115 research outputs found

    Density dependence of the nuclear symmetry energy: a microscopic perspective

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    We perform a systematic analysis of the density dependence of the nuclear symmetry energy within the microscopic Brueckner--Hartree--Fock (BHF) approach using the realistic Argonne V18 nucleon-nucleon potential plus a phenomenological three body force of Urbana type. Our results are compared thoroughly to those arising from several Skyrme and relativistic effective models. The values of the parameters characterizing the BHF equation of state of isospin asymmetric nuclear matter fall within the trends predicted by those models and are compatible with recent constraints coming from heavy ion collisions, giant monopole resonances or isobaric analog states. In particular we find a value of the slope parameter L=66.5L=66.5 MeV, compatible with recent experimental constraints from isospin diffusion, L=88±25L=88 \pm 25 MeV. The correlation between the neutron skin thickness of neutron-rich isotopes and the slope, LL, and curvature, KsymK_{sym}, parameters of the symmetry energy is studied. Our BHF results are in very good agreement with the correlations already predicted by other authors using non-relativistic and relativistic effective models. The correlations of these two parameters and the neutron skin thickness with the transition density from non-uniform to β\beta-stable matter in neutron stars are also analyzed. Our results confirm that there is an inverse correlation between the neutron skin thickness and the transition density.Comment: 8 figure

    Beyond the Schwinger boson representation of the su(2)-algebra. I -- New boson representation based on the su(1,1)-algebra and its related problems with application

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    With the use of two kinds of boson operators, a new boson representation of the su(2)-algebra is proposed. The basic idea comes from the pseudo su(1,1)-algebra recently given by the present authors. It forms a striking contrast to the Schwinger boson representation of the su(2)-algebra which is also based on two kinds of bosons. This representation may be suitable for describing time-dependence of the system interacting with the external environment in the framework of the thermo field dynamics formalism, i.e., the phase space doubling. Further, several deformations related to the su(2)-algebra in this boson representation are discussed. On the basis of these deformed algebra, various types of time-evolution of a simple boson system are investigated.Comment: 31 pages, 6 figure

    A possible framework of the Lipkin model obeying the su(n)-algebra in arbitrary fermion number. I --- The su(2)-algebras extended from the conventional fermion-pair and determination of the minimum weight states ---

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    The minimum weight states of the Lipkin model consisting of n single-particle levels and obeying the su(n)-algebra are investigated systematically. The basic idea is to use the su(2)-algebra which is independent of the su(n)-algebra. This idea has been already presented by the present authors in the case of the conventional Lipkin model consisting of two single-particle levels and obeying the su(2)-algebra. If following this idea, the minimum weight states are determined for any fermion number occupying appropriately n single-particle levels. Naturally, the conventional minimum weight state is included: all fermions occupy energetically the lowest single-particle level in the absence of interaction. The cases n=2, 3, 4 and 5 are discussed in rather detail.Comment: 28 pages, 6 figur

    Quark matter nucleation in neutron stars and astrophysical implications

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    A phase of strong interacting matter with deconfined quarks is expected in the core of massive neutron stars. We investigate the quark deconfinement phase transition in cold (T = 0) and hot beta-stable hadronic matter. Assuming a first order phase transition, we calculate and compare the nucleation rate and the nucleation time due to quantum and thermal nucleation mechanisms. We show that above a threshold value of the central pressure a pure hadronic star (HS) (i.e. a compact star with no fraction of deconfined quark matter) is metastable to the conversion to a quark star (QS) (i.e. a hybrid star or a strange star). This process liberates an enormous amount of energy, of the order of 10^{53}~erg, which causes a powerful neutrino burst, likely accompanied by intense gravitational waves emission, and possibly by a second delayed (with respect to the supernova explosion forming the HS) explosion which could be the energy source of a powerful gamma-ray burst (GRB). This stellar conversion process populates the QS branch of compact stars, thus one has in the Universe two coexisting families of compact stars: pure hadronic stars and quark stars. We introduce the concept of critical mass M_{cr} for cold HSs and proto-hadronic stars (PHSs), and the concept of limiting conversion temperature for PHSs. We show that PHSs with a mass M < M_{cr} could survive the early stages of their evolution without decaying to QSs. Finally, we discuss the possible evolutionary paths of proto-hadronic stars.Comment: Invited review paper accepted for publication in EPJ A, Topical Issue on "Exotic Matter in Neutron Stars

    A possible framework of the Lipkin model obeying the su(n)-algebra in arbitrary fermion number. II --- Two subalgebras in the su(n)-Lipkin model and an approach to the construction of linearly independent basis ---

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    Standing on the results for the minimum weight states obtained in the previous paper (I), an idea how to construct the linearly independent basis is proposed for the su(n)-Lipkin model. This idea starts in setting up m independent su(2)-subalgebras in the cases with n=2m and n=2m+1 (m=2,3,4,...). The original representation is re-formed in terms of the spherical tensors for the su(n)-generators built under the su(2)-subalgebras. Through this re-formation, the su(m)-subalgebra can be found. For constructing the linearly independent basis, not only the su(2)-algebras but also the su(m)-subalgebra play a central role. Some concrete results in the cases with n=2, 3, 4 and 5 are presented.Comment: 25 pages, 1 figur

    RNA Interference as a Tool to Reduce the Risk of Rejection in Cell-Based Therapies

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    Remarkable progress in the experimental and clinical applications of cell-based therapies has identified stem cells and their derived products as potential candidates for regenerative therapies for many disorders. The use of autologous stem cells as source for regenerative therapeutic products is strongly limited by their low availability. Therefore, the future applications of in vitro pharmed therapeutic cell products will most likely occur in an allogeneic manner. However, the high variability of the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) represents a major obstacle to the application of off-the-shelf products. We have developed a strategy to decrease the immunogenicity of in vitro generated cell products by silencing HLA expression using RNAi. HLA expression was permanently silenced in CD34+ hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells and induced the pluripotent stem cells to generate HLA-universal cells sources, which were then used for the differentiation of low immunogenic cell products. In this chapter, we will provide an overview about an RNAi-based strategy to reduce the immunogenicity of cell-based therapies, and in particular in the generation of HLA-universal platelets and tissues

    Spin polarization in high density quark matter under a strong external magnetic field

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    In high density quark matter under a strong external magnetic field, possible phases are investigated by using the two-flavor Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model with tensor-type four-point interaction between quarks, as well as the axial-vector-type four-point interaction. In the tensor-type interaction under the strong external magnetic field, it is shown that a quark spin polarized phase is realized in all regions of the quark chemical potential under consideration within the lowest Landau level approximation. In the axial-vector-type interaction, it is also shown that the quark spin polarized phase appears in the wide range of the quark chemical potential. In both the interactions, the quark mass in zero and small chemical potential regions increases which indicates that the chiral symmetry breaking is enhanced, namely the magnetic catalysis occurs.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figure

    Post-impact fire resistance of T-stub joint component, Numerical evaluation

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    Current paper presents a finite element analyses for the characterization of the nonlinear behaviour of bolted t-stub component subject to impact loading followed by fire. The proposed numerical model has previously validated against experimental results under monotonic static loading at ambient and elevated temperatures (Ribeiro etal., 2013). 3D solid and contact elements from the finite element package Abaqus are used to perform the structural model. The temperature dependent material properties, the geometrical and material nonlinearities (including the strain rate sensitivity) were taken into account to predict the failure of the t-stub. A parametric study was conducted to to provide insight into the overall behavior, namely their stiffness, resistance, ductility and failure modes due to the effects of dynamic loading followed by fire