14 research outputs found

    Severe facial reaction to thiurams in surgeons

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    Contact dermatitis is a major problem in the healthcare environment and in other sectors. Healthcare professionals may be exposed to a large number of chemical agents, including the accelerators for rubber vulcanization process. The prevalence of allergic contact dermatitis among operators in the sector ranges 13–30%. This paper describes the case of a 46-year-old male cardiac surgeon affected by a severe skin reaction localized on the face in the absence of hand dermatitis, presumably resulting from the use of a surgical patch applied to the face. Patch tests were performed and the result was negative for latex and positive (+++) for thiuram mix. A thiuram-free tape was prescribed and the operator's dermatitis improved significantly. Thus, it would be very important to pay attention to skin disorders in health workers and thiuram as an occupational allergen. Med Pr. 2019;70(1):121–

    A machine learning-based approach to optimize repair and increase yield of embedded flash memories in automotive systems-on-chip

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    Nowadays, Embedded Flash Memory cores occupy a significant portion of Automotive Systems-on-Chip area, therefore strongly contributing to the final yield of the devices. Redundancy strategies play a key role in this context; in case of memory failures, a set of spare word- and bit-lines are allocated by a replacement algorithm that complements the memory testing procedure. In this work, we show that replacement algorithms, which are heavily constrained in terms of execution time, may be slightly inaccurate and lead to classify a repairable memory core as unrepairable. We denote this situation as Flash memory false fail. The proposed approach aims at identifying false fails by using a Machine Learning approach that exploits a feature extraction strategy based on shape recognition. Experimental results carried out on the manufacturing data show a high capability of predicting false fails

    Prospettive europee e sovranazionali per un giudice dell'esecuzione minorile

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    Commento artt. 465-483 c.p.p.

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    rassegna giurisprudenziale in tema di atti preliminari al dibattimento e disposizioni introduttive del dibattiment

    Conclusioni. Un ordinamento penitenziario per i minorenni

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    Prospettive de iure condendo per una legge di ordinamento penitenziario minoril