18 research outputs found

    Reshaping the world financial system – an imperative of sustainable development

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    This paper presents the general and specific causes which led to the actual financial and economic crisis, the principal consequences of this crisis like some other theoretical considerations regarding the cyclical normal evolution of the economies and the major disequilibrium instauration between the market’s components which generates crisis. A critical analysis of the actual financial and monetary system emphasizes its pro-cyclic character. On the following pages, the weaknesses and vulnerabilities of the present system are put into light, starting with: lack of an international reserve currency to ensure stability and development, use of complex and opaque financial instruments, making decisions taking into account the rating agencies statistics which have serious problems especially in operating actions, unsecured procedures for the financial assets’ evaluation, existence of the so called “fiscal havens”, inefficiency of “the market’s invisible hand and aspects related to the current issues and sustainable development. Furthermore, the paper underlines the context of change and reform initiatives, governments’ concerns for re-building the financial and monetary actual system and, finally, action lines and intervention to change completely the system and introduce a new international reserve currency. The need of change, key word for the prevention of future crises and necessity in the context of sustainable development represents the basic conclusion of this work

    Neuroeconomics-interdisciplinary science of investigation of the human brain function and of the decisional behaviour of the humankind

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    Cet article aborde un domaine relativement nouveau: neuroéconomie.La littérature montre qu’il existe une science nouvelle qui combine les résultats de recherche sur les plans économique, psychologique et sur le plan du neurosciences.Dans le présent document nous aprecions que aussi d’autres sciences peut que contribuer à la fondation de cette nouvelle scienceLes recherches sur les réponses du cerveau aux différents stimuls, par exemple, les images publicitaires, utilisent des techniques spécialisées et des dispositifs tels que l’imagerie fonctionnelle, électroencéphalogramme, etc. On peut donc déterminer quelles zones du cerveau sont activées pendant que les décisions économiques sont prises, le type d’émotions qui sont générées et les facteurs qui déterminent ou les influencent. Cela pourrait également examiner la décision de neurones.Les résultats obtenus jusqu’à présent démontre le rôle important que les processus émotionnels ont dans la décision économique et financière plus que les décisions rationnelle


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    This paper presents the general and specific causes which led to the actual financial and economic crisis, the principal consequences of this crisis like some other theoretical considerations regarding the cyclical normal evolution of the economies and the major disequilibrium instauration between the market’s components which generates crisis. A critical analysis of the actual financial and monetary system emphasizes its pro-cyclic character. On the following pages, the weaknesses and vulnerabilities of the present system are put into light, starting with: lack of an international reserve currency to ensure stability and development, use of complex and opaque financial instruments, making decisions taking into account the rating agencies statistics which have serious problems especially in operating actions, unsecured procedures for the financial assets’ evaluation, existence of the so called “fiscal havens”, inefficiency of “the market’s invisible hand and aspects related to the current issues and sustainable development. Furthermore, the paper underlines the context of change and reform initiatives, governments’ concerns for re-building the financial and monetary actual system and, finally, action lines and intervention to change completely the system and introduce a new international reserve currency. The need of change, key word for the prevention of future crises and necessity in the context of sustainable development represents the basic conclusion of this work.financial and monetary system; international reserve currency; pro-cyclic phenomenon; sustainable development; the single currency

    Neuroeconomics – interdisciplinary science of investigation of the human brain function and of the decisional behaviour of the humankind

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    Cet article aborde un domaine relativement nouveau: neuroéconomie. La littérature montre qu’il existe une science nouvelle qui combine les résultats de recherche sur les plans économique, psychologique et sur le plan du neurosciences.Dans le présent document nous aprecions que aussi d’autres sciences peut que contribuer à la fondation de cette nouvelle science Les recherches sur les réponses du cerveau aux différents stimuls, par exemple, les images publicitaires, utilisent des techniques spécialisées et des dispositifs tels que l’imagerie fonctionnelle, électroencéphalogramme, etc. On peut donc déterminer quelles zones du cerveau sont activées pendant que les décisions économiques sont prises, le type d’émotions qui sont générées et les facteurs qui déterminent ou les influencent. Cela pourrait également examiner la décision de neurones.Les résultats obtenus jusqu’à présent démontre le rôle important que les processus émotionnels ont dans la décision économique et financière plus que les décisions rationnelle

    Decizia, factor determinant în procesele manageriale și în activitatea de cercetare

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    Prezenta lucrare abordează un segment al problematicii complexe cu privire la procesul de luare a deciziilor. Odată cu dezvoltarea tehnologiilor informațioanle s-au dezvoltat și implementat sistemele suport de decizie (DSS) care au devenit din ce în ce mai performante și au fost iplementate în cele mai variate domenii. În lucrarea de față sunt prezentate aspecte privind cercetarea științifică, decizia și clasificarea deciziilor, algoritmul de luare a deciziei, situația privind stadiul domeniului cu exemple de lucrări care atestă implementarea DSS în diferite sectoare de activitate. De asemenea, au fost abordate aspecte privind proiectarea, algoritmi și scheme bloc pentru derularea proiectării și luarea deciziilor în cazul unor situații complexe de proiectare care se desfășoară în cadrul SC Setko Impex și care necesită transfer tehnologic pentru asistarea deciziilor și, prin urmare, implementarea unui sistem DSS în cadrul companiei care are activitatea de bază, cercetarea științifică iar ca activitate secundară proiectarea, în principal, sisteme de asigurare a unor localități cu apă, canalizare, gaze etc

    European doctrine of mutual respect and cooperation

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    One can approximate the idea that political doctrines represent coherent sets of visions, principles and theses that enable the political organization and leadership of a country or groups of countries. In its content, a doctrine reflects a certain historical experience of humanity, based on observations and analyzes of previous doctrines and concrete results on society generated by previous doctrines. As many doctrines so far have contained within themselves the seeds of potential conflicts, the world has been concerned and is concerned with imagining and theorizing political doctrines that would ensure the development of society and the realization of relations between the members of society that would satisfy its general aspirations. At the same time, political doctrines must give society the general directions of action, the foundations of societal existence and economic and social performance. The doctrine presented in this work has a rational-empirical character. It constitutes a general solution to the disappointments and conflicts that the doctrines in the European societal space, until now, have generated. We have identified the idea that EDMRC can be a viable solution: cooperation and mutual respect in the European space, combined with Christian morality in a world where technological progress influences all areas of economic and social life. This doctrine can ensure, in the long term, both the harmonious development of society and the non-conflictual coexistence of different states

    Unele aspecte privind riscurile în gestiunea, transportul, manipularea depozitarea și utilizarea produselor farmaceutice

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    Prezenta lucrare abordează o problematică deosebit de importantă, aceea a riscurilor, în contextul în care lanțul de distribuție medicamente constituie o verigă însemnată a sistemului național de sănătate. Lanțul de distribuție medicamente este supus influențelor a numeroase riscuri care pot induce în sistem modificări sau care, în cazuri extreme, pot conduce la colapsarea unor entități (depozite, farmacii). De aceea identificarea și evaluarea riscurilor este obligatorie. Pe baza acestora se poate trece la realizarea unui plan de management al riscurilor care să permită diminuarea sau eliminarea acestora și reducerea influențelor negative asupra entităților implicate în lanțul de distribuire de medicamente. În lucrare, am propus un model funcțional, sub forma unei scheme bloc pentru sistemul de distribuire de medicamente. Lucrarea propune clasificarea riscurilor care se manifestă în cazul distribuirii de medicamente în cinci clase. În cadrul lucrării am identificat și descris principalele riscuri (43) care pot influența lanțul de distribuție, am descris 28 pe care le-am evaluat, pornind de la scale de evaluare propuse de autori. Pentru riscurile identificate am estimat probabilitatea de apariție și impactul și am elaborat graficele pentru fiecare clasă de riscuri prezentată și pe total riscuri. Lucrarea se constituie într-un îndrumar cadru, pentru practicieni, evaluarea specifică a unor entități urmând să se facă pentru fiecare situție concretă în parte

    Seawater electrolysis for hydrogen production

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    A perspective procedure for an environmentally-clean commercial production of hydrogen by seawater as an „in situ” utilisation of marine wave generated power is the seawater electrolysis. In this paper original studies in seawater, using the methods of steady-state polarisation curves and the impedance spectroscopy were made on Ni

    Hydrogen generation by electrolysis of seawater

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    The sea waves-generated power and its utilization in situ for the hydrogen generation by seawater electrolysis is a very interesting way. The seawater electrolysis is technically feasible and is a perspective procedure for an environmentally-clean commercial production of hydrogen and associate products The aim of this work is to examine the variation of the tension and energy consumption at electrolysis of natural seawater (Black Sea – Constanta, Romania) comparative with electrolysis of a solution of 15% NaOH, in the same condition

    The cathodic evolution of hydrogen on nickel in artificial seawater

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    The hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) on Ni electrode in artificial seawater was investigated by steady-state polarisation curves and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy methods at the room temperature and at high temperatures (30–60oC). The electrochemical kinetics parameters of the HER – Tafel slope, charge transfer coefficient and exchange current density – were evaluated in accordance with the potential scan direction and temperature. The Tafel slopes are significantly higher than 120 mV/decade and they increase with the increasing of the solution temperature. The charge transfer coefficient is lower than 0.5 and it decreases with temperature. The exchange current density has a magnitude order of 10-5 A·cm-2 and its value is increasing with increasing solution temperature. The activation energy of the HER has a moderate value, that slowly decreases with the cathodic polarisation increase. The HER is controlled by the charge transfer step and by the mass transfer of the intermediate reaction product Hads on the electrode surface