55 research outputs found

    Characterization of Large Microplastic Debris in Beach Sediments in the Po Delta Area

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    The use of single-use or disposable plastic objects has massively increased during the last few decades, and plastic has become the main type of litter found in marine environments. The Adriatic Sea is seriously prone to marine litter pollution, and it collects about one-third of all the freshwater flowing into the Mediterranean, mainly via the river Po. This study investigated the type and composition of large microplastic debris collected in different sites in the Po Delta area. Visual classification was performed by relevant criteria, while chemical composition was assessed by infrared spectroscopy. The main plastic fraction is composed of polyolefin (76%), followed by polystyrene (19%). This proportion roughly matches global plastic production, rescaled after excluding plastics with negative buoyancy: all the identified compounds have a specific gravity lower than that of the seawater. Fragments (irregularly shaped debris) represent the most abundant category fraction (85%), followed by pellets, which represent roughly 10% of the total. Overall, the results provided an insight into large microplastic pollution in beach sediments in the Po delta area

    Percezione dell\u2019offerta turistico-balneare in Italia: aspettative, soddisfazione e conoscenze degli aspetti fisico-gestionali delle spiagge

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    Nell’estate 2015 è stata eseguita un’indagine della percezione degli utenti delle spiagge italiane. L’indagine, svolta in 41 spiagge di 11 Regioni, ha comportato la raccolta di 5.168 questionari. Nello studio le spiagge sono state suddivise secondo alcune classificazioni proposte in letteratura (classificazione antropogenica, delle attività presenti, di forma, di grado di urbanizzazione, sedimentologica). La frequentazione maggiore è stata riscontrata in spiagge urbane, a carattere ricreativo, lineari e sabbiose, ma sono risultate significative anche le presenze nelle spiagge rurali, di villaggio e resort. Il turismo prevalente è di tipo familiare, abituale e che soggiorna nelle località per periodi lunghi. La maggioranza degli utenti non è residente nel comune in cui trascorre le vacanze, ma sceglie la località turistica per il mare, la spiaggia e per la sua vicinanza. Gli elementi che qualificano una spiaggia sono principalmente quattro: mare pulito, pulizia della spiaggia, buona qualità dei servizi e delle strutture balneari, panorama e paesaggio. Questi elementi, se correlati con la tipologia di spiaggia scelta dagli utenti, dimostrano che il mare pulito e la buona qualità dell’acqua si riscontrano in spiagge di villaggio, resort e pocket beach ricadenti fuori dai principali centri urbani costieri. Buona qualità della spiaggia, dei servizi e della sicurezza sono principalmente riscontrate in spiagge di villaggio e urbane, di forma lineare od a tratti lineari e a baia artificiale. Infine, il paesaggio migliore secondo gli utenti è quello che si gode in spiagge resort, a bassa densità di urbanizzazione (spiagge di villaggio e rurali). Inoltre dall’indagine emerge come non vi sia una conoscenza profonda della gestione delle spiagge e delle opere che si realizzano per la protezione degli arenili; ciò si riflette nella scarsa disponibilità a pagare del turista per preservare la spiaggia

    Data for the analysis of willingness to pay for Italian beaches

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    The data presented herein relates to the article entitled \u201cWillingness to pay for management and preservation of natural, semi-urban and urban beaches in Italy\u201d [1]. Data of several Italian beaches are collected considering shape, anthropogenic characteristics, use, activity and urbanization levels. Descriptive statistics of beach characteristics and beach users are presented, on the basis of about 5,000 interviews

    Chapter Distribuzione del marine litter nelle spiagge della Sardegna: il caso di Cala dei Ponzesi e di Cala Spalmatore nell’isola dell’Asinara

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    The study aims to analyze and quantify compositions of marine litter along 2 beaches of Asinara Island-Italy during 3 surveys (winter’17, spring-summer‘19). Method used was based on guidelines of UNEP, JRC and DEFISHGEAR project. Preliminary results show that 1917 items were collected at Cala dei Ponzesi, while 816 were identified in 2019 surveys. 289 items were collected in 2 2019 surveys at Cala Spalmatore. It appears that plastic is the most important category of litter and plastic fragments, lolly sticks, plastic caps/lids unidentified, string and cord (<1 cm) are the most frequent debri

    Linking scenery and users\u2019 perception analysis of Italian beaches (case studies in Veneto, Emilia-Romagna and Basilicata regions)

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    The main purpose of this paper is to provide a scenic assessment of Italian beaches considering both physical and social aspects useful for defining coastal management strategies. Scenic values were calculated for 25 sites along Italian coastline using of a Coastal Scenic Evaluation System (CSES), a fuzzy logic containing 26 physical/human factors. The sites were categorized into five classes from Class I (top grade scenery) to Class V (poor scenery). Furthermore, a survey through questionnaires on Users' Perception (UP) was performed to obtain social assessment of the beaches and to define the beachgoer's characteristics for each scenic class. Five parameters (beach cleanliness, sea-water, beach width, landscape and crowding) were also combined to obtain a scenic and social analysis of the beaches. Three beaches belonged to Class I, e.g. remote or resort areas with a low impact of human activities and high score of natural parameters. Two Class II beaches were located at remote or rural areas having sand beaches, turquoise water and vigorous vegetation together with a low impact of tourist developments. Classes III, IV and V presented a wide distribution and their lower scores were linked to a poor environmental setting. These beaches were generally located in urban localities. Three aspects that were considered by the beach's users as the most important were beach cleanliness, good sea water and high quality of the services. However, UP assessment showed negative judgments on sea-water and landscape especially for Class IV and V beaches. On the other hand, cleanliness, recreational activities and facilities were well-judged for the Class III, IV and V beaches mainly due to the presence of private beach establishments. Scenic and social analysis of the beaches indicated that beach width was the best parameter both for scenic and social assessment; while crowding factor was a contradictory parameter presenting opposite trends of CSES and UP. Beach cleanliness, sea-water and landscape were depended to scenic Class of the beaches, both for CSES and UP. The excellent scenic values were associated to the environmental settings whereas human parameters usually showed low scores especially for urban beaches due to marine litter and the presence of coastal defense structures like groins and breakwaters. Nevertheless, users frequented both beaches with high and low parameters, due to their habitually frequentation and proximity to the beach. Finally, the results indicate that management strategies are also needed to improve the scenic quality and users' judgement of some beach features

    Marine litter on Mediterranean shores: Analysis of composition, spatial distribution and sources in north-western Adriatic beaches

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    Marine litter is one descriptor in the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). This study provides the first account of an MSFD indicator (Trends in the amount of litter deposited on coastlines) for the north-western Adriatic. Five beaches were sampled in 2015. Plastic dominated in terms of abundance, followed by paper and other groups. The average density was 0.2litteritemsm(-2), but at one beach it raised to 0.57itemsm(-2). The major categories were cigarette butts, unrecognizable plastic pieces, bottle caps, and others. The majority of marine litter came from land-based sources: shoreline and recreational activities, smoke-related activities and dumping. Sea-based sources contributed for less. The abundance and distribution of litter seemed to be particularly influenced by beach users, reflecting inadequate disposal practices. The solution to these problems involves implementation and enforcement of local educational and management policies

    UAVs for Structure-From-Motion Coastal Monitoring: A Case Study to Assess the Evolution of Embryo Dunes over a Two-Year Time Frame in the Po River Delta, Italy

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    Coastal environments are usually characterized by a brittle balance, especially in terms of sediment transportation. The formation of dunes, as well as their sudden destruction as a result of violent storms, affects this balance in a significant way. Moreover, the growth of vegetation on the top of the dunes strongly influences the consequent growth of the dunes themselves. This work presents the results obtained through a long-term monitoring of a complex dune system by the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). Six different surveys were carried out between November 2015 and December 2017 in the littoral of Rosolina Mare (Italy). Aerial photogrammetric data were acquired during flight repetitions by using a DJI Phantom 3 Professional with the camera in a nadiral arrangement. The processing of the captured images consisted of the reconstruction of a three-dimensional model using the Structure-from-Motion (SfM). Each model was framed in the European Terrestrial Reference System (ETRS) using GNSS geodetic receivers in Network Real Time Kinematic (NRTK). Specific data management was necessary due to the vegetation by filtering the dense cloud. This task was performed by both performing a slope detection and a removal of the residual outliers. The final products of this approach were thus represented by Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) of the sandy coastal section. In addition, DEMs of Difference (DoD) were also computed for the purpose of monitoring over time and detecting variations. The accuracy assessment of the DEMs was carried out by an elevation comparison through especially GNSS-surveyed points. Relevant cross sections were also extracted and compared. The use of the Structure-from-Motion approach by UAVs finally proved to be both reliable and time-saving thanks to quicker in situ operations for the data acquisition and an accurate reconstruction of high-resolution elevation models. The low cost of the system and its flexibility represent additional strengths, making this technique highly competitive with traditional ones

    Human impacts on the evolution of Rosolina Mare (Northern Adriatic, Italy): first results

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