42 research outputs found

    Modèles cognitifs pour les systèmes d'aide à la décision collective (application à la patrouille maritime)

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    Les situations de décision nécessitant l'intervention de plusieurs experts autour d'un même objet sont le lieu de dynamiques d'interactions complexes. Lorsque le contexte est délicat en termes de risque, de temps imparti ou d'incertitude quant à l'environnement et aux conséquences de la décision, la gestion de ces dynamiques devient l'élément central du bon déroulement du processus de décision. Le travail présenté s'attache à la description d'une tâche de catégorisation distribuée, lorsqu'elle est prise en charge par une équipe d'experts ayant des compétences distinctes, et subissant des contraintes nécessitant une décision rapide et sûre. L'approche retenue est celle d'une étude anthropocentrée, plaçant les décideurs au centre du système, et basée sur des modèles cognitifs de décision experte et d'interaction sociale. Le modèle que nous avons développé permet l'expression des dynamiques complexes qui apparaissent au sein de l'équipe, durant le processus distribué. Les résultats obtenus par simulation multi-agents, autour du cadre applicatif de la patrouille maritime, illustrent notamment des comportements classiques de groupe tels que la polarisation et le consensus extrême. Ils nous autorisent également la spécification des fonctions centrales qu'un système d'aide aux décideurs devrait implémenter..Situations of decision leading to the intervention of multiple experts around a unique object are places for complex interaction dynamics. When the context is delicate in terms of risk, allotted time or uncertainty about the environment and the consequences of the decision, the management of these dynamics becomes the central element of the correct run of the decision process. The presented work describes a distributed categorization task, handled by a team of experts having distinct competencies, and suffering constraints involving a rapid and sure decision. The retained approach is an anthropocentric study, putting the decision makers in the centre of the system, and based on a cognitive modeling of the expert decision process and of the social interactions. The developed model enables the expression of the complex dynamics appearing inside the team, during the distributed process. Results obtained through a multi-agent simulation, applied to the field of maritime patrol, notably exemplify classic group behaviors such as polarization and extreme consensus. They therefore enable us to specify the main functions that a decision makers support system should implement.BREST-Télécom Bretagne (290192306) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Decision makers support system. Adapting the assistance to the decision maker's behaviour

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    National audienceSituations of distributed decision making are characterized by the existence of different points of view between decision makers (DM's), and by different temporal dynamics within the system, which reinforces importance of studies on information data flows between DM's, and is the basis of classical Distributed Decision Support System (DDSS) approaches. We propose not to limit the analysis of the situation (and consequently the role of the DDSS) to information flows, but to integrate cognitive modeling of each DM, and to use these latter to better analyze relevant information, in order to control it, within the flows exchanged. Our approach relies on an application framework concerning decision making in Maritime Surveillance.Les situations de décision distribuée sont caractérisées par l'existence de différents points du vue entre décideurs, et de différentes dynamiques temporelles au sein du système, ce qui renforce l'importance de l'étude des flux de données entre décideurs, et fonde la plupart des approches classiques des systèmes d'aide à la décision (SAD). Nous proposons de ne plus limiter l'analyse de la situation (et par conséquent le rôle d'un SAD) aux flux d'informations, mais d'y intégrer une modélisation cognitive de chaque décideur, et d'utiliser ces modélisations pour mieux analyser, et par suite contrôler, les informations réellement pertinentes au sein des flux échangés. Nous appuyons notre démarche sur l'étude d'un cas concret relatif aux décisions d'équipages de Surveillance Maritime

    From cognitive models to multiple decision makers support systems

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    International audienceWe present in this paper a new approach for building distributed decision supportsystems. Multiple decision makers support systems are devoted to assist setting aconsensus while taking into account all aspects related to the distributed nature ofthe processes. This approach is based on the integration of the individual cognitivemodels of the decision makers of the team and on the modeling of the dynamics ofindividual decisions when being interleaved. Our model allows to detect and pre-vent extremal group behaviors and to identify the right information transfers to beset among decision makers. This model has been tested in a realistic applicationframework concerning decision making in Maritime Surveillance where several oper-ators have to converge towards a unique decision in limited time. We conclude withproposing the main elements of a design methodology for decision makers supportsystems based on the proposed approach

    Cognitive approach to distributed decision making

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    International audienceSituations of distributed decision making are usually characterized by the existence of different points of view, expressed by Multiple kinds of agents along different temporal scales. In most DDSS, the observable dynamics of the process is handled through the workflow information between the agents. Our approach tries to extend this classical one while taking INTO data_ds.tmp_pub_account, beyond this observable information, the individual mental representations and process models. Our application support is an Airborne Maritime Surveillance System

    Cognitive approach to distributed decision making

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    International audienceSituations of distributed decision making are usually characterized by the existence of different points of view, expressed by Multiple kinds of agents along different temporal scales. In most DDSS, the observable dynamics of the process is handled through the workflow information between the agents. Our approach tries to extend this classical one while taking INTO data_ds.tmp_pub_account, beyond this observable information, the individual mental representations and process models. Our application support is an Airborne Maritime Surveillance System

    Dynamique de la décision distribuée

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    International audienceDynamique de la décision distribué

    From cognitive models to multiple decision makers support systems

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    International audienceWe present in this paper a new approach for building distributed decision supportsystems. Multiple decision makers support systems are devoted to assist setting aconsensus while taking into account all aspects related to the distributed nature ofthe processes. This approach is based on the integration of the individual cognitivemodels of the decision makers of the team and on the modeling of the dynamics ofindividual decisions when being interleaved. Our model allows to detect and pre-vent extremal group behaviors and to identify the right information transfers to beset among decision makers. This model has been tested in a realistic applicationframework concerning decision making in Maritime Surveillance where several oper-ators have to converge towards a unique decision in limited time. We conclude withproposing the main elements of a design methodology for decision makers supportsystems based on the proposed approach