736 research outputs found

    Prevenció de relacions abusives de parella: recomanacions i experiències

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    A la portada: Circuit Barcelona contra la violència vers les donesA la portada: Barcelona, 7 de maig de 201

    Masthead (Purpose and Scope)

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    És continuació de: Morts a Barcelona per lesions per accident de trànsi

    Stability of the Blaschke–Santaló and the affine isoperimetric inequality

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    AbstractA stability version of the Blaschke–Santaló inequality and the affine isoperimetric inequality for convex bodies of dimension n⩾3 is proved. The first step is the reduction to the case when the convex body is o-symmetric and has axial rotational symmetry. This step works for related inequalities compatible with Steiner symmetrization. Secondly, for these convex bodies, a stability version of the characterization of ellipsoids by the fact that each hyperplane section is centrally symmetric is established