987 research outputs found

    Paradoxes and Pitfalls in Using Fuzzy Set QCA: Illustrations from a Critical Review of a Study of Educational Inequality

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    Charles Ragin's crisp set and fuzzy set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (csQCA and fsQCA) are being used by increasing numbers of social scientists interested in combining analytic rigour with case-based approaches. As with all techniques that become available in easy-to-use software packages, there is a danger that QCA will come to be used in a routinised manner, with not enough attention being paid to its particular strengths and weaknesses. Users of fsQCA in particular need to be very aware of particular problems that can arise when fuzzy logic lies behind their analyses. This paper aims to increase its readers' understanding of some of these problems and of some means by which they might be alleviated. We use a critical discussion of a recent paper by Freitag and Schlicht addressing social inequality in education in Germany as our vehicle. After summarising the substantive claims of the paper, we explain some key features of QCA. We subsequently discuss two main issues, (i) limited diversity and the various ways of using counterfactual reasoning to address it, and (ii) the logical paradoxes that can arise when using fsQCA. Making different choices than Freitag and Schlicht do in respect of dealing with these two issues, we undertake some reanalysis of their data, showing that their conclusions must be treated with some caution. We end by drawing some general lessons for users of QCA.Qualitative Comparative Analysis, FsQCA, Educational Inequality, German Educational Policy, Limited Diversity, Counterfactual Reasoning, Necessary and Sufficient Conditions, Case-Based Methods, Small n Methods, Fuzzy Logic

    Anger, Quality of Life and Mood in Multiple Sclerosis

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    This research was funded by The Multiple Sclerosis Society (UK).Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Optimal distribution and utilization of donated human breast milk: a novel approach

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    Background: The nutritional content of donated expressed breast milk (DEBM) is variable. Using DEBM to provide for the energy requirements of neonates is challenging. Objective: The authors hypothesized that a system of DEBM energy content categorization and distribution would improve energy intake from DEBM. Methods: We compared infants’ actual cumulative energy intake with projected energy intake, had they been fed using our proposed system. Eighty-five milk samples were ranked by energy content. The bottom, middle, and top tertiles were classified as red, amber, and green energy content categories, respectively. Data on 378 feeding days from 20 babies who received this milk were analyzed. Total daily intake of DEBM was calculated in mL/kg/day and similarly ranked. Infants received red energy content milk, with DEBM intake in the bottom daily volume intake tertile; amber energy content milk, with intake in the middle daily volume intake tertile; and green energy content milk when intake reached the top daily volume intake tertile. Results: Actual median cumulative energy intake from DEBM was 1612 (range, 15-11 182) kcal. Using DEBM with the minimum energy content from the 3 DEBM energy content categories, median projected cumulative intake was 1670 (range 13-11 077) kcal, which was not statistically significant (P = .418). Statistical significance was achieved using DEBM with the median and maximum energy content from each energy content category, giving median projected cumulative intakes of 1859 kcal (P = .0006) and 2280 kcal (P = .0001), respectively. Conclusion: Cumulative energy intake from DEBM can be improved by categorizing and distributing milk according to energy content

    CASE annual report 2016

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    Web Standards to Enable an Accessible and Inclusive Internet of Things (IoT)

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is expected to have an unprecedented impact on our daily lives. In particular, “smart environments” will change how we interact with our surrounding and with each other, including at home, in public spaces, and at the work place. This provides an opportunity to ensure equal access for people with disabilities. For example, operating doors, windows, and physical objects through voice makes such environments more accessible to people with physical disabilities and inclusive to more. Yet there are still many challenges to address, without which the Internet of Things (IoT) threatens to be more of a disabler than an enabler. In particular, the current lack of interoperability makes it hard for assistive technologies to easily tap into IoT systems.Web standards could extend the open web platform to resolve many of these issues, much as it did on the traditional internet. This Web of Things (WoT) provides a robust application layer for innovation to thrive on the underlying Internet of Things (IoT). This paper outlines the relevance of IoT for people with disabilities and the specific challenges it currently poses. It then discusses how the Web of Things (WoT) could help address these challenges, and highlights research questions that still need to be tackled

    Restructuring and hospital care: Sub-national trends, differentials, and their impacts; New Zealand from 1981

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    An analysis of the "nation's health" is the central concern of this study. Its genesis was a detailed, technical, time-series research on regional and ethnic differentials in health in New Zealand. But as this work progressed it became increasingly evident that the results of this more narrow analysis could make a wider contribution to the development of a knowledge-base on health trends and on the impacts of policy on these. In a sense, the analysis provides a demographic audit of health trends over the last two decades. The focus here is different from that in most other studies on restructuring of the New Zealand health system as their concern was either to review in detail the rewriting of policy per se, and attendant structural and institutional changes (Fougere 2001), or to identify how these changes relate to changes in mortality (Blakely et al. 2008). The research question reported here was, instead, to analyse the most crucial of health outcomes, „how long we live and how often we end up in hospital‟, identified in the earlier quotation, to report patterns and trends in hospital use nationally and sub-nationally over the period under review, and to determine the degrees to which various sub-populations benefited, or did not benefit, from these changes. The analysis focuses on the hospital sector in the system, but it will also show relations between this and other sectors, formal (e.g. primary health) and less formal (notably the healthcare afforded sickness and invalid beneficiaries). Thus two questions are addressed: 1. whether or not the nation‟s population health improved over the period and; 2. whether or not there was a convergence in patterns of health gain across its constituent sub-populations defined geographically and ethnically. This monograph deals with sub-national differences in health in New Zealand over a period of substantial socio-economic restructuring and associated radical changes in health policy, health systems and their related information systems (see also, Text Appendix A). It complements the recently published analysis of national ethnic trends in mortality (Blakely et al. 2004), but differs in several critical respects. That study reviewed health status by emphasising aetiologies and causes of death. In contrast, the present analysis focuses on actuarial dimensions of both mortality and morbidity and on health as measured by functional capacity rather than the disease orientated „burden of disease‟. It goes beyond health status issues to look at the system itself, to assess whether health policy outcomes were generated more through efficiency-gain (economic or service delivery, such as those resulting in a convergence sub-nationally of supply and demand effects), or through health gains, or ideally, by both. To do this, and as a by-product to analyse changes in health status and the system in an era of restructuring, innovative methodologies and composite time-series indices combining the two dimensions of a „nation‟s health‟, needing hospital care and longevity, have had to be custom-designed. To achieve this objective, the ensuing analysis is often technical, and may introduce concepts that are unfamiliar to some readers. In order to look at possible inequalities of outcome, comparisons were made between regions and ethnic groups, as well as age-groups and genders, and as a result, in places the analysis becomes rather complex

    Youth mentoring relationships: Understanding how to prevent breakdown

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    The research report Youth Mentoring Relationships: Understanding how to prevent breakdown (online version) was produced by a research team from four Perth universities: Dr Judith MacCallum, Murdoch University; Dr Susan Beltman, Curtin University; Dr Anne Coffey, The University of Notre Dame Australia; and Dr Trudi Cooper, Edith Cowan University (with Jayne Jarvis). This research contributes to a better understanding of some of the key strategies to reduce breakdown of mentor-mentee relationships and to lesson the adverse effect of unavoidable relationship breakdown

    Recent Advances in Cytogenetic Technology for Antenatal Genetic Testing

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    The examination of human chromosomes has been a part of the physician’s laboratory armamentarium since the correct diploid number of human chromosomes was established and a method was developed for the in vitro growth of peripheral blood leukocytes to yield metaphase chromosomes. The discovery that on ultraviolet microscopy (UV), metaphase chromosomes stained with fluorochrome dyes displayed a characteristic pattern of bright and dull bands unique for a given pair of homologous chromosomes, was a major technological breakthrough in human cytogenetics; for the first time, every chromosome in the karyotype could be unequivocally identified. Although the short storage life of fluorochrome-stained chromosomes and the costs of UV microscopy have limited the usability of fluorescence banding, the introduction of one discriminating procedure quickly led to the development of an array of similar banding techniques for conventional microscopy that yield comparable information. Some of these technical procedures depend on enzyme and/or heat denaturation of the chromosomes, resulting in the characteristic banding patterns seen by the trypsin-Giemsa method, the 5M urea method, and the acid-saline-Giemsa technique. A typical human karyotype prepared from metaphase chromosomes treated with trypsin, stained with Giemsa, and photographed with brightfield photomicrographic techniques is shown in Figure 1. Careful examination of this karyotype reveals that each chromosome in the homologous pair has an array of dark and light bands identical with those of its homolog and that each homologous pair, autosomes number 1 to number 22, has a characteristic, easily identifiable banding pattern
