37 research outputs found

    The genome sequence of the stone loach, Barbatula barbatula (Linnaeus, 1758)

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    We present a genome assembly from an individual female Barbatula barbatula (the stone loach; Chordata; Actinopteri; Cypriniformes; Nemacheilidae). The genome sequence is 617.6 megabases in span. Most of the assembly is scaffolded into 25 chromosomal pseudomolecules. The mitochondrial genome has also been assembled and is 16.64 kilobases in length

    The genome sequence of rosebay willowherb Chamaenerion angustifolium (L.) Scop., 1771 (syn. Epilobium angustifolium L., 1753) (Onagraceae).

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    We present a genome assembly from an individual Chamaenerion angustifolium (fireweed; Tracheophyta; Magnoliopsida; Myrtales; Onagraceae). The genome sequence is 655.9 megabases in span. Most of the assembly is scaffolded into 18 chromosomal pseudomolecules. The mitochondrial and plastid genome assemblies have lengths of 495.18 kilobases and 160.41 kilobases in length, respectively

    The genome sequence of the orange-tip butterfly, <i>Anthocharis cardamines</i> (Linnaeus, 1758).

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    We present a genome assembly from an individual female Anthocharis cardamines (the orange-tip; Arthropoda; Insecta; Lepidoptera; Pieridae). The genome sequence is 360 megabases in span. The majority (99.74%) of the assembly is scaffolded into 31 chromosomal pseudomolecules, with the W and Z sex chromosomes assembled. Gene annotation of this assembly on Ensembl has identified 12,477 protein coding genes

    The genome sequence of the black-veined white butterfly, Aporia crataegi (Linnaeus, 1758). [version 1]

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    We present a genome assembly from an individual male Aporia crataegi (the black-veined white; Arthropoda; Insecta; Lepidoptera; Pieridae). The genome sequence is 230 megabases in span. The complete assembly is scaffolded into 26 chromosomal pseudomolecules, with the Z sex chromosome assembled. Gene annotation of this assembly on Ensembl has identified 10,860 protein coding genes

    Sequence locally, think globally: The Darwin Tree of Life Project

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    The goals of the Earth Biogenome Project—to sequence the genomes of all eukaryotic life on earth—are as daunting as they are ambitious. The Darwin Tree of Life Project was founded to demonstrate the credibility of these goals and to deliver at-scale genome sequences of unprecedented quality for a biogeographic region: the archipelago of islands that constitute Britain and Ireland. The Darwin Tree of Life Project is a collaboration between biodiversity organizations (museums, botanical gardens, and biodiversity institutes) and genomics institutes. Together, we have built a workflow that collects specimens from the field, robustly identifies them, performs sequencing, generates high-quality, curated assemblies, and releases these openly for the global community to use to build future science and conservation efforts.This is an open access article, available to all readers online, published under a creative commons licensing (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)

    The genome sequence of the Bordered Straw, Heliothis peltigera (Denis & Schiffermüller) 1775

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    We present a genome assembly from an individual male Heliothis peltigera (the Bordered Straw; Arthropoda; Insecta; Lepidoptera; Noctuidae). The genome sequence is 332.8 megabases in span. Most of the assembly is scaffolded into 31 chromosomal pseudomolecules, including the Z sex chromosome. The mitochondrial genome has also been assembled and is 15.3 kilobases in length. Gene annotation of this assembly on Ensembl identified 17,114 protein coding genes

    The genome sequence of the oyster mushroom, Pleurotus ostreatus ((Jacq.) P. Kummer, 1871).

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    We present a genome assembly from a specimen (the oyster mushroom; Basidiomycota; Agaricomycetes; Agaricales; Pleurotaceae). The genome sequence is 40.6 megabases in span. Most of the assembly is scaffolded into 12 chromosomal pseudomolecules. Two mitochondrial genomes have been assembled, which are 73.1 and 9.3 kilobases in length