7 research outputs found

    Analisi archeologica, antropologica e istologica di resti cremati provenienti dai livelli dell’età del Rame di Velturno-Tanzgasse (BZ) = Archaeozoological, anthropological and histological analysis of cremated bones fr om the Copper Age levels of Velturno-Tanzgasse (BZ)

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    Durante le campagne di scavo (dal 1983) nel sito cerimoniale e funerario della tarda et\ue0 del Rame di Velturno-Tanzgasse (Bolzano) (tra ca. 2580 e 2350 cal. BC) sono stati raccolti resti umani e faunistici per lo pi\uf9 carbonizzati, principalmente connessi all\u2019uso di un\u2019area strutt urata adibita a luogo cerimoniale e di sepoltura secondaria di incinerati. I resti umani sono associati a resti animali che documentano presumibilmente att ivit\ue0 di off erta. Le caratt eristiche del materiale osteologico, calcinato e fortemente frammentato, motivano un approccio anche microscopico. L\u2019indagine istologica del tessuto compatt o contribuisce a discriminare resti umani e resti animali altrimenti non determinabili.The well-known site of the Late Copper Age at Velturno-Tanzgasse (middle Val d\u2019Isarco, Bolzano) (dated between ca. 2580 and 2350 cal. BC) was excavated since 1983. Th e excavations brought to light large samples of human and animals remains, mostly burnt, mainly related to a large structured area of ritual and funeral function interpreted as secondary burial place of cremated individuals. Th ese human remains are also associated to animal remains which presumably documented ceremonial off ering activities. Th e characteristics of the bones - strongly burnt and fr agmented \u2013 justify a study approached even on the microscope on thin sections for the identifi cation of the histological human or no human patt erns. Th e histological study of the stiff tissue contributes to our identifying of human and animal remains, that couldn\u2019t be identifi ed following the traditional methods used in the Zooarchaeology discipline