2 research outputs found

    New Brazilian Automotive Industrial Policy: Analysis Of The Consequences For Local R&d Based On New Comer's Strategies

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    This study analyses the Brazilian auto-industry based on Porter's diamond model, looking for the four competitive advantage factors and how the new automotive industrial policy (INOVAR-AUTO), recently launched in 2012, impacts on the local automobile industry. Results show that the Brazilian government's goal is in line with Porter's theoretical model, but it leads us to conclude that Brazil needs to devise, design and implement a focused and integrated industrial policy of research and development (R&D) in the country. The survey, conducted with Asian new comer car and auto-part manufacturers, shows they have quickly adapted to the new policy changes of INOVAR-AUTO without consolidating a real local R&D function. The absence of such a technological specialisation policy increases the chances for Brazil to become a centre of production and commercialisation of vehicles conceived externally and produced with increasingly less local content and local design with higher prices due to less competition.1516379Amatucci, A., Bernardes, R.C., Formac¸ão de competências para o desenvolvimento de produtos em subsidiárias brasileiras de montadoras de veículos (2009) Produc¸ão (São Paulo, Impresso), 19, pp. 359-375Arbix, G., Zilbovicius, M., (1997) De JK a FHC - A Reinvenc¸ão Dos Carros, , Scritta, São PauloBalcet, G., Consoni, F.L., Global technology and knowledge management: Product development in Brazilian car industry (2007) International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management, 7 (2-3), pp. 135-151Brazilian Innovation Survey/Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (PINTEC/IBGE), (2008) Survey for the Year 2008, , Ministry of Science and TechnologyCarneiro-Dias, A.V., Bagno, R.B., Camargo, O.S., Pereira, M.C., Britto, G., Recent evolutions in R&D activities in the Brazilian automotive industry (2011) Nineteenth GERPISA International Colloquium, 8-9 June, ParisCeschin, F., Vezzoli, C., The role of public policy in stimulating radical environmental impact reduction in the automotive sector: The need to focus on product-service system innovation (2010) Int. J. Automotive Technology and Management, Special Issue on Change in the World Auto Industry and Policy Responses, 10 (2-3), pp. 321-341Clark, K.B., Wheelwright, S.C., (1993) Managing New Product and Process Development - Text and Cases, , The Free Press, NY, New YorkFederal Government, (2012) Plano Brasil Maior: New Requirement, BrasíliaFreyssenet, M., (2009) The Second Automobile Revolution: Trajectories of the World Carmakers in the 21st Century, 468p. , Palgrave/McMillan, Basingstoke and New YorkHumphrey, J., Globalisation and supply chain networks: The auto industry in Brazil and India (2003) Global Networks, 3 (2), pp. 121-141. , 2Ibusuki, U., Kaminski, P.C., Product development process with focus on value engineering and target-costing: A case-study in an automotive company (2007) International Journal of Production Economics, 105 (2), pp. 459-474Ibusuki, U., Kobayashi, H., Kaminski, P.C., Localisation of product development based on competitive advantage of location and government policies: A case study of car makers in Brazil (2012) Int. J. Automotive Technology and Management, 12 (2), pp. 172-196Industrial Federation of the State of Sao Paulo (FIESP), (2011) Analysis of Foreign Commerce Impact over the Employment in Brazil, São PauloKamp, B., Tozun, R., Automotive industry and blurring systemic borders: The role of regional policy measures (2010) Int. J. Automotive Technology and Management, Special Issue on Change in the World Auto Industry and Policy Responses, 10 (2-3), pp. 213-235Lema, R., Quadros, R., Schmitz, H., (2012) Shifts in Innovation Power to Brazil and India: Insights from the Auto and Software Industries, , Institute of Development Studies, Research Report UKMiller, R., Global R&D networks and large-scale innovations: The case of the automobile industry (1994) Research Policy, 23 (1), pp. 27-46Mudambi, R., Mudambi, S., Navarra, P., Global innovation in MNCs: The effects of subsidiary self-determination and teamwork (2007) Journal of Product Innovation Management, 24 (5), pp. 442-455Muffatto, M., Platform strategies in international new product development (1999) International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 19 (5-6), pp. 449-459Muffatto, M., Roveda, M., Product architecture and platforms: A conceptual framework (2002) International Journal of Technology Management, 24 (1), pp. 1-16National Association of Motorized Vehicle Manufacturers (ANFAVEA), (2002) Annual Report of the Brazilian Automobile Industry, São PauloNegri, J., A Cadeia de Valor global da Indústria Automobilística no Brasil (2010) La Inserción de América Latina Em Las Cadenas Globales de Valor, , Prochnik, V., Edic¸ão Red Mercorsur de Investigaciones EconómicasPorter, M.E., (1998) The Competitive Advantage of Nations, , Free Press, New YorkQuadros, R., Consoni, F., Innovation capabilities in the Brazilian automobile industry: A study of vehicle assemblers' technological strategies and policy recommendations (2009) International Journal of Technological Learning, Innovation and Development (IJTLID), 2 (1-2), pp. 53-75Sindicate of National Vehicle Autoparts Industry (Sindipecas), (2012) Brazilian Autoparts Industry Performance, São Paul

    Mapping Out Technological Capabilities In Research Institutions As Tool For Prospecting R&d Outsourcing Opportunities: A Methodology Developed For The R&d Centre Of A Major Car Assembler

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    The paper discusses the results of a project aimed at developing and testing a methodology for the identification, qualification and classification of capabilities of Brazilian research groups in technologies applicable to the automotive industry. The project was commissioned by Renault's Technocenter in Paris. The paper presents the context of the project, that is, the increasing de-centralization of R&D by multinational corporations, also in the form of R&D outsourcing to foreign research institutions (UNCTAD 2004). In the case of the automotive industry, it is argued that Brazilian research institutions are becoming an important basis for outsourcing. The paper describes the major steps of the methodology, discussing some of the critical difficulties: 1. definition of scope, strategy and concepts of the mapping out methodology; 2. identification of the potentially relevant research groups; 3. methods for approaching informers and collecting data; and 4. data treatment: organization of databank. The result of this project is a database with quantitative and qualitative information on technological competencies applicable to the automotive industry in the technological areas of Materials, Power-trains, Fuels, Manufacturing Technologies, Embedded Electronics and Ergonomics. The databank comprises approximately 200 research groups in various science and engineering disciplines. (c) 2006 PICMET.1301310ATKINSON, R., Flint, J., Accessing hidden and hard-to-reach populations:snowball research strategies (2001) Social Research update, (33). , summer, Guildford: University of SurreyCHATTERJI, D., Accesing External Sources of Technology: A rich menu of good industry practices awaits companies wishing to initiate or improve their technology sourcing efforts (1996) Research Technology ManagementMar/Apr 199639, 2ABI/INFORM Global, pp. 48-56. , PpCOHEN, W.M., NELSON, R.R., WALSH, J.P., Links and Impacts: The influence of Public Research on Industrial R&D (2002) Management ScienceJan 200248,1ABI/INFORM Global, pp. 1-23. , PpCONSONI, F., (2004) Da tropicalização ao projeto de veículos: Um estudo das competências em desenvolvimento de produtos nas montadoras de automóveis no Brasil, , http://libdigi.unicamp.br/document/?code=vtls000330594, PhD Thesis. Science and Technology Policy, IG/DPCT, UNICAMP, Campinas. 269p. Available atCYERT, R.M., GOODMAN, P.S., Creating Effective University-Industry Alliances: An Organizational Learning Perspective (1997) Organizational Dynamics, pp. 45-57. , spring. PpJACOB, M., HELLSTRÖM, T., ADLER, N., NORRGREN, F., From sponsorship to partnership in academy-industry relation (2000) R&D Management, 30 (3), pp. 255-262. , PpLAURSEN, K., SALTER, A., Searching high an low: What types of firms use universities as a source of innovation? (2004) Research Policy, 33, pp. 1201-1215MOTA, T. L. N. (1999). Interação universidade-empresa na sociedade do conhecimento: reflexões e realidade. In: Ciência da Informação. 28, no. 1.8 p(2003) Pesquisa Industrial de Inovação Tecnológica, , http://www.pintec.ibge.gov.br, PINTEC-IBGE (, Institute Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística IBGE, Available atQUADROS, R.Q., QUEIROZ, S., The Implications of globalisation for the distribution of design competencies in the auto industry in Mercosur (2001) Actes du Gerpisa, 32, pp. 35-45. , Paris, DecQUADROS, R., CONSONI, F., Between centralisation and decentralisation of product development competencies: Recent trajectory changes in Brazilian subsidiaries of car assemblers (2003) Actes du Gerpisa, , Paris, 11-13 June, 15pQUADROS, R., CONSONI, F., QUINTAO, R., Cooperative research between firms and research institutions : A new look into R&D in the Brasilian Automotive Industry. XIII GERPISA - Produtive organizations, employment relationships, financiarisation: specifcities of the automotive industry (2005) ANAIS, 2005. , Paris, 16-17 June, 15ppRAPPINI, M.S. (2004). Interação Universidade- Indústria no Brasil: uma análise exploratória a partir do Diretório dos Grupos de Pesquisas do CNPq. Tese de doutorado apresentada ao Institute de Economia da UFRJ, sob a orientação do Prof. Dr. José Eduardo Cassiolato. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 147pRAPPINI, M.S., Interação Universidade-Empresa no Brasil: Evidências do Diretório dos Grupos de Pesquisas do CNPq (2005) Texto para discussão, (251). , 24 pSANTORO, M.D., CHAKRABARTI, A.K., Firm size and technology centrality in industry-university interactions (2002) Research Policy, 31, pp. 1163-1180. , PpSILVA, L.E.BMAZZALI, L. (2001). Parceria tecnológica universidade-empresa: um arcabouço conceitual para a análise da gestão dessa relação. In: Revista Parcerias Estratégicas. Ministério da Ciência e Tecnologia (MCT), no. 11, junho. 12p. Available at: http://www.mct.gov.br/CEE/revista/rev11.ht