353 research outputs found

    Amniotic fluid brain-specific proteins are biomarkers for spinal cord injury in experimental myelomeningocele

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    Myelomeningocele (MMC), the most severe form of spina bifida (SB), causes neurological deficit. Injury to the spinal cord is thought to begin in utero. We investigated whether brain-specific proteins (BSPs) would enable us to monitor the development of MMC-related tissue damage during pregnancy in an animal model with naturally occurring SB (curly tail/loop tail mouse; n = 256). Amniotic fluid levels of neurofilament heavy chain (NfH), glial acidic fibrillary protein (GFAP) and S100B were measured by standard ELISA techniques. The amniotic fluid levels of all BSPs were similar in SB and control mice on embryonic day (E) 12.5 and 14.5, whereas a significant increase was observed for GFAP in SB mice on E16.5. Levels of all BSPs were significantly increased in SB mice on E18.5. The rapid increase in GFAP, paralleled by a moderate increase in NfH and S100B, suggests that spinal cord damage starts to accelerate around E16.5. The macroscopic size of the MMC was related to NfH level on E16.5 and E18.5, suggesting that axonal degeneration is most severe in large MMC. Amniotic fluid BSP measurements may provide important information for balancing the risks and benefits to mother and child of in utero surgery for MMC

    Neural tube defects

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    Neural tube defects (NTDs), including spina bifida and anencephaly, are severe birth defects of the central nervous system that originate during embryonic development when the neural tube fails to close completely. Human NTDs are multifactorial, with contributions from both genetic and environmental factors. The genetic basis is not yet well understood, but several nongenetic risk factors have been identified as have possibilities for prevention by maternal folic acid supplementation. Mechanisms underlying neural tube closure and NTDs may be informed by experimental models, which have revealed numerous genes whose abnormal function causes NTDs and have provided details of critical cellular and morphological events whose regulation is essential for closure. Such models also provide an opportunity to investigate potential risk factors and to develop novel preventive therapies

    Neural tube defects-disorders of neurulation and related embryonic processes

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    Neural tube defects (NTDs) are severe congenital malformations affecting 1 in every 1000 pregnancies. ā€˜Openā€™ NTDs result from failure of primary neurulation as seen in anencephaly, myelomeningocele (open spina bifida), and craniorachischisis. Degeneration of the persistently open neural tube in utero leads to loss of neurological function below the lesion level. ā€˜Closedā€™ NTDs are skin-covered disorders of spinal cord structure, ranging from asymptomatic spina bifida occulta to severe spinal cord tethering, and usually traceable to disruption of secondary neurulation. ā€˜Herniationā€™ NTDs are those in which meninges, with or without brain or spinal cord tissue, become exteriorized through a pathological opening in the skull or vertebral column (e.g., encephalocele and meningocele). NTDs have multifactorial etiology, with genes and environmental factors interacting to determine individual risk of malformation. While over 200 mutant genes cause open NTDs in mice, much less is known about the genetic causation of human NTDs. Recent evidence has implicated genes of the planar cell polarity signaling pathway in a proportion of cases. The embryonic development of NTDs is complex, with diverse cellular and molecular mechanisms operating at different levels of the body axis. Molecular regulatory events include the bone morphogenetic protein and Sonic hedgehog pathways which have been implicated in control of neural plate bending. Primary prevention of NTDs has been implemented clinically following the demonstration that folic acid (FA), when taken as a periconceptional supplement, can prevent many cases. Not all NTDs respond to FA, however, and adjunct therapies are required for prevention of this FA-resistant category. WIREs Dev Biol 2013, 2:213ā€“227. doi: 10.1002/wdev.7

    Neural tube defects: recent advances, unsolved questions, and controversies

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    Neural tube defects are severe congenital malformations affecting around one in every 1000 pregnancies. An innovation in clinical management has come from the finding that closure of open spina bifida lesions in utero can diminish neurological dysfunction in children. Primary prevention with folic acid has been enhanced through introduction of mandatory food fortification in some countries, although not yet in the UK. Genetic predisposition accounts for most of the risk of neural tube defects, and genes that regulate folate one-carbon metabolism and planar cell polarity have been strongly implicated. The sequence of human neural tube closure events remains controversial, but studies of mouse models of neural tube defects show that anencephaly, open spina bifida, and craniorachischisis result from failure of primary neurulation, whereas skin-covered spinal dysraphism results from defective secondary neurulation. Other malformations, such as encephalocele, are likely to be postneurulation disorders

    Inositol, neural tube closure and the prevention of neural tube defects

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    Susceptibility to neural tube defects (NTDs), such as anencephaly and spina bifida is influenced by genetic and environmental factors including maternal nutrition. Maternal periconceptional supplementation with folic acid significantly reduces the risk of an NTD-affected pregnancy, but does not prevent all NTDs, and "folic acid non-responsive" NTDs continue to occur. Similarly, among mouse models of NTDs, some are responsive to folic acid but others are not. Among nutritional factors, inositol deficiency causes cranial NTDs in mice while supplemental inositol prevents spinal and cranial NTDs in the curly tail (Grhl3 hypomorph) mouse, rodent models of hyperglycemia or induced diabetes, and in a folate-deficiency induced NTD model. NTDs also occur in mice lacking expression of certain inositol kinases. Inositol-containing phospholipids (phosphoinositides) and soluble inositol phosphates mediate a range of functions, including intracellular signaling, interaction with cytoskeletal proteins, and regulation of membrane identity in trafficking and cell division. Myo-inositol has been trialed in humans for a range of conditions and appears safe for use in human pregnancy. In pilot studies in Italy and the United Kingdom, women took inositol together with folic acid preconceptionally, after one or more previous NTD-affected pregnancies. In nonrandomized cohorts and a randomized double-blind study in the United Kingdom, no recurrent NTDs were observed among 52 pregnancies reported to date. Larger-scale fully powered trials are needed to determine whether supplementation with inositol and folic acid would more effectively prevent NTDs than folic acid alone. Birth Defects Research (Part A), 2016. Ā© 2016 The Authors Birth Defects Research Part A: Clinical and Molecular Teratology Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc

    Genetic interaction of Pax3 mutation and canonical Wnt signaling modulates neural tube defects and neural crest abnormalities

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    Mouse models provide opportunities to investigate genetic interactions that cause or modify the frequency of neural tube defects (NTDs). Mutation of the PAX3 transcription factor prevents neural tube closure, leading to cranial and spinal NTDs whose frequency is responsive to folate status. Canonical Wnt signalling is implicated both in regulation of Pax3 expression and as a target of PAX3. This study investigated potential interactions of Pax3 mutation and canonical Wnt signalling using conditional gain- and loss-of-function models of Ī²-catenin. We found an additive effect of Ī²-catenin gain of function and Pax3 loss of function on NTDs and neural crest defects. Ī²-catenin gain of function in the Pax3 expression domain led to significantly increased frequency of cranial but not spinal NTDs in embryos that are heterozygous for Pax3 mutation, while both cranial and spinal neural tube closure were exacerbated in Pax3 homozygotes. Similarly, deficits of migrating neural crest cells were exacerbated by Ī²-catenin gain of function, with almost complete ablation of spinal neural crest cells and derivatives in Pax3 homozygous mutants. Pax3 expression was not affected by Ī²-catenin gain of function, while we confirmed that loss of function led to reduced Pax3 transcription. In contrast to gain of function, Ī²-catenin knockout in the Pax3 expression domain lowered the frequency of cranial NTDs in Pax3 null embryos. However, loss of function of Ī²-catenin and Pax3 resulted in spinal NTDs, suggesting differential regulation of cranial and spinal neural tube closure. In summary, Ī²-catenin function modulates the frequency of PAX3-related NTDs in the mouse

    Rho GTPases in mammalian spinal neural tube closure

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    Neural tube closure is an important morphogenetic event that involves dramatic reshaping of both neural and non-neural tissues. Rho GTPases are key cytoskeletal regulators involved in cell motility and in several developmental processes, and are thus expected to play pivotal roles in neurulation. Here, we discuss 2 recent studies that shed light on the roles of distinct Rho GTPases in different tissues during neurulation. RhoA plays an essential role in regulating actomyosin dynamics in the neural epithelium of the elevating neural folds, while Rac1 is required for the formation of cell protrusions in the non-neural surface ectoderm during neural fold fusion

    Valproic acid disrupts the biomechanics of late spinal neural tube closure in mouse embryos

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    Failure of neural tube closure in the early embryo causes neural tube defects including spina bifida. Spina bifida lesions predominate in the distal spine, particularly after exposure to the anticonvulsant valproic acid (VPA). How VPA specifically disturbs late stages of neural tube closure is unclear, as neurulation is usually viewed as a uniform 'zippering' process along the spine. We recently identified a novel closure site ("Closure 5") which forms at the caudal extremity of the mouse posterior neuropore (PNP) when completion of closure is imminent. Here we investigated whether distal spina bifida in VPA-exposed embryos involves disruption of Closure 5. Exposure of E8.5 mouse embryos to VPA in whole embryo culture had marked embryotoxic effects, whereas toxic effects were less pronounced in more developmentally advanced (E9) embryos. Only 33% of embryos exposed to VPA from E9 to E10.5 achieved PNP closure (control=90%). Short-term (8h) VPA treatment diminished supra-cellular F-actin cables which normally run along the lateral neural folds, and prevented caudal PNP narrowing normally characteristic of Closure 5 formation. Laser ablation of Closure 5 caused rapid neuropore widening. Equivalent ablations of the caudal PNP in VPA treated embryos resulted in significantly less widening, suggesting VPA prevents formation of Closure 5 as a biomechanically active structure. Thus, VPA exposure prevents morphological and biomechanical conversion of the caudal extreme of the PNP during late spinal closure. Closure 5 facilitates neural fold apposition when completion of closure is imminent, such that its disruption in VPA-exposed embryos may lead to distal spina bifida

    Enabling research with human embryonic and fetal tissue resources

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    Congenital anomalies are a significant burden on human health. Understanding the developmental origins of such anomalies is key to developing potential therapies. The Human Developmental Biology Resource (HDBR), based in London and Newcastle, UK, was established to provide embryonic and fetal material for a variety of human studies ranging from single gene expression analysis to large-scale genomic/transcriptomic studies. Increasingly, HDBR material is enabling the derivation of stem cell lines and contributing towards developments in tissue engineering. Use of the HDBR and other fetal tissue resources discussed here will contribute to the long-term aims of understanding the causation and pathogenesis of congenital anomalies, and developing new methods for their treatment and prevention
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