151 research outputs found


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    The influence of different feeding strategies on growth and incidence of winter disease syndrome in sea bream (Sparus aurata L.) was followed during winter–spring period. Fish were fed either extruded (48.9% protein, 14.2% lipid, group A) or compressed (53.5% protein, 10.3% lipid, group B) pellet from March to June. Two groups (A1 and B1) were deprived of food for two months (mid March to mid May) and thereafter refed until June. The weight gain of fish from groups A and A1 in June were 6% and 5%, respectively. For the group B the statistically insignificant (p<0.05) weight increase of 1% was recorded in June compared to the value of March. In the same period fish of group B1 exhibited significant (p<0.05) decrease in weight of 16.2%. The same group displayed the smallest condition index of 1.38 and hepatosomatic index of 1.28 after two months of starvation. The relative content of most amino acids in the whole body of fish from all groups showed only minor variations during the study. Decrease of the total amino acid content was recorded for fish of groups B and B1. Slight decrease in relative content of saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids was recorded for all groups in May compared to the values of March, whereas the content of polyunsaturates increased in all groups in the same period. Starvation did not influence the relative content of fatty acids in sea bream. Total mortality caused by »winter disease« syndrome for fish of groups A and B was 4.2% and 6.3%. Groups A1 and B1 exhibited mortality of 0.9% and 1.0%, respectively.Utjecaj različitih načina hranjenja i vrste hrane, te pojava sindroma »zimske bolesti« (winter disease) u podlanice (Sparus aurata L.) praćeni su u tijeku zimsko–proljetnog razdoblja. Riba je hranjena s ekstrudiranim peletom (48,9% proteini, 14,2% masti, grupa A) ili komprimiranim peletom (53,5% proteini, 10,3% masti, grupa B) od o‘ujka do lipnja. Dvije grupe (A1 i B1) bile su podvrgnute gladovanju u tijeku dva mjeseca (od sredine o‘ujka do sredine svibnja), a nakon tog razdoblja ponovno su hranjene do kraja pokusa. Dobitak na težini riba iz grupe A i A1 iznosio je 6%, odnosno 5%. Za grupu B utvrđen je statistički neznačajan (p<0,05) prirast od 1% u razdoblju od ožujka do lipnja. U istom periodu u riba iz grupe B1 zabilježen je znatan (p<0,05) pad te‘ine od 16,2%. Za istu je grupu utvrđen i najmanji indeks kondicije od 1,38 i hepatosomatski indeks od 1,28 na kraju dvomjesečnog gladovanja. Relativna količina većine aminokiselina određena u cijeloj ribi kod svih grupa pokazivala je zanemarive varijacije tijekom istraživanja. Pad ukupnog sadržaja aminokiselina zabilježen je u grupi B i B1. Manje smanjenje relativne količine zasićenih i mononezasićenih masnih kiselina utvrđeno je za sve grupe riba u svibnju u usporedbi s o‘ujkom, dok je u istom razdoblju izmjeren porast relativne količine polinezasićenih masnih kiselina. Gladovanje nije imalo utjecaja na promjene relativnog sastava masnih kiselina u podlanice tijekom studije. Ukupni mortalitet uzrokovan sindromom »zimske bolesti« u riba iz grupa A i B iznosio je 4,2%, odnosno 6,3%. Mortalitet riba u grupi A1 bio je 0,9%, a u grupi B1 1%

    Survey on welfare of dairy cow in tie-stalls in mountain area.

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    The aim of the survey was to study the effect of Alpine pasture and breed on welfare of dairy cattle bred in tie-stalls in mountain area of Friuli Venezia Giulia Region. Twenty-four representative farms were divided into 4 groups following a factorial design: 2 managements (with vs. without summer grazing) x 2 breeds (Italian Simmental vs. Italian Brown). Data were collected following a protocol that considers direct animals' measures or remarks, buildings and equipments information. The results showed that summer grazing affected some physical parameters - BCS, claw conformation and injuries - and some behaviour parameters such as rising movements. In this trial the breed did not seem to markedly influence cows' welfare, except for BCS and lie down time

    Comparison of AlphaLISA and RIA assays for measurement of wool cortisol concentrations

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    Radioimmunoassay (RIA) methods have always represented a technique of choice for the determination of steroids in biological samples. The Amplified Luminescent Proximity Homogenous Assay-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (AlphaLISA) is now emerging as the new-generation immunoassay technology that does not require washing/separation steps. The aim of this study was to adapt the Perkin-Elmer's AlphaLISA kit for wool cortisol and compare it with a RIA wool cortisol assay. Wool from lambs, 35 at birth (A0) and 54 at two months old (A2), was collected and each extract was evaluated for wool cortisol concentrations (HCC) both by RIA and AlphaLISA immunoassay. The two methods showed good precision, sensitivity and specificity for determining HCC. Both methods were able to detect significant differences between the high and the low HCC assessed in lambs at A0 and A2 (P < 0.01). The HCC assessed with RIA were significantly higher than those assessed with AlphaLISA (P < 0.01). Moreover, the correlation between HCC measured using the AlphaLISA and RIA methods was strong (r = 0.878). The regression analyses show a constant and not proportional error. This could be due to the diversity in the dosage steps and to the diversity of the molecules used in the two methods. Results support the validity of using AlphaLISA as an alternative method to RIA for the quantification of cortisol in sheep wool and considering the performances showed it has a great potential to be further applied as an excellent tool to evaluate HCC in samples derived from animal species

    Lactic acid bacteria: Variability due to different pork breeds, breeding systems and fermented sausage production technology

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    Changes in the ecology of the various lactic acid bacteria (LAB) species, which are involved in traditional fermented sausages, were investigated in the light of the use of different breeds of pork, each of which was raised in two different environments and processed using two different technologies. The semi-quantitative molecular method was applied in order to understand how the different species alternate over time, as well as their concentration ratios. A significant increase in LAB over the first days of fermentation characterized the trials where the starter culture wasn\u2019t added (T), reaching values of 107\u2013108 cfu g 121. On the other hand, in the trials in which sausages were produced with starter addition, LAB counts had a less significant incremental jump from about 106 cfu g 121 (concentration of the inoculum) to 108 cfu g 121. Lactobacillus sakei and Lb. curvatus were detected as the prevalent population in all the observed fermentations. Pediococcus pentosaceus, Lb. casei, Leuconostoc mesenteroides, Lactococcus garviae, and Lb. graminis also appeared, but their concentration ratios varied depending on the diverse experimental settings. The results of cluster analysis showed that a plant- and breed-specific LAB ecology exists. In addition, it was also observed that the breeding system can influence the presence of certain LAB species

    Consequential-based life cycle assessment of reducing the concentrates supply level in the diet fed to lactating cows in the alpine dairy farming system

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    This study aimed to assess the consequences of reducing the concentrates supply level (CSL) in the lactating cows’ diet on Alpine dairy system’s GHG emissions. Consequential-based Life Cycle Assessment (cLCA) was adopted to assess the consequences within the ‘dairy_system’ (farm plus milk processing) and outside (‘expanded_system’). The functional unit was 1 kg of protein and fat (ProtFat). Data (1-year average) originated from 40 dairy farms in the Alps, collected through farm questionnaires during farm visits. Emissions were evaluated without (GWP) and with land-based emissions (crop- (GWP_LULUC_cb) or global-based (GWP_LULUC_gb) method). The feed conversion ratio was computed in terms of potentially human-edible gross energy (HeECR, MJ feed/MJ milk). Three scenarios were explored: 100% (t0), 75% (t175), and 50% (t150) of the initial CSL. Impact values for both systems were analysed with a mixed model to test the effect of the scenarios. At ‘dairy_system’, 1 kg ProtFat caused 19.0 (GWP), 22.9 (GWP_LULUC_cb) and 23.4 kg CO2-eq (GWP_LULUC_gb) at t0 and HeECR resulted in 0.71 MJ feed/MJ milk. The CSL reduction from t0 to t175 and t150 significantly increased impact values (2–11%) and decreased HeECR (from −10 to −23%). Considering ‘expanded_system’, CSL reduction significantly increased GWP (4%) and GWP_LULUC_gb (3%) but decreased GWP_LULUC_cb (up to −4%). In conclusion, cLCA-based approach evidenced that CSL reductions implied diversified effects on GHG emissions, at Alpine dairy system and at food supply level, giving new insights into the challenge of reducing GHG emissions while favouring the decoupling of milk production from the use of human-edible resources.Highlights Consequential Life Cycle Assessment of reducing concentrates supply (CSL) to lactating cows on the GHG emission of Alpine dairy products was analysed GHGs per protein plus fat in the product increased with decreasing CSL (75% and 50% of initial CSL) but can decrease considering land-use change GHG Decoupling Alpine dairy production from concentrates could be environmentally challenging but feasible

    Effect of dietary nitrogen level and source on mRNA expression of urea transporters in the rumen epithelium of fattening bulls

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    This paper aims to study the effect of the dietary treatments on mRNA expression of urea transporter B (UT-B) and some aquaporins (AQP) in rumen epithelium of Italian Simmental young bulls. Eighty animals allocated to 16 pens were fed from about 500 to 650&nbsp;kg body weight with four experimental diets, which resulted from the combination of two crude protein levels (125 and 110&nbsp;g/kg dry matter, diets M and L, respectively) and two nitrogen sources (soybean meal (SBM) or SBM partly replaced by an isonitrogenous mixture of corn and urea; diets −U and +U, respectively). At slaughtering samples of blood and rumen epithelium were collected from six bulls for each diet. Blood samples were analysed for haematological parameters and quantitative PCR was carried out on the mRNA extracted from the rumen epithelium samples. The bulls fed diets M had lower plasma concentrations of aspartate aminotransferase than those receiving diets L (78.9 vs. 88.3&nbsp;U/l, p&nbsp;=&nbsp;0.04). Plasma urea was higher (p&nbsp;=&nbsp;0.03) for diets M and lower for diets +U (2.0 vs. 2.5 and 1.73 vs. 2.00&nbsp;mmol/l, respectively, in M and L diets, p&nbsp;=&nbsp;0.04). The effect of dietary treatments on rumen UT expression were limited to AQP3, which was down regulated (p&nbsp;=&nbsp;0.01) in diets +U. Finally, a high positive correlation (R2&nbsp;=&nbsp;0.871) between the expressions of AQP7 and AQP10 was found. In conclusion, the AQP3 appears very responsive to dietary treatments and therefore it is a candidate to be further studied in rumen metabolism experiments. The close relationship between mRNA expression of AQP7 and AQP10 indicates a similar function of these two proteins

    Variability in the characteristics of fresh meat and thighs in relationship to genetic type of the heavy pig

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    The variability in the characteristics of fresh meat and thighs in relationship with genetic type was studied on 22 lots of heavy pigs, comprising 615 female and castrated males, randomly chosen during slaughtering in groups of 20 to 30 animals per lot. Four different genetic types reared for the production of the San Daniele dry-cured ham PDO were considered: two traditionals (Large White or Duroc x (Landrace x Large White) and two industrial hybrids (GOLAND and DANBRED). Fresh meat samples from longissimus dorsi muscle were collected to perform chemical and physical analysis. The right trimmed thighs were used to evaluate some morphological parameters along with weight losses during seasoning. The genetic type confirmed its important influence on pig carcass, meat and ham quality. The two industrial types, DANBRED in particular, tended to present a lower back fat values and a leaner carcass than the two Italian genetic types. Within the most important characteristics for the production of dry cured hams (subcutaneous fat thickness and seasoning losses) the highest differences were found among the industrials genetic types, which cannot be simply considered as an undifferentiated homogenous group

    Postnatal and postweaning endocrine setting in dairy calves through hair cortisol, dehydroepiandrosterone and dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate

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    Importance of the work: The care of calves on dairy farms between birth and weaning can improve their long-term development and growth. In fact, a poor newborn health status and a high allostatic load may adversely affect development in dairy cows. To determine cortisol, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate (DHEA-S) individually is useful for an understanding of the individual state, being biomarkers of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis activity. Objectives: As a preliminary study, to investigate the hair concentrations of cortisol, DHEA, DHEA-S and their ratios in dairy calves in two key periods of their growth characterized by considerable environmental changes. Materials & Methods: Hair sampling was conducted on clinically healthy dairy calves during the postnatal period at age 64.8±0.65 d (POP; mean±standard error; n = 73) and during the postweaning period at age 155.3±0.85 d (PWP, n = 62). The hair hormone concentrations were measured using a radioimmunoassay. Results: Hair cortisol concentrations were higher in the POP than in the PWP. Furthermore, the cortisol:DHEA and cortisol:DHEA-S ratios were higher in the first period of evaluation, showing a higher animal allostatic load at birth. Main finding: Identification was achieved non-invasively of calves with a high allostatic load through biomarkers of HPA axis activity. The evaluation of this activity is very important given its influence on many biological processes, such as energy balance, development of the reproductive system and immune response

    Heat stress and feeding behaviour of dairy cows in late lactation

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    Heat stress is one of the most important problems that dairy cows have to face and the use of cooling systems is becoming more and more important. The first reaction that has the animal to cope with the environmental variations is to modify its behaviour. This study was aimed to investigate the effect of heat stress and a cooling system on the feeding behaviour of Italian Holstein Friesian dairy cows in late lactation. Two experiments were performed. In the first experiment, eight dairy cows were firstly kept 7 d under thermoneutral condition, and then under mild heat stress (temperature humidity index, THI, ranging between 72 and 78) for others 7 d. The second experiment consisted of 8 dairy cows used in a two-period cross-over design where the treatment was the use or not of a sprinkler system for cooling cows under mild heat stress. Cows were equipped with a noseband pressure sensor able to detect rumination and eating time, number of rumination and eating chews, number of rumination boluses and rumination intensity. Heat stress reduced rumination time, number of rumination chews and boluses (p <.05), and tended to reduce the number of eating chews (p <.10). Cooled cows increased rumination and eating time (p <.05), rumination intensity (p <.01), and the number of rumination and eating chews (p <.05). In conclusion, feeding behaviour was deeply influenced even by mild heat stress, which was effectively improved by the use of a sprinkler system.HIGHLIGHTS Mild heat stress reduced rumination time, number of rumination chews and boluses of dairy cows in late lactation Cooling cows with sprinklers was effective in alleviating heat stress in terms of feeding behaviour