184 research outputs found

    Signals of primordial phase transitions on CMB maps

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    The analysis of the CMB anisotropies is a rich source of cosmological informations. In our study, we simulated the signals produced by the relics of a first order phase transition occured during an inflationary epoch in the early Universe. These relics are bubbles of true vacuum that leave a characteristic non-Gaussian imprint on the CMB. We use different statistical estimators in order to evaluate this non-Gaussianity. We obtain some limits on the allowed values of the bubble parameters comparing our results with the experimental data. We also predict the possibility to detect this signal with the next high resolution experiments.Comment: 2 pages, submitted to Proceedings of 9th Marcel Grossmann meetin

    Extension of soil thermal conductivity models to frozen meats with low and high fat content

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    Thermal conductivity models of frozen soils were analyzed and compared with similar models developed for frozen foods. In total, eight thermal conductivity models and 54 model versions were tested against experimental data of 13 meat products in the temperature range from 0 toK40 8C. The model by deVries, with waterCice (wi) as the continuous phase, showed overall the best predictions. The use of wi leads generally to improved predictions in comparison to ice; water as the continuous phase is beneficial only to deVries model, mostly from K1 to K20 8C; fat is advantageous only to meats with high fat content. The results of this work suggest that the more sophisticated way of estimating the thermal conductivity for a disperse phase in the deVries model might be more appropriate than the use of basic multi-phase models (geometric mean, parallel, and series). Overall, relatively small differences in predictions were observed between the best model versions by deVries, Levy, Mascheroni, Maxwell or Gori as applied to frozen meats with low content of fat. These differences could also be generated by uncertainty in meat composition, temperature dependence of thermal conductivity of ice, measurement errors, and limitation of predictive models

    Deployment of solar sails by joule effect: thermal analysis and experimental results

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    Space vehicles may be propelled by solar sails exploiting the radiation pressure coming from the sun and applied on their surfaces. This work deals with the adoption of Nickel-Titanium Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) elements in the sail deployment mechanism activated by the Joule Effect, i.e., using the same SMA elements as a resistance within suitable designed electrical circuits. Mathematical models were analyzed for the thermal analysis by implementing algorithms for the evaluation of the temperature trend depending on the design parameters. Several solar sail prototypes were built up and tested with different number, size, and arrangement of the SMA elements, as well as the type of the selected electrical circuit. The main parameters were discussed in the tested configurations and advantages discussed as well

    Heat Conduction and Microconvection in Nanofluids: Comparison between Theoretical Models and Experimental Results

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    A nanofluid is a suspension consisting of a uniform distribution of nanoparticles in a base fluid, generally a liquid. Nanofluid can be used as a working fluid in heat exchangers to dissipate heat in the automotive, solar, aviation, aerospace industries. There are numerous physical phenomena that affect heat conduction in nanofluids: clusters, the formation of adsorbate nanolayers, scattering of phonons at the solid–liquid interface, Brownian motion of the base fluid and thermophoresis in the nanofluids. The predominance of one physical phenomenon over another depends on various parameters, such as temperature, size and volume fraction of the nanoparticles. Therefore, it is very difficult to develop a theoretical model for estimating the effective thermal conductivity of nanofluids that considers all these phenomena and is accurate for each value of the influencing parameters. The aim of this study is to promote a way to find the conditions (temperature, volume fraction) under which certain phenomena prevail over others in order to obtain a quantitative tool for the selection of the theoretical model to be used. For this purpose, two sets (SET-I, SET-II) of experimental data were analyzed; one was obtained from the literature, and the other was obtained through experimental tests. Different theoretical models, each considering some physical phenomena and neglecting others, were used to explain the experimental results. The results of the paper show that clusters, the formation of the adsorbate nanolayer and the scattering of phonons at the solid–liquid interface are the main phenomena to be considered when ϕ = 1 ÷ 3%. Instead, at a temperature of 50 ◦C and in the volume fraction range (0.04–0.22%), microconvection prevails over other phenomen

    Modeling and Measuring Thermodynamic and Transport Thermophysical Properties: A Review

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    The present review describes the up-to-date state of the evaluation of thermophysical prop erties (TP) of materials with three different procedures: modeling (also including inverse problems), measurements and analytical methods (e.g., through computing from other properties). Methods to measure specific heat and thermal conductivity are described in detail. Thermal diffusivity and thermal effusivity are a combination of the previously cited properties, but also for these proper ties, specific measurement and calculation methods are reported. Experiments can be carried out in steady-state, transient, and pulse regimes. For modeling, special focus is given to the inverse methods and parameter estimation procedures, because through them it is possible to evaluate the thermophysical property, assuring the best practices and supplying the measurement uncertainty. It is also cited when the most common data processing algorithms are used, e.g., the Gauss–Newton and Levenberg–Marquardt least squares minimization algorithms, and how it is possible to retrieve values of TP from other data. Optimization criteria for designing the experiments are also mentione

    Quinstant Dark Energy Predictions for Structure Formation

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    We explore the predictions of a class of dark energy models, quinstant dark energy, concerning the structure formation in the Universe, both in the linear and non-linear regimes. Quinstant dark energy is considered to be formed by quintessence and a negative cosmological constant. We conclude that these models give good predictions for structure formation in the linear regime, but fail to do so in the non-linear one, for redshifts larger than one.Comment: 9 pages, 14 figures, "Accepted for publication in Astrophysics & Space Science

    Dissipative Future Universe without Big Rip

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    The present study deals with dissipative future universe without big rip in context of Eckart formalism. The generalized chaplygin gas, characterized by equation of state p=Aρ1αp=-\frac{A}{\rho^\frac{1}{\alpha}}, has been considered as a model for dark energy due to its dark-energy-like evolution at late time. It is demonstrated that, if the cosmic dark energy behaves like a fluid with equation of state p=ωρp=\omega\rho; ω<1\omega < -1, as well as chaplygin gas simultaneously then the big rip problem does not arises and the scale factor is found to be regular for all time.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, To appear in Int. J. Theor. Phy

    Spherical collapse model in dark energy cosmologies

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    We study the spherical collapse model for several dark energy scenarios using the fully nonlinear differential equation for the evolution of the density contrast within homogeneous spherical overdensities derived from Newtonian hydrodynamics. While mathematically equivalent to the more common approach based on the differential equation for the radius of the perturbation, this approach has substantial conceptual as well as numerical advantages. Among the most important are that no singularities at early times appear, which avoids numerical problems in particular in applications to cosmologies with dynamical and early dark energy, and that the assumption of time-reversal symmetry can easily be dropped where it is not strictly satisfied. We use this approach to derive the two parameters characterising the spherical-collapse model, i.e.~the linear density threshold for collapse δc\delta_\mathrm{c} and the virial overdensity ΔV\Delta_\mathrm{V}, for a broad variety of dark-energy models and to reconsider these parameters in cosmologies with early dark energy. We find that, independently of the model under investigation, δc\delta_\mathrm{c} and ΔV\Delta_\mathrm{V} are always very close to the values obtained for the standard Λ\LambdaCDM model, arguing that the abundance of and the mean density within non-linear structures are quite insensitive to the differences between dark-energy cosmologies. Regarding early dark energy, we thus arrive at a different conclusion than some earlier papers, including one from our group, and we explain why.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publications on MNRA

    Constraining the dark energy dynamics with the cosmic microwave background bispectrum

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    We consider the influence of the dark energy dynamics at the onset of cosmic acceleration on the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) bispectrum, through the weak lensing effect induced by structure formation. We study the line of sight behavior of the contribution to the bispectrum signal at a given angular multipole ll: we show that it is non-zero in a narrow interval centered at a redshift zz satisfying the relation l/r(z)kNL(z)l/r(z)\simeq k_{NL}(z), where the wavenumber corresponds to the scale entering the non-linear phase, and rr is the cosmological comoving distance. The relevant redshift interval is in the range 0.1\lsim z\lsim 2 for multipoles 1000\gsim\ell\gsim 100; the signal amplitude, reflecting the perturbation dynamics, is a function of the cosmological expansion rate at those epochs, probing the dark energy equation of state redshift dependence independently on its present value. We provide a worked example by considering tracking inverse power law and SUGRA Quintessence scenarios, having sensibly different redshift dynamics and respecting all the present observational constraints. For scenarios having the same present equation of state, we find that the effect described above induces a projection feature which makes the bispectra shifted by several tens of multipoles, about 10 times more than the corresponding effect on the ordinary CMB angular power spectrum.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, matching version accepted by Physical Review D, one figure improve