44 research outputs found
本研究における目的は, CISS(Coping Inventory for Stressful Situation)日本語版を用いてコーピング(対処行動)における性差を検討した。調査対象は, 大学生, 専門学校生, 大学院生の男性95名, 女性100名の合計195名である。その結果, ストレスの原因となっている問題に対して計画的, 冷静に行動するという対処行動である課題優先コーピングでは男性が女性より有意に高く, コーピングにおける性差が認められた。つまり, 課題優先コーピングにおける性差は男性性の獲得を含む性役割の影響が推測される。The objective of this research was to study the difference of coping behaviors between young men and women based on the Japanese version of the CISS (Coping Inventory for Stressful Situation). The number of subject people was 95 males and 100 females, who were college, university and graduate students. The research has proved that there is a difference in coping behaviors between males and females because the figures for males were significantly higher than those for females in the task-oriented coping. However, in both the emotion-oriented coping and avoidance-oriented coping, a significant difference has not been found between males and females.国立情報学研究所で電子
本研究の目的は,治療を終了した頭頸部がん患者の食に関する援助を検討するために,患者が体験する食に関する問題とその対処を明らかにすることである。対象者は,頭頸部がんで化学療法,手術療法そして/あるいは放射線療法の治療を終了した者13名で,平均年齢61.5歳であった。研究方法は,患者の退院後に体験する食に関する問題と対処および医療者へのニーズを明らかにするために半構成的な質問による面接法を用いた。分析方法は質的帰納的方法を用いた。患者の食に関する問題は,【口腔内粘膜の脆弱】【唾液分泌の低下】【味覚異常】【嚥下困難】【栄養の保持の困難】【食べる楽しみ・満足感の消失】【食を介する他者との交わりの苦痛】【食習慣の変化】の8のカテゴリーに分類された患者の食に関する問題の対処は,問題解決型対処と情動調節型対処であったが,特に心理・社会的な問題に対する対処は情動調節型対処が多くみられた。This study evaluated problems concerning food-in-take experienced by head and neck cancer patients after treatment and proposed ways to support such patients concerning food-in-take. The study was carried out by interviewing with a semi-structured questionnaire and a basic data sheet prepared for this study to obtain data concerning problems of patients with head and neck cancer about food-in-take and how they coped with them. The subjects were 13 patients who had completed chemotherapy, surgery, and/or radiotherapy for cancer of the head and neck, had less than 1 year since discharge, and were receiving outpatient care. They all consented to enrollment in the study. Problems concerning food-in-take after treatment and measures to cope with them were extracted using the technique of content analysis ; fragments of statements extracted were classified according to the similarity of the meaning ; and they were categorized by giving names that closely reflected the nature of the categories. The subjects consisted of 10 males and 3 females with a mean age of 61.5 years. The site of cancer was the oral cavity in 3, pharynx in 4 and larynx in 6. Eight categories of problems concerning food-in-take for head and neck cancer patients were extracted: "vulnerability to oral mucosa", "reduced saliva secretion", "dysgeusia", and "dysphagia" related to physical factors ; "difficulty about not being able to hold enough nutrition" and "loss of the joy and satisfaction of eating" related to psychological factors ; "distress of communication with others via eating" and "changes in dietary habit" related to sociocultural factors. Coping measures concerning food-in-take in head and neck cancer patients included: "devise cooking methods", "change the way to eat food", "look for foods that are easy to eat", and "use nutritional supplements" for physical problems ; "make an effort to eat", "change the state of foods", and "accept the situation" for psychological problems ; "change the way to eat foods", "change the state of foods", and "accept the situation" for sociocultural problems. Head and neck cancer patients used the problem-solving type and the emotion-controlling type measures to cope with problems concerning food-in-take, but some problems were difficult to cope with. Therefore, patients need support to accurately understand their problems with food-in-take, to attain emotional stability, and to learn appropriate measures to cope with problems concerning food-in-take early after treatment.報告Report国立情報学研究所で電子
対処行動として使用された健康行動とメンタルヘルスとの関係 : 看護職従事者を対象に
看護師が育児をしながら交代制で仕事を継続していく時,どのような困難があるのか,またそれにどのように対処しているのかを把握する目的でO歳から12歳まで養育している看護師50名を対象に質問紙による調査をした。分析の結果,保育態勢の多くは昼間は保育所,夜間は夫か祖父母のどちらか1人であった。困難としては【保育態勢の不充分さ】【母親の身体的疲労】【親役割における葛藤】【子どもへの影響】の4つの要素が抽出された。困難や問題に対する対処として,《社会に向けた取組みをする》《夫・祖父母への働きかけをする》《子どもと関わる時間を工夫してつくる》など6つの積極的な行動の他,子どもとの触れ合いに関する情緒的な対処やその場を何とかしのぐという消極的・回避的な対処行動がみられた。A questionnaire survey was conducted of 50 nurses nurturing children aged 0 to 12. The purpose was to grasp the scope of difficulties they confronted and how they coped with them when nurses continued to work on a rotating basis with raising children. Analytical results showed that child-care conditions mostly entailed care at a nursery during daytime and care along with either a husband or grandparents during the evening. Four elements were cited as difficulties : "inadequacy of childcare conditions", "physical fatigue of the mother", "conflicting parental roles", and "influence on children". As wags to cope with difficulties and problems, the emotional responses of being physically affectionate with children and a negative coping behavior as a stopgap were seen in addition to six positive actions : "contributing efforts to society", "working with husband/ grandparents", "quality time for involvment with children", and so on.国立情報学研究所で電子