2,949 research outputs found

    Microstructural strain energy of α-uranium determined by calorimetry and neutron diffractometry

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    The microstructural contribution to the heat capacity of α-uranium was determined by measuring the heat-capacity difference between polycrystalline and single-crystal samples from 77 to 320 K. When cooled to 77 K and then heated to about 280 K, the uranium microstructure released (3±1) J/mol of strain energy. On further heating to 300 K, the microstructure absorbed energy as it began to redevelop microstrains. Anisotropic strain-broadening parameters were extracted from neutron-diffraction measurements on polycrystals. Combining the strain-broadening parameters with anisotropic elastic constants from the literature, the microstructural strain energy is predicted in the two limiting cases of statistically isotropic stress and statistically isotropic strain. The result calculated in the limit of statistically isotropic stress was (3.7±0.5) J/mol K at 77 K and (1±0.5) J/mol at room temperature. In the limit of statistically isotropic strain, the values were (7.8±0.5) J/mol K at 77 K and (4.5±0.5) J/mol at room temperature. In both cases the changes in the microstructural strain energy showed good agreement with the calorimetry

    Investigating the observed sensitivities of air-quality extremes to meteorological drivers via quantile regression

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    Air pollution variability is strongly dependent on meteorology. However, quantifying the impacts of changes in regional climatology on pollution extremes can be difficult due to the many non-linear and competing meteorological influences on the production, transport, and removal of pollutant species. Furthermore, observed pollutant levels at many sites show sensitivities at the extremes that differ from those of the overall mean, indicating relationships that would be poorly characterized by simple linear regressions. To address this challenge, we apply quantile regression to observed daily ozone (O[subscript 3]) and fine particulate matter (PM[subscript 2.5]) levels and reanalysis meteorological fields in the USA over the past decade to specifically identify the meteorological sensitivities of higher pollutant levels. From an initial set of over 1700 possible meteorological indicators (including 28 meteorological variables with 63 different temporal options), we generate reduced sets of O[subscript 3] and PM[subscript 2.5] indicators for both summer and winter months, analyzing pollutant sensitivities to each for response quantiles ranging from 2 to 98 %. Primary covariates connected to high-quantile O[subscript 3] levels include temperature and relative humidity in the summer, while winter O[subscript 3] levels are most commonly associated with incoming radiation flux. Covariates associated with summer PM[subscript 2.5] include temperature, wind speed, and tropospheric stability at many locations, while stability, humidity, and planetary boundary layer height are the key covariates most frequently associated with winter PM[subscript 2.5]. We find key differences in covariate sensitivities across regions and quantiles. For example, we find nationally averaged sensitivities of 95th percentile summer O[subscript 3] to changes in maximum daily temperature of approximately 0.9 ppb °C[superscript −1], while the sensitivity of 50th percentile summer O[subscript 3] (the annual median) is only 0.6 ppb °C[superscript −1]. This gap points to differing sensitivities within various percentiles of the pollutant distribution, highlighting the need for statistical tools capable of identifying meteorological impacts across the entire response spectrum.United States. Environmental Protection Agency (Grant/Cooperative Agreement RD-83522801

    The catastrophic thermokarst lake drainage events of 2018 in northwestern Alaska: fast-forward into the future

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    Northwestern Alaska has been highly affected by changing climatic patterns with new temperature and precipitation maxima over the recent years. In particular, the Baldwin and northern Seward peninsulas are characterized by an abundance of thermokarst lakes that are highly dynamic and prone to lake drainage like many other regions at the southern margins of continuous permafrost. We used Sentinel-1 synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and Planet CubeSat optical remote sensing data to analyze recently observed widespread lake drainage. We then used synoptic weather data, climate model outputs and lake ice growth simulations to analyze potential drivers and future pathways of lake drainage in this region. Following the warmest and wettest winter on record in 2017/2018, 192 lakes were identified as having completely or partially drained by early summer 2018, which exceeded the average drainage rate by a factor of ∼ 10 and doubled the rates of the previous extreme lake drainage years of 2005 and 2006. The combination of abundant rain- and snowfall and extremely warm mean annual air temperatures (MAATs), close to 0 ∘C, may have led to the destabilization of permafrost around the lake margins. Rapid snow melt and high amounts of excess meltwater further promoted rapid lateral breaching at lake shores and consequently sudden drainage of some of the largest lakes of the study region that have likely persisted for millennia. We hypothesize that permafrost destabilization and lake drainage will accelerate and become the dominant drivers of landscape change in this region. Recent MAATs are already within the range of the predictions by the University of Alaska Fairbanks' Scenarios Network for Alaska and Arctic Planning (UAF SNAP) ensemble climate predictions in scenario RCP6.0 for 2100. With MAAT in 2019 just below 0 ∘C at the nearby Kotzebue, Alaska, climate station, permafrost aggradation in drained lake basins will become less likely after drainage, strongly decreasing the potential for freeze-locking carbon sequestered in lake sediments, signifying a prominent regime shift in ice-rich permafrost lowland regions

    Magnetic polarons and magnetoresistance in EuB6

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    EuB6 is a low carrier density ferromagnet which exhibits large magnetoresistance, positive or negative depending on temperature. The formation of magnetic polarons just above the magnetic critical temperature has been suggested by spin-flip Raman scattering experiments. We find that the fact that EuB6 is a semimetal has to be taken into account to explain its electronic properties, including magnetic polarons and magnetoresistance.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figur

    Tricritical Phenomena at the Cerium γ→α\gamma \to \alpha Transition

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    The γ→α\gamma \to \alpha isostructural transition in the Ce0.9−x_{0.9-x}Lax_xTh0.1_{0.1} system is measured as a function of La alloying using specific heat, magnetic susceptibility, resistivity, thermal expansivity/striction measurements. A line of discontinuous transitions, as indicated by the change in volume, decreases exponentially from 118 K to close to zero with increasing La doping and the transition changes from being first-order to continuous at a critical concentration 0.10≤xc≤0.140.10 \leq x_c \leq 0.14. At the tricritical point, the coefficient of the linear TT term in the specific heat γ\gamma and the magnetic susceptibility start to increase rapidly near xx = 0.14 and gradually approaches large values at xx=0.35 signifying that a heavy Fermi-liquid state evolves at large doping. Near xcx_c, the Wilson ratio, RWR_W, has a value of 3.0, signifying the presence of magnetic fluctuations. Also, the low-temperature resistivity shows that the character of the low-temperature Fermi-liquid is changing

    Restoration of Frequency-Dependent Depression of the H-Reflex by Passive Exercise in Spinal Rats

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    Hyper-reflexia, measured as a decrease of low frequency-dependent depression of the H-reflex, is known to occur in both humans and animals after spinal cord injury (SCI). Previous studies have shown that passive exercise for 3 months could be used to restore low frequency-dependent depression of the H-reflex after SCI. To determine the effects of various periods of time on the ability of passive exercise to restore low frequency-dependent depression of the H-reflex. Spinal Cord Injury Mobilization Program of the Center for Translational Neuroscience, the research arm of the Jackson T Stephens Spine and Neuroscience Institute, Little Rock, AR, USA. Adult rats underwent complete spinal cord transection at the T10 level. The hindlimbs were passively exercised in different groups of rats for 1 h/day, 5 days/week for 15, 30, 45, 60, or 90 days, and low frequency-dependent depression of the H-reflex was tested. Statistically significant low frequency-dependent depression of the H-reflex was evident by 30 days of exercise, although numerical reductions were seen even at 15 days. There was a linear decrease in low frequency-dependent depression of the H-reflex with duration of passive exercise. Passive exercise can restore frequency-dependent depression of spinal reflexes in a time-dependent manner if used following complete spinal transection

    One-to-one full scale simulations of laser wakefield acceleration using QuickPIC

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    We use the quasi-static particle-in-cell code QuickPIC to perform full-scale, one-to-one LWFA numerical experiments, with parameters that closely follow current experimental conditions. The propagation of state-of-the-art laser pulses in both preformed and uniform plasma channels is examined. We show that the presence of the channel is important whenever the laser self-modulations do not dominate the propagation. We examine the acceleration of an externally injected electron beam in the wake generated by 10 J laser pulses, showing that by using ten-centimeter-scale plasma channels it is possible to accelerate electrons to more than 4 GeV. A comparison between QuickPIC and 2D OSIRIS is provided. Good qualitative agreement between the two codes is found, but the 2D full PIC simulations fail to predict the correct laser and wakefield amplitudes.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication IEEE TPS, Special Issue - Laser & Plasma Accelerators - 8/200

    Developmental Changes in Pedunculopontine Nucleus (PPN) Neurons

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    The developmental decrease in rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep in man occurs between birth and after puberty. We hypothesize that if this decrease in REM sleep does not occur, lifelong increases in REM sleep drive may ensue. Such disorders are characterized by hypervigilance and sensory-gating deficits, such as are present in postpubertal onset disorders like schizophrenia, panic attacks (a form of anxiety disorder), and depression. The decrease in REM sleep in the rat occurs between 10 and 30 days of age. We studied changes in size and physiological properties of pedunculopontine nucleus (PPN) cells involved in the control of arousal, i.e., waking and REM sleep. During the largest decrease in REM sleep (12–21 days), cholinergic PPN neurons doubled in cell area, the hypertrophy peaking at 15–16 days, then decreasing in area by 20–21 days. Noncholinergic PPN cells did not change in area during this period. We confirmed the presence of two populations of PPN neurons based on action potential (AP) duration, with the proportion of short-AP-duration cells increasing and long AP duration decreasing between 12 and 21 days. Most cholinergic and noncholinergic cells had short AP durations. Afterhyperpolarization (AHP) duration became segregated into long and short AHP duration after 15 days. Cells with short AP duration also had short AHP duration. The proportion of PPN cells with Ih current increased gradually, peaking at 15 days, then decreased by 21 days. These changes in morphological and physiological properties are discussed in relation to the developmental decrease in REM sleep
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