6 research outputs found

    Influencia del color del aula en los resultados de aprendizaje en 3° año básico: estudio comparativo en un colegio particular subvencionado en Santiago de Chile

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    Se analizaron y evaluaron las condiciones de habitabilidad de salas de clases de un colegio en la comuna de La Florida, Chile. El objetivo fue medir la influencia del color y la iluminación en el rendimiento de estudiantes de tercer año básico, a través de una acotada intervención en costo y en tiempo de ejecución. Se diseñó un método experimental semitranseccional correlacional el cual permitió recolectar datos de rendimiento académico para inferir la relación causal entre el color del aula y el proceso de aprendizaje, a través de la técnica del prototipo, es decir, la transformación real de un aula, midiendo doblemente los resultados: se compararon resultados de estudiantes en Matemática y Lenguaje, antes y después de la transformación del aula, y se compararon los mismos resultados de estudiantes del aula modificada con los resultados de estudiantes del mismo nivel en un aula convencional. La investigación reveló que la adecuada y pertinente combinación de colores complementarios en el aula estimula y mejora el aprendizaje, en condiciones presupuestarias desventajosas, en un aula convencional, cuya estructura no puede ser modificada, y que un mejoramiento integral del aprendizaje requiere la intervención del conjunto de elementos estimulantes del ambiente educativo

    Characterization and utilization of sawdust waste generated from advanced manufacture for its application as a thermal insulation in sustainable buildings using the blowing technique

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    [EN] The construction industry is vital for economic development, but it accounts for 40% of energy consumption and 45% of global greenhouse gas emissions. In this context, research has focused on reducing energy demand in homes, particularly through the development of insulation materials. Sawdust is a byproduct available annually in Chile in quantities exceeding 4.5 million tons. Therefore, the objective of this study was to characterize the physical and thermal properties of this waste to evaluate its use as a thermal insulation material. Stability and thermal conductivity tests, as well as density and moisture content measurements, were conducted on the sawdust. Additionally, to assess the functionality of this thermal insulator, the material was applied using the blowing technique in partitions, followed by physical tests. The results indicate that the proposed insulation material has thermal stability up to 270 degrees C. The thermal conductivity was comparable to conventional mineral wool and fiberglass (0.042 -0.048 [W/mK]). The density ranged from 123.77 to 198.15 [kg/m 3 ] depending on the filling time of the specimens but remained low compared to other organic materials. The moisture content was 11.31%, suitable for maintaining good thermal conductivity. This study concludes that sawdust is a viable alternative for thermal insulation, especially when applied through blowing. Its stability and thermal conductivity are comparable to conventional materials, while its thermal inertia is 200% higher than that of glass wool. Furthermore, the low moisture content suggests that there would be no proliferation of pathogens, making it a promising thermal insulator for sustainable construction development. Finally, it is mentioned that the material carbonizes within a limited time, leading to self -extinguishment of the flame.Rojas-Herrera, C.; Martínez-Soto, A.; Avendaño-Vera, C.; Cárdenas, JP. (2024). Characterization and utilization of sawdust waste generated from advanced manufacture for its application as a thermal insulation in sustainable buildings using the blowing technique. Journal of Building Engineering. 88. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jobe.2024.1092178

    Anàlisi comparatiu de l'efecte de les zones climàtiques en la durabilitat dels sistemes constructius tradicionals dels habitatges xilens

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    [ES] Este trabajo tiene como objetivo principal realizar un análisis comparativo de tres sistemas constructivos tradicionales de la vivienda chilena y en cómo es afectada su durabilidad según la zona climática en que este ubicada. Inicialmente se realizó una revisión bibliográfica donde se caracterizó la vivienda chilena y los sistemas constructivos más utilizados en el país. Estos sistemas constructivos se pueden clasificar según el tipo de material del que están compuestos siendo albañilería de ladrillo, tabiquería de madera y hormigón armado los más utilizados en Chile. Posteriormente la revisión bibliográfica fue enfocada en determinar las variables climáticas que afectan cada uno de los tres sistemas constructivos y su material principal. En la segunda parte de este trabajo y con base a la información recaba en la revisión bibliográfica se definió un caso de estudio representativo de la vivienda chilena precisando una vivienda tipo para este estudio. Se realizaron simulaciones estructurales a la vivienda tipo para los tres sistemas constructivos y en diferentes ubicaciones/zonas climáticas, Norte, Sur y centro del país. Finalmente se analizan y relacionan los resultados obtenidos mediante simulación con la información estudiada de la revisión bibliográfica.[EN] The main objective of this work is to carry out a comparative analysis of three traditional construction systems of Chilean housing and how their durability is affected according to the climatic zone in which they are located. Initially, a bibliographic review was carried out to characterize the Chilean housing and the most used construction systems in the country. These construction systems can be classified according to the type of material of which they are composed, being brick masonry, wood partition walls and reinforced concrete the most used in Chile. Subsequently, the bibliographic review was focused on determining the climatic variables that affect each of the three construction systems and their main material. In the second part of this work and based on the information gathered in the literature review, a representative case study of Chilean housing was defined, specifying a typical house for this study. Structural simulations were carried out for the three construction systems and in different locations/climatic zones, North, South and center of the country. Finally, the results obtained by simulation are analyzed and related to the information studied in the literature review.Avendaño Vera, CC. (2023). Análisis comparativo del efecto de las zonas climáticas en la durabilidad de los sistemas constructivos tradicionales de las viviendas chilenas. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/19801

    Comparison of Environmental Loads of Fibers Used in the Manufacture of Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) and Stone Mastic Asphalt (SMA) Mixes Using a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)

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    Several authors have demonstrated improvements in the mechanical performance of asphalt mixes by including the use of fibers. However, it has also been reported that environmental assessments must address fiber use in asphalt mixes from the point of view of sustainability. In this study, a life cycle assessment is used to compare the use of four different fibers (fiberglass, polyester fiber, aramid fiber, and cellulose fiber) commonly used in hot mix asphalt (HMA) and stone mastic asphalt (SMA) mixes. Additionally, the use of textile fibers from end-of-life tires (FiTyre) is included in the comparison. The results show that in the five selected impact categories (climate change, terrestrial acidification, human toxicity, particulate matter emissions, and the exhaustion of nonrenewable fossil fuels), the use of FiTyre and cellulose fibers is more advantageous than existing traditional fibers (fiberglass, polyester fiber, and aramid fiber)

    Comparison of Environmental Loads of Fibers Used in the Manufacture of Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) and Stone Mastic Asphalt (SMA) Mixes Using a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)

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    Several authors have demonstrated improvements in the mechanical performance of asphalt mixes by including the use of fibers. However, it has also been reported that environmental assessments must address fiber use in asphalt mixes from the point of view of sustainability. In this study, a life cycle assessment is used to compare the use of four different fibers (fiberglass, polyester fiber, aramid fiber, and cellulose fiber) commonly used in hot mix asphalt (HMA) and stone mastic asphalt (SMA) mixes. Additionally, the use of textile fibers from end-of-life tires (FiTyre) is included in the comparison. The results show that in the five selected impact categories (climate change, terrestrial acidification, human toxicity, particulate matter emissions, and the exhaustion of nonrenewable fossil fuels), the use of FiTyre and cellulose fibers is more advantageous than existing traditional fibers (fiberglass, polyester fiber, and aramid fiber)