5,235 research outputs found

    Report from 1969 AVMA Convention

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    The student chapters of AVMA have never had a legally organized national conference of delegates at AVMA conventions. Continuity from year to year was poor so as no minutes were kept, no delegates returned to the convention a second time as a student, and no publication kept delegates informed on student problems and accomplishments

    Academic Engagement Moderates the Influence of Narcissism on Student Grades and Retention

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    Using two different samples, this study provides evidence that narcissists who are engaged with their environments experience several positive academic outcomes, including fewer course withdrawals and higher GPAs. The multidimensional nature of narcissistic motivation as well as implications for motivating narcissists in academic contexts are discussed

    Leaning Right or Left: The Role of Communal Narcissism in Political Orientation and Activism

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    This study explored the roles of communal narcissism and agentic narcissism in self-identified political orientation and activism. Results indicated that those scoring high in communal (but not agentic) narcissism were more likely to identify as political conservative and were not more likely to engage in political activism. Implications are discussed

    Whose Fault is It? Externalizing Academic Responsibilities is Associated With Lower GPA

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    A core tenet of Bandura’s (1986) Social Cognitive Theory is that cognitive factors motivate human behavior. For instance, believing that earning high grades will result in a desirable job will motivate one to earn higher grades. Here, we suggest that externalizing the responsibility of one’s college education are more likely to struggle academically. As part of a larger study, college students (N = 396) from three universities reported their externalized academic responsibility (Chowning & Campbell, 2009), self-esteem (Rosenberg, 1985), narcissism (Gentile et al. 2013), and GPA. It was hypothesized that externalized academic responsibility would be negatively associated with GPA. In an exploratory follow-up analysis, we examined whether narcissism or self-esteem moderated this association. There was a negative correlation between externalized academic responsibility and GPA (r = -.37,

    Differential Roles of Communal and Agentic Narcissism in Affective and Cognitive Responses to Intelligence Feedback

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    This experimental study explored the role of agentic and communal narcissism in response to positive, negative, or neutral feedback on a difficult task. Results revealed that those scoring high in communal narcissism responded differently than those scoring high in agentic narcissism, further illustrating the applied distinction between the two constructs. Implications are discussed

    Personality, Parenting Style, and Academic Cognitions: The Effects of Authoritarian Parenting Style on Personality Traits and Behaviors

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    Presented is an analysis of self-esteem as a moderator of the effect authoritarian parenting on personality trait and behavior development