65 research outputs found

    Role of Chemokines in Thyroid Cancer Microenvironment: Is CXCL8 the Main Player?

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    Tumor-related inflammation does influence the biological behavior of neoplastic cells and ultimately the patient's outcome. With specific regard to thyroid cancer, the issue of tumor-associated inflammation has been extensively studied and recently reviewed. However, the role of chemokines, which play a crucial role in determining the immuno-phenotype of tumor-related inflammation, was not addressed in previous reviews on the topic. Experimental evidence shows that thyroid cancer cells actively secrete a wide spectrum of chemokines and, at least for some of them, solid scientific data support a role for these immune-active molecules in the aggressive behavior of the tumor. Our proposal for a review article on chemokines and thyroid cancer stems from the notion that chemokines, besides having the ability to attract and maintain immune cells at the tumor site, also produce several pro-tumorigenic actions, which include proangiogenetic, cytoproliferative, and pro-metastatic effects. Studies taking into account the role of CCL15, C-X-C motif ligand 12, CXCL16, CXCL1, CCL20, and CCL2 in the context of thyroid cancer will be reviewed with particular emphasis on CXCL8. The reason for focusing on CXCL8 is that this chemokine is the most studied one in human malignancies, displaying multifaceted pro-tumorigenic effects. These include enhancement of tumor cells growth, metastatization, and angiogenesis overall contributing to the progression of several cancers including thyroid cancer. We aim at reviewing current knowledge on the (i) ability of both normal and tumor thyroid cells to secrete CXCL8; (ii) direct/indirect pro-tumorigenic effects of CXCL8 demonstrated by in vitro and in vivo studies specifically performed on thyroid cancer cells; and (iii) pharmacologic strategies proven to be effective for lowering CXCL8 secretion and/or its effects on thyroid cancer cells

    Type I and type II interferons inhibit both basal and tumor necrosis factor-α-induced CXCL8 secretion in primary cultures of human thyrocytes.

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    Interferons (IFNs) and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) cooperate in activating several inflammation-related genes, which sustain chronic inflammation in autoimmune thyroid disease (AITD). Much is known about the positive signaling of IFNs to activate gene expression in AITD, while the mechanisms by which IFNs negatively regulate genes remain less studied. While IFNs inhibit CXCL8 secretion in several human cell types, their effects on thyroid cells were not evaluated. Our aim was to study the interplay between TNF-α and type I or type II IFNs on CXCL8 secretion by human thyroid cells. CXCL8 was measured in supernatants of primary cultures of thyroid cells basally and after a 24-h incubation with TNF-α. CXCL8 was detected in thyroid cell supernatants in basal conditions (96.2±23.5 pg/mL) being significantly increased (784.7±217.3 pg/mL; PIFN-β>IFN-α. This study demonstrates that type I and type II IFNs downregulate both basal and TNF-α-induced CXCL8 secretion by human thyrocytes, IFN-γ being the most powerful inhibitor. Future studies aimed at a better comprehension of the interplay between CXCL8 and thyroid diseases appear worthwhile

    Expression of glycolytic enzymes in ovarian cancers and evaluation of the glycolytic pathway as a strategy for ovarian cancer treatment

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    Table S2. Spearman correlation of the expression of four glycolytic enzymes in a cohort of 380 ovarian cancers. Spearman rho correlation values (top value) along with the respective adjusted P value (bottom value) of statistically significant correlations thresholded at FDR P < 0.01 are summarised. (DOCX 21 kb

    Interleukin-6, CXCL10 and Infiltrating Macrophages in COVID-19-Related Cytokine Storm: Not One for All But All for One!

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    SARS-COV-2 virus is responsible for the ongoing devastating pandemic. Since the early phase of the pandemic, the “cytokine-storm” appeared a peculiar aspect of SARS-COV-2 infection which, at least in the severe cases, is responsible for respiratory treat damage and subsequent multi-organ failure. The efforts made in the last few months elucidated that the cytokine-storm results from a complex network involving cytokines/chemokines/infiltrating-immune-cells which orchestrate the aberrant immune response in COVID-19. Clinical and experimental studies aimed at depicting a potential “immune signature” of SARS-COV-2, identified three main “actors,” namely the cytokine IL-6, the chemokine CXCL10 and the infiltrating immune cell type macrophages. Although other cytokines, chemokines and infiltrating immune cells are deeply involved and their role should not be neglected, based on currently available data, IL-6, CXCL10, and infiltrating macrophages could be considered prototype factors representing each component of the immune system. It rapidly became clear that a strong and continuous interplay among the three components of the immune response is mandatory in order to produce a severe clinical course of the disease. Indeed, while IL-6, CXCL10 and macrophages alone would not be able to fully drive the onset and maintenance of the cytokine-storm, the establishment of a IL-6/CXCL10/macrophages axis is crucial in driving the sequence of events characterizing this condition. The present review is specifically aimed at overviewing current evidences provided by both in vitro and in vivo studies addressing the issue of the interplay among IL-6, CXCL10 and macrophages in the onset and progression of cytokine storm. SARS-COV-2 infection and the “cytokine storm.

    Editorial: Further advances in understanding the endocrine cancer microenvironment

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    Inflammation is a physiologic process occurring in response to tissue damage. Already in 1863, Virchow (1, 2), based on the observation that leukocytes infiltrate neoplastic tissues, hypothesized a relationship between inflammation and cancer. The demonstration that inflammation promotes tumor genome instability, cell growth, survival, invasion and angiogenesis has led to the current notion that inflammation is an essential component of malignancies (1) suggesting that it could represent a target for cancer therapy. More recently, the term tumor microenvironment (TME) was used to include both cellular and soluble components which surround and infiltrate the tumor mass (3). The TME is composed of extracellular matrix and stromal cells, including fibroblasts, vessel cells (endothelial cells, pericytes, and smooth muscle cells), and inflammatory leukocytes (lymphocytes, macrophages, dendritic cells, mast cells, and neutrophils), while soluble mediators include a wide spectrum of chemokines, cytokines, and growth factors, which are secreted by both resident tumor and surrounding normal cells as well as by infiltrating immune cells (4–6). It progressively became clear that both the phenotype and the number of infiltrating cells are strongly dependent upon specific chemokines secreted within the TME. Thus, chemokines rapidly became among the most extensively characterized molecules involved in the maintenance and progression of tumor-related inflammation (7). In the five articles included in this Research Topic, different aspects of the most recent lines of research on the field of TME and cancer biology were addressed. The findings are here briefly overviewed with the final aim to provide a stimulating summary of the present knowledge

    The cytokine storm in COVID-19: An overview of the involvement of the chemokine/chemokine-receptor system

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    In 2019–2020 a new coronavirus named SARS-CoV-2 was identified as the causative agent of a several acute respiratory infection named COVID-19, which is causing a worldwide pandemic. There are still many unresolved questions regarding the pathogenesis of this disease and especially the reasons underlying the extremely different clinical course, ranging from asymptomatic forms to severe manifestations, including the Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS). SARS-CoV-2 showed phylogenetic similarities to both SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV viruses, and some of the clinical features are shared between COVID-19 and previously identified beta-coronavirus infections. Available evidence indicate that the so called “cytokine storm” an uncontrolled over-production of soluble markers of inflammation which, in turn, sustain an aberrant systemic inflammatory response, is a major responsible for the occurrence of ARDS. Chemokines are low molecular weight proteins with powerful chemoattractant activity which play a role in the immune cell recruitment during inflammation. This review will be aimed at providing an overview of the current knowledge on the involvement of the chemokine/chemokine-receptor system in the cytokine storm related to SARS-CoV-2 infection. Basic and clinical evidences obtained from previous SARS and MERS epidemics and available data from COVID-19 will be taken into account

    Role of Chemokines in thyroid cancer microenvironment: is CXCL8 the main player?

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    Tumor-related inflammation does influence the biological behavior of neoplastic cells and ultimately the patient's outcome. With specific regard to thyroid cancer, the issue of tumor-associated inflammation has been extensively studied and recently reviewed. However, the role of chemokines, which play a crucial role in determining the immuno-phenotype of tumor-related inflammation, was not addressed in previous reviews on the topic. Experimental evidence shows that thyroid cancer cells actively secrete a wide spectrum of chemokines and, at least for some of them, solid scientific data support a role for these immune-active molecules in the aggressive behavior of the tumor. Our proposal for a review article on chemokines and thyroid cancer stems from the notion that chemokines, besides having the ability to attract and maintain immune cells at the tumor site, also produce several pro-tumorigenic actions, which include proangiogenetic, cytoproliferative, and pro-metastatic effects. Studies taking into account the role of CCL15, C-X-C motif ligand 12, CXCL16, CXCL1, CCL20, and CCL2 in the context of thyroid cancer will be reviewed with particular emphasis on CXCL8. The reason for focusing on CXCL8 is that this chemokine is the most studied one in human malignancies, displaying multifaceted pro-tumorigenic effects. These include enhancement of tumor cells growth, metastatization, and angiogenesis overall contributing to the progression of several cancers including thyroid cancer. We aim at reviewing current knowledge on the (i) ability of both normal and tumor thyroid cells to secrete CXCL8; (ii) direct/indirect pro-tumorigenic effects of CXCL8 demonstrated by in vitro and in vivo studies specifically performed on thyroid cancer cells; and (iii) pharmacologic strategies proven to be effective for lowering CXCL8 secretion and/or its effects on thyroid cancer cells. KEYWORDS

    COVID-19 Pulmonary and Olfactory Dysfunctions: Is the Chemokine CXCL10 the Common Denominator?

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    COVID-19 is an ongoing viral pandemic that emerged from East Asia and quickly spread to the rest of the world. SARS-CoV-2 is the virus causing COVID-19. Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is definitely one of the main clinically relevant consequences in patients with COVID-19. Starting from the earliest reports of the COVID-19 pandemic, two peculiar neurological manifestations (namely, hyposmia/anosmia and dysgeusia) were reported in a relevant proportion of patients infected by SARS-CoV-2. At present, the physiopathologic mechanisms accounting for the onset of these symptoms are not yet clarified. CXCL10 is a pro-inflammatory chemokine with a well-established role in the COVID-19-related cytokine storm and in subsequent development of ARDS. CXCL10 is also known to be involved in coronavirus-induced demyelination. On these bases, a role for CXCL10 as the common denominator between pulmonary and olfactory dysfunctions could be envisaged. The aim of the present report will be to hypothesize a role for CXCL10 in COVID-19 olfactory dysfunctions. Previous evidences supporting our hypothesis, with special emphasis to the role of CXCL10 in coronavirus-induced demyelination, the anatomical and physiological peculiarity of the olfactory system, and the available data supporting their link during COVID-19 infections, will be overviewed

    Role of chemokine receptors in thyroid cancer and immunotherapy

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    Inflammation is currently regarded as an essential component of malignancies. It is now known that the tumor microenvironment may profoundly influence the biological behavior of cancer cells and ultimately the patient's outcome. Chemokine and their receptor play a major role in determining the immune phenotype of the cells infiltrating the thyroid tumor microenvironment. Experimental evidence shows that both normal and cancer thyroid cells express specific chemokine receptors. The expression of at least some of these receptors exerts several biological effects, which influence the course of the disease. The present review article will take into account the role of the most studied chemokine receptors (CXCR1, CXCR2, CXCR3, CXCR4, CXCR7, DARC, CCR3, CCR6 and CCR7) in the context of thyroid cancer. This review will focus on current knowledge provided by in vitro and in vivo studies specifically performed on thyroid cancer including (i) expression of chemokine receptors in normal and cancer thyroid cells; (ii) role of chemokine receptors in affecting the biological behavior of thyroid tumors including the metastatic process; (iii) current knowledge about immunotherapies through targeting of chemokine receptors in thyroid cancer