3 research outputs found
Adjusted risks associated with GD in the overall series, in patients without cirrhosis and without diabetes, at multivariate logistic regression analysis.
<p>Each variable adjusted for the others in the table.</p
Anthropometric, biochemical and clinical variables in patients with NAFLD with or without GD (univariate analysis).
<p>Mean ± SD or number of cases and (%).</p>+<p>P-values (ANOVA or chi-square test).</p>*<p>Variables that maintained significance when the subjects diagnosed with cirrhosis were excluded from analysis.</p
Percentage of necro inflammatory grading (left), fibrosis staging (middle) and steatosis (right) according to the presence or absence of GD.
<p>For necroinflammatory grade (IV  =  grade IV, V, VI and VII together). Analysis for trend: Necroinflammatory grade p = 0.01, Fibrosis stage p = 0.0001, Steatosis not significant (p = 0.7).</p