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    A large percentage of traffic accidents are due to human errors. Driving behavior and driving stress influence the probability of making these mistakes. Both are influenced by multiple factors, among which might be elements such as age, gender, sleeping hours, or working hours. The objective of this paper is to study, in a real scenario and without forcing the driver?s state, the relationship between driving behavior, driving stress, and these elements. Furthermore, we aim to provide guidelines to improve driving assistants. In this study, we used 1050 driving samples obtained from 35 volunteers. The driving samples correspond to regular commutes from home to the workplace. ANOVA and ANCOVA tests were carried out to check if there are significant differences in the four factors analyzed. Although the results show that driving behavior and driving stress are affected by gender, age, and sleeping hours, the most critical variable is working hours. Drivers with long working days suffer significantly more driving stress compared to other drivers, with the corresponding effect on their driving style. These drivers were the worst at maintaining the safety distance.5311-8814-F0ED | Sara Maria da Cruz Maia de Oliveira PaivaN/