681 research outputs found

    Machine Learning approaches for Anomaly Detection in Industrial IoT scenarios

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    openMachine learning has become a part of our daily life and is commonly used across a wide range of industries, these methodologies have been applied in countless areas of application and their use is in continuous expansion. In particular, these approaches play a key role in enabling Industry 4.0 and IoT scenarios. Many of the algorithm results cannot be understood and explained in terms of how and why a specific decision was made. With the advancement of machine learning research, several techniques and approaches have emerged in recent years, but only a few studies have been produced regarding the end-user perspective and understanding the results of the algorithms, making these algorithms into higher beings in which their credibility depends on how much faith one has. Therefore, the lack of interpretability in this technology is the biggest obstacle to the spread of these applications. Anomaly detection is a large subdivision of machine learning technology that has enormous applicability in industrial scenarios. In fact, it is extremely relevant for the purposes of quality monitoring, predictive prevention and much more. Furthermore, the strength of this type of approach is that it can be implemented without the need for tagged data and obviously in this type of frameworks where the data is "dirty", is very peculiar not to have labeled data. Obviously, this last application is also infected with the same problem that the whole family suffers from. This thesis describes the development of an anomaly detection system that is interpretable, which therefore aims at alleviate the problems introduced above by trying to focus as much as possible on the perspective of the end-user. The two main topics are anomaly detection on the one side and the interpretability of the models on the other.Machine learning has become a part of our daily life and is commonly used across a wide range of industries, these methodologies have been applied in countless areas of application and their use is in continuous expansion. In particular, these approaches play a key role in enabling Industry 4.0 and IoT scenarios. Many of the algorithm results cannot be understood and explained in terms of how and why a specific decision was made. With the advancement of machine learning research, several techniques and approaches have emerged in recent years, but only a few studies have been produced regarding the end-user perspective and understanding the results of the algorithms, making these algorithms into higher beings in which their credibility depends on how much faith one has. Therefore, the lack of interpretability in this technology is the biggest obstacle to the spread of these applications. Anomaly detection is a large subdivision of machine learning technology that has enormous applicability in industrial scenarios. In fact, it is extremely relevant for the purposes of quality monitoring, predictive prevention and much more. Furthermore, the strength of this type of approach is that it can be implemented without the need for tagged data and obviously in this type of frameworks where the data is "dirty", is very peculiar not to have labeled data. Obviously, this last application is also infected with the same problem that the whole family suffers from. This thesis describes the development of an anomaly detection system that is interpretable, which therefore aims at alleviate the problems introduced above by trying to focus as much as possible on the perspective of the end-user. The two main topics are anomaly detection on the one side and the interpretability of the models on the other

    Diabetic Macular Edema With and Without Subfoveal Neuroretinal Detachment: Two Different Morphologic and Functional Entities

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    To assess specific morphologic and functional characteristics in eyes with diabetic macular edema (DME) with subfoveal neuroretinal detachment (SND+) vs DME without SND (SND-)

    Libro por abecedario de las religiosas de S. Christoval de... Valencia : que demuestra los nombres y apellidos, naturaleza, y padres de cada una dia, mes y año de su respectivo ingreso, profesion y muerte.

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    Port. orlada.Anotación mss. de Nicolau : "comprat per 1,25 pts al draper Climent Rubio, al carrer de les roques. Valencia 3 de maig 1937"admtvo.01Tít. en cub. : "Libro de ingresos y profesiones

    Título del lomo: Libro de profesiones del Convento de Masia del Remedio

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    Según el índice, el libro contiene 291 profesiones.Sumario: Libro con las profesiones de los frailes del Convento del Remedio de Valencia comenzado en el año 1613 y con anotaciones hasta el año 1703. Cada profesión está manuscrita por el propio fraile en latín o en castellano y aunque tienen una estructura similar, incluyendo la fórmula de profesión, el estilo es diferente. Algunas son simplemente textos y otras llevan orlas, escudos e ilustraciones en blanco y negro o en color.Fuente de ingreso: Adquirido por Nicolau Primitiu a Sempere en 1957.Tít. tomado de la primera hoja escrita de diferente manoFoliado por diferentes manosContiene: Indice de los Nombres y Apellidos de los Religiosos contenidos en este Libro segundo de las Professiones de este Convent

    Promptuario de la Theologia-moral

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    Sign.: ¶\p4\s, 3¶\p4\s, A-Z\p4\s, 2A-2Z\p4\s, 3A-3Y\p4\sTexto a dos col

    Historia de la aparicion milagrosa de la Imagen de N. Señora de la Soterraña de Nieva, y novena para implorar su auxilio

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    Sign.: []2, 2*8, 3*2, [calderón]4, A-P4, Q1, A3, B-C4, D5Digitalización. Vitoria-Gasteiz : Archivos y Bibliotecas, Mayo 1995Pergamin

    Ampliacion theologica de el parecer; y censurar que dieron los RR. PP. maestros de Predicadores sobre la incursion en las censuras de el derecho por los sacerdotes cursantes, y matriculados en leyes, y su inhabilidad à votar en la cathedra de artes

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    Copia digital : Diputación Provincial de Zaragoza. Servicio de Archivos y Bibliotecas, 2010Datos de tít. tomados de p.1Al final del texto aparece : "Convento de Predicadores"Sign.: A-F\p2\sPrecede al texto en p.1 cruz de Malt

    Vida, ascendencia, nacimiento, crianza y aventuras de el Doctor Don. Diego de Torres Villarroel...

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    Copia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 2009-2010Sign.: [calderón]4, A-H4, K4P.65-72 manuscrit