496 research outputs found

    Natural Disasters and Preferences for the Environment: Evidence from the Impressionable Years

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    Do generations affected by natural disasters during the critical years of adolescence and early adulthood form different preferences towards the environment than generations who are not? Consistent with the theories of social psychology, we show that an environmental shock experienced during the impressionable years (18-25 years old) help shape positive environmental preferences. Individuals tend not to change beliefs in response to natural disasters experienced in other age ranges. Using information from the General Social Survey and World Values Survey, we exploit yearly natural disasters variation both within the US and across countries to identify these effects

    Natural Disasters and Preferences for the Environment: Evidence from the Impressionable Years

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    Do generations a˙ected by natural disasters during the critical years of adolescence and early adulthood form di˙erent preferences towards the environment than generations who are not? Consistent with the theories of social psychology, we show that an environmental shock experienced during the impressionable years (18-25 years old) help shape positive environmental preferences. Individuals tend not to change beliefs in response to natural disasters experienced in other age ranges. Using information from the General Social Survey and World Values Survey, we exploit yearly natural disasters variation both within the US and across countries to identify these effects

    Vehicle Navigation Service Based on Real-Time Traffic Information

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    GNSS-assisted vehicle navigation services are nowadays very common in most of the developed countries. However, most of those services are either delivered through proprietary technologies, or fall short in flexibility because of the limited capability to couple road information with real-time traffic information. This paper presents the motivations and a brief summary of a vehicle navigation service based on real-time traffic information, delivered through an open protocol that is currently under standardization in the Open Mobile Alliance forum

    Review of connections for engineered bamboo structures

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    Bamboo is a green building material that is environmentally friendly and has great development value. However, the limited mechanical properties and heterogeneous dimensions of natural bamboo poles curb the application of bamboo in building structures. A transverse section of engineered bamboo is regular and compact, and its mechanical properties are stable, which can meet the requirements for physical and mechanical properties of materials in modern building structures. Though application of engineered bamboo has just started, it is of great significance to study the connection performance and corresponding influence factors for popularization and application of modern bamboo structures. This paper is focused on a review of research progress for connections in engineered bamboo structures. Firstly, a study on embedding strength and the performance of bolted joints is presented, including calculation methods described with a proposal for future development of standards suitable for the characteristics of engineered bamboo materials. Secondly, research on carpentry joints is introduced, namely tenon-mortise joints, nail joints and truss plate joints. Finally, some engineering examples are briefly introduced. This work can provide a reference for further research on connections in engineered bamboo structures

    Review on Connections for Original Bamboo Structures

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    Bamboo is a green construction material in line with sustainable development strategies. The use of raw bamboo in architecture has existed since ancient times. In the long development years of original bamboo buildings, many areas in the world gradually formed unique bamboo buildings, which have become an important local cultural feature. For building structures, joints are the key to ensure structural load transfer. Because of hollow and thin-walled material property of bamboo, the connection in raw bamboo buildings has always been a major difficulty and problem in the application of bamboo, which seriously hinders the development of original bamboo structures. In order to promote the use of raw bamboo, two traditional connection methods in raw bamboo structures are described in this paper firstly, with the advantages and disadvantages of the two methods pointed out. Also, research progress on four categories of raw bamboo building joints is described namely, bolt joints, steel member joints, filler reinforced joints and other types of joints. This work can provide a reference for future research and engineering applications

    R&D on control of vibrations under covicocepad during 2007-2008

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    This paper provides information on the latest R&D within COVICOCEPAD project approved in the framework of Eurocores program. It addresses the use of TLD, base isolation devices, MR dampers and a hybrid technique using both devices together. Some results are provided associated with calibration of a MR damper at FEUP, as well as its inclusion in a small scale laboratory set-up with proper equations of motion of the controlled smart structure. An application of semi-active control technique to a bridge is outlined. Further remarks and details on future tests to be performed in LNEC shaking table, within COVICOCEPAD project, are provided

    Properties and Applications of Bamboo Fiber-A Current-State-of-the Art

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    Fibers are used in many forms in engineering applications–one of the most common being used as reinforcement. Due to its renewable short natural growth cycle and abundance of bamboo resources, bamboo fiber has attracted attention over other natural fibers. Bamboo fiber has a complex natural structure but offers excellent mechanical properties, which are utilized in the textile, papermaking, construction, and composites industry. However, bamboo fibers can easily absorb moisture and are prone to corrosion limiting their use in engineering applications. Therefore, a better understanding of bamboo fiber is particularly important. This paper reviews all existing research on the mechanical characterization of bamboo fiber with an emphasis on the extraction and treatment techniques, and their effect on relevant properties. The chemical composition of bamboo fibers has also been thoroughly investigated and presented herein. Current applications and future opportunities for bamboo fibers in various fields have been presented with a focus on research needs. This work can serve as a reference for future research on bamboo fiber

    Adrenoreceptors and nitric oxide in the cardiovascular system

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    Nitric Oxide (NO) is a small molecule that continues to attract much attention from the scientific community. Since its discovery, it has been evident that NO has a crucial role in the modulation of vascular tone. Moreover, NO is involved in multiple signal transduction pathways thus contributing to the regulation of many cellular functions. NO effects can be either dependent or independent on cGMP, and rely also upon several mechanisms such as the amount of NO, the compartmentalization of the enzymes responsible for its biosynthesis (NOS), and the local redox conditions. Several evidences highlighted the correlation among adrenoreceptors activity, vascular redox status and NO bioavailability. It was suggested a possible crosstalk between NO and oxidative stress hallmarks in the endothelium function and adaptation, and in sympathetic vasoconstriction control. Adrenergic vasoconstriction is a balance between a direct vasoconstrictive effect on smooth muscle and an indirect vasorelaxant action caused by α2- and β-adrenergic endothelial receptor-triggered NO release. An increased oxidative stress and a reduction of NO bioavailability shifts this equilibrium causing the enhanced vascular adrenergic responsiveness observed in hypertension. The activity of NOS contributes to manage the adrenergic pathway, thus supporting the idea that the endothelium might control or facilitate β-adrenergic effects on the vessels and the polymorphic variants in β2-receptors and NOS isoforms could influence aging, some pathological conditions and individual responses to drugs. This seems to be dependent, almost in part, on differences in the control of vascular tone exerted by NO. Given its involvement in such important mechanisms, the NO pathway is implicated in aging process and in both cardiovascular and non-cardiovascular conditions. Thus, it is essential to pinpoint NO involvement in the regulation of vascular tone for the effective clinical/therapeutic management of cardiovascular diseases (CVD). © 2013 Conti, Russomanno, Corbi, Izzo, Vecchione and Filippelli

    Persistent itching associated to silodosin in an elderly patient: Implications for drug-drug interactions and pharmacogenetics

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    Itching is a complaint affecting especially the elderly, in whom comorbidities and polypharmacy increase the risk of adverse drug reactions. We reported the case of an 83-year-old man with a generalized itching lasting more than 3 years underwent to our attention during his enrollment in a clinical study at University Hospital of Salerno, Italy where he was planned for a thromboendoarteriectomy because of left internal carotid artery stenosis. His medical history included arterial hypertension, ischemic heart disease, chronic cerebrovasculopathy, dyslipidaemia and prostatic hyperplasia. His therapy was olmesartan medoxomil 10 mg/die, nebivolol 5 mg x 1/2/die, acetylsalicylic acid 100 mg/die, omeprazole 20 mg/die, atorvastatin 20 mg/die, supplements contain ing EPA and DHA, vitamins K2, B6, B12 and folic acid (vit B9) and silodosin 8 mg/die. The patient’s demographic clinic, laboratory data and a pharmacological anamnesis were collected. Screening of two ABCB1 polymorphisms associated to a decrease of P-glycoprotein (P-gp) activity was performed by realtime PCR. An iatrogenic cause of the itching was suspected and the Naranjo algorithm was applied, revealing possible association between such an adverse reaction and all used drugs. Because the patient reported the beginning of the itching in concomitance with the aspirin assumption, this agent was discontinued but without improvement. Then, because silodosin-atorvastatin interaction may increase the silodosin plasma concentration, this drug was switched to doxazosin and the itching disappeared. This clinical case stresses the potential misleading based on the patients’ beliefs and the importance to consider all the patients’ available information to ascertain the cause of adverse drug reactions
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