18 research outputs found
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From Waste-Heat Recovery to Refrigeration: Compositional Tuning of Magnetocaloric Mn 1+ x Sb
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Ab initio computation for solid-state 31 P NMR of inorganic phosphates: revisiting X-ray structures
Magnetism and magnetocaloric properties of CoMnCrO
CoMnCrO crystallizes as a normal spinel in the cubic space group, and the end members have been reported to display a
region of collinear ferrimagnetism as well as a low-temperature spin-spiral
state with variable coherence lengths from 3 nm to 10 nm in polycrystalline
samples. Here, we present the synthesis of the entire solid solution, and data
showing that the ferrimagnetic ordering temperature as well as the spin-spiral
lock-in temperature are tunable with the Co/Mn ratio. The peak magnetocaloric
entropy change was determined to be = -5.63 J kg K
in an applied magnetic field change of = 0 T to 5 T for the Mn
end-member at the ferrimagnetic ordering temperature. Using density functional
theory (DFT), we explore the shortcomings of the magnetic deformation proxy to
identify trends in across composition in this spinel system, and
explore future extensions of theory to address these discrepancies
Charge density wave behavior and order-disorder in the antiferromagnetic metallic series Eu(Ga_1-xAl_x)_4
The solid solution Eu(Ga_1-xAl_x)_4 was grown in single crystal form to
reveal a rich variety of crystallographic, magnetic, and electronic properties
that differ from the isostructural end compounds EuGa_4 and EuAl_4, despite the
similar covalent radii and electronic configurations of Ga and Al. Here we
report the onset of magnetic spin reorientation and metamagnetic transitions
for x = 0 - 1 evidenced by magnetization and temperature-dependent specific
heat measurements. T_N changes non-monotonously with x, and it reaches a
maximum around 20 K for x = 0.50, where the a lattice parameter also shows an
extreme (minimum) value. Anomalies in the temperature-dependent resistivity
consistent with charge density wave behavior exist for x = 0.50 and 1 only.
Density functional theory calculations show increased polarization between the
Ga-Al covalent bonds in the x = 0.50 structure compared to the end compounds,
such that crystallographic order and chemical pressure are proposed as the
causes of the charge density wave behavior
Structural evolution and skyrmionic phase diagram of the lacunar spinel GaMo4Se8
In the lacunar spinels, the electronic structure is described on
the basis of inter- and intra-cluster interactions of tetrahedral
clusters, and tuning these can lead to myriad fascinating electronic and
magnetic ground states. In this work, we employ magnetic measurements,
synchrotron X-ray and neutron scattering, and first-principles electronic
structure calculations to examine the coupling between structural and magnetic
phase evolution in GaMoSe, including the emergence of a skyrmionic
regime in the magnetic phase diagram. We show that the competition between two
distinct Jahn-Teller distortions of the room temperature cubic
structure leads to the coexistence of the ground state
phase and a metastable phase. The magnetic properties of these two
phases are computationally shown to be very different, with the phase
exhibiting uniaxial ferromagnetism and the phase hosting a complex
magnetic phase diagram including equilibrium N\'eel--type skyrmions stable from
nearly = 28 K down to = 2 K, the lowest measured temperature. The large
change in magnetic behavior induced by a small structural distortion reveals
that GaMoSe is an exciting candidate material for tuning unconventional
magnetic properties mechanical means
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Rapid and Tunable Assisted-Microwave Preparation of Glass and Glass-Ceramic Thiophosphate �Li 7 P 3 S 11 � Li-Ion Conductors
Intrinsic thermal expansion and tunability of thermal expansion coefficient in Ni-substituted Co2V2O7
Framework oxide materials are well-known for exhibiting not only negative thermal expansion (NTE), but also demonstrating thermal expansion that can be controlled using composition as a tuning parameter. In this work, we study the intrinsic thermal expansion properties of Co _2 V _2 O _7 , which has shown bulk linear NTE, and attempt to understand how substituting Ni ^2+ for Co ^2+ will affect the thermal expansion. The isomorphic solid solution is synthesized through solid-state methods and characterized using x-ray diffraction (XRD), diffuse reflectance spectroscopy, and neutron diffraction. The size difference between Ni ^2+ and Co ^2+ as well as the polyhedral volume of each Co ^2+ metal coordination environment in the crystal structure allows Ni ^2+ to partially be directed toward one crystallographic site over the other. Variable temperature synchrotron XRD data are employed to understand intrinsic thermal expansion. Across the solid solution, no intrinsic NTE is observed at the microscopic level, yet a degree of tunability in the thermal expansion coefficient with Ni substitution is demonstrated. The disparities between the intrinsic and bulk thermal expansion properties suggest that a morphological mechanism may have resulted in NTE in the bulk