927 research outputs found

    Dense matter equation of state for neutron star mergers

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    In simulations of binary neutron star mergers, the dense matter equation of state (EOS) is required over wide ranges of density and temperature as well as under conditions in which neutrinos are trapped, and the effects of magnetic fields and rotation prevail. Here we assess the status of dense matter theory and point out the successes and limitations of approaches currently in use. A comparative study of the excluded volume (EV) and virial approaches for the npαnp\alpha system using the equation of state of Akmal, Pandharipande and Ravenhall for interacting nucleons is presented in the sub-nuclear density regime. Owing to the excluded volume of the α\alpha-particles, their mass fraction vanishes in the EV approach below the baryon density 0.1 fm3^{-3}, whereas it continues to rise due to the predominantly attractive interactions in the virial approach. The EV approach of Lattimer et al. is extended here to include clusters of light nuclei such as d, 3^3H and 3^3He in addition to α\alpha-particles. Results of the relevant state variables from this development are presented and enable comparisons with related but slightly different approaches in the literature. We also comment on some of the sweet and sour aspects of the supra-nuclear EOS. The extent to which the neutron star gravitational and baryon masses vary due to thermal effects, neutrino trapping, magnetic fields and rotation are summarized from earlier studies in which the effects from each of these sources were considered separately. Increases of about 20%(50%)20\% (\gtrsim 50\%) occur for rigid (differential) rotation with comparable increases occurring in the presence of magnetic fields only for fields in excess of 101810^{18} Gauss. Comparatively smaller changes occur due to thermal effects and neutrino trapping. Some future studies to gain further insight into the outcome of dynamical simulations are suggested.Comment: Revised manuscript with one additional figure and previous Fig. 4 replaced, 19 additional references and new tex

    Generalized seniority for the shell model with realistic interactions

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    The generalized seniority scheme has long been proposed as a means of dramatically reducing the dimensionality of nuclear shell model calculations, when strong pairing correlations are present. However, systematic benchmark calculations, comparing results obtained in a model space truncated according to generalized seniority with those obtained in the full shell model space, are required to assess the viability of this scheme. Here, a detailed comparison is carried out, for semimagic nuclei taken in a full major shell and with realistic interactions. The even-mass and odd-mass Ca isotopes are treated in the generalized seniority scheme, for generalized seniority v<=3. Results for level energies, orbital occupations, and electromagnetic observables are compared with those obtained in the full shell model space.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures; published in Phys. Rev.

    Singlet vs Nonsinglet Perturbative Renormalization factors of Staggered Fermion Bilinears

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    In this paper we present the perturbative computation of the difference between the renormalization factors of flavor singlet (fψˉfΓψf\sum_f\bar\psi_f\Gamma\psi_f, ff: flavor index) and nonsinglet (ψˉf1Γψf2,f1f2\bar\psi_{f_1} \Gamma \psi_{f_2}, f_1 \neq f_2) bilinear quark operators (where Γ=1,γ5,γμ,γ5γμ,γ5σμν\Gamma = \mathbb{1},\,\gamma_5,\,\gamma_{\mu},\,\gamma_5\,\gamma_{\mu},\, \gamma_5\,\sigma_{\mu\,\nu}) on the lattice. The computation is performed to two loops and to lowest order in the lattice spacing, using Symanzik improved gluons and staggered fermions with twice stout-smeared links. The stout smearing procedure is also applied to the definition of bilinear operators. A significant part of this work is the development of a method for treating some new peculiar divergent integrals stemming from the staggered formalism. Our results can be combined with precise simulation results for the renormalization factors of the nonsinglet operators, in order to obtain an estimate of the renormalization factors for the singlet operators. The results have been published in Physical Review D.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables, Proceedings of the 35th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, 18-24 June 2017, Granada, Spai

    Nucleon form factors and moments of parton distributions in twisted mass lattice QCD

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    We present results on the electroweak form factors and on the lower moments of parton distributions of the nucleon, within lattice QCD using two dynamical flavors of degenerate twisted mass fermions. Results are obtained on lattices with three different values of the lattice spacings, namely a=0.089 fm, a=0.070 fm and a=0.056 fm, allowing the investigation of cut-off effects. The volume dependence is examined by comparing results on two lattices of spatial length L=2.1 fm and L=2.8 fm. The simulations span pion masses in the range of 260-470 MeV. Our results are renormalized non-perturbatively and the values are given in the MS-scheme at a scale mu=2 GeV.Comment: Talk presented in the XXIst International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, 21-27 July 2011, Grenoble, Rhones Alpes Franc

    The nucleon spin and momentum decomposition using lattice QCD simulations

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    We determine within lattice QCD, the nucleon spin carried by valence and sea quarks, and gluons. The calculation is performed using an ensemble of gauge configurations with two degenerate light quarks with mass fixed to approximately reproduce the physical pion mass. We find that the total angular momentum carried by the quarks in the nucleon is Ju+d+s=0.408(61)stat.(48)syst.J_{u+d+s}{=}0.408(61)_{\rm stat.}(48)_{\rm syst.} and the gluon contribution is Jg=0.133(11)stat.(14)syst.J_g {=}0.133(11)_{\rm stat.}(14)_{\rm syst.} giving a total of JN=0.54(6)stat.(5)syst.J_N{=}0.54(6)_{\rm stat.}(5)_{\rm syst.} consistent with the spin sum. For the quark intrinsic spin contribution we obtain 12ΔΣu+d+s=0.201(17)stat.(5)syst.\frac{1}{2}\Delta \Sigma_{u+d+s}{=}0.201(17)_{\rm stat.}(5)_{\rm syst.}. All quantities are given in the MS\overline{\textrm{MS}} scheme at 2~GeV. The quark and gluon momentum fractions are also computed and add up to xu+d+s+xg=0.804(121)stat.(95)syst.+0.267(12)stat.(10)syst.=1.07(12)stat.(10)syst.\langle x\rangle_{u+d+s}+\langle x\rangle_g{=}0.804(121)_{\rm stat.}(95)_{\rm syst.}+0.267(12)_{\rm stat.}(10)_{\rm syst.}{=}1.07(12)_{\rm stat.}(10)_{\rm syst.} satisfying the momentum sum.Comment: Version published in PR