2 research outputs found

    DIPL 2111-6010 Summer 2003: European Union Trip

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    The European Union is a unique entity in the international system. It is an effort by independent sovereign states to create a supranational institution, governing political, economic, and social issues. This is an unprecedented development in the history of states and the international system. How did the European Union come into being? What would cause sovereign states to overcome their individual nationalistic interests and forge a single, supranational governing institution? In this course we will examine the process of European integration, from a historical and a current perspective. There are three primary objectives to this course. First, we will analyze the creation of the European Union, starting from the initial Coal and Steel Agreement, proceeding through the European Economic Community and the European Community to the present European Union. We will examine the gradual integration of the European Union as a process of political, economic and social deepening and widening. In particular we will examine the “three pillars” that support the European Union of today: the economic pillar, the security pillar, and the Justice and Home Affairs policy pillar. Second, we will examine the institutions that comprise the European Union, in order to understand the institutional structure facilitating the integration of the countries of the EU. In particular, we will examine the role of the European Commission, the Council of Europe and the European Court of Justice in the integration process. Third, using our knowledge of the European integration process and the institutional structure of the European Union, we will examine the current efforts to expand EU membership to the transitional economies of Central and Eastern Europe. This expansion will present political, economic, and social challenges to the countries of the EU. EU members have conflicting interests and incentives regarding EU expansion to the East. We will explore some of these issues and discuss how European expansion will affect the institutional structure of the EU and its policy mandates. This is a unique course. Not only will we be reading about EU integration and expansion, we will be visiting the very institutions involved in these processes! We will supplement our readings of these institutions with actual briefings and visits to the European Commission, the European Parliament, and NATO, to name a few. This is an unusual opportunity to learn about the EU through personal interaction with officials, ambassadors, and diplomats. Enjoy

    DIPL 2112/6509 The EU and Cyprus Seminar

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    The recent EU enlargement is having serious implications on EU institutions. The impact on the new member countries is going to be even bigger. This is particularly true for Cyprus. First of all, Cyprus\u27 accession to the European Union on May1st signaled a colossal tide of change for this small country of under a million inhabitants. Enlargement opened the gates to a single market of 25 member states while granting 450 million citizens certain indisputable rights. Second of all, Cyprus is a divided country without a political settlement, therefore posing intriguing challenges for implementing basic European acquis. In this course, we will assess the economic, political and social impact of EU membership on Cyprus. We will gain insights based on the perceptions of different actors, namely public sector—e.g., central and local government officials, university officials, court and central bank representatives; private sector— e.g., chamber of commerce, labor unions, representatives of farmers; and civil society, e.g., members of the press and NGO representatives. This triangulation technique will allow us to draw a realistic picture of the potential benefits, costs, and most importantly the challenges for a new EU member. Based on this assessment, we will prepare a report to list and highlight the policy issues that should be addressed in a timely manner. This is a hands-on-course: After serious preparation, i.e., reading relevant materials and carefully preparing a research strategy, we will visit Cyprus and interact with the main players. Based on this visit, we will prepare a report, for which every member of the class will contribute