106 research outputs found

    Incidence of plasmid and antibiotic resistance in psychrotrophic bacteria isolated from Antarctic sponges

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    A total of 297 bacterial strains were isolated from five Antarctic sponge species and tested by agarose gel electrophoresis for the presence of plasmid molecules. At least one kind of plasmid was carried by 69 isolates (about 23%). The disc diffusion susceptibility test was used to assay the resistance of plasmid-harbouring bacteria towards 11 antibiotics. A multiple resistance was observed for the 72% of strains, among which the 33% were resistant to only two antibiotics. Bacteria showed a high degree of resistance towards O/129 (71%), tetracycline (42%) and nalidixic acid (25%), whereas any isolate showed resistance to gentamicin. The 16S rDNA sequencing revealed that plasmid-harbouring strains were mainly affiliated to the Gammaproteobacteria (81%), whereas the other detected phylogenetic groups (i.e. Firmicutes, Alphaproteobacteria, Actinobacteria and CFB group of Bacteroidetes) were less abundant, each representing between 1% and 6% of the total isolates. The present study will contribute to the poor and fragmentary knowledge on plasmid incidence in natural microbial populations. In addition, monitoring antibiotic resistance in bacteria from remote areas, such as Antarctica, could also be a useful tool to evaluate the impact of anthropic pressure

    Ricerche sulla biodiversità delle comunità batteriche in tre laghi antartici

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    The bacterial diversity in three Antarctic lakes located at Crater Cirque (CC), Inexpressible Island (INI) and Luther Peak (LH) in the Victoria Land was investigated by a combination of culture-dependent and culture-independent techniques. The in situ abundance of different bacterial groups was determined by fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH), while bacterial diversity among the cultivable microflora was investigated by culturing and genetic fingerprinting. Differences in the composition of bacterial assemblages were observed among the lakes investigated, when using the two approaches reported above. Overall, the detection rate by FISH of DAPI-stained cells varied from 48.4% to 68.9% with the general bacterial probe EUB338. Bacteria hybridizing with the group-specific probe CF319a were found to be abundant in the three lakes. A total of 478 strains were isolated from R2A agar plates and grouped by restriction analysis technique; sequencing of representative 16S rDNAs was performed to elucidate the taxonomic positions of isolates. Overall, isolates were placed within five different taxa: ?-Proteobacteria (39%), Bacteroidetes (35%), ?-Proteobacteria (8%), Actinobacteria (7%) and ?-Proteobacteria (5%). Finally, the 5.8% of total isolates shared the highest degree of sequence identity with unclassified bacteria. Members of the ?-Proteobacteria predominated at INI, whereas isolates from CC and LH mainly belonged to the Bacteroidetes. Among the ?-Proteobacteria, the genus Pseudomonas was predominant, whereas Flavobacterium spp. were very common among the Bacteroidetes. Finally, several Actinobacteria were closely related to unknown Antarctic bacteria

    I Say “no”. You Say “it Isn't”. About a New Understanding of the Concept of Negation

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    Introduction: In our opinion there is still confusion about the exact meaning of the term negation. As a consequence of this the importance of negation in the psychotherapeutic work is until now underestimated. Objectives For psychiatrists who work according to Fagioli's human birth theory the concept of negation is fundamental. Negation is a notion that refers to unconscious reality. Aims: The task of the psychiatrist is to identify and to interpret the negation in the deformed dream images during the psychotherapeutic process. Methods: In contrast to an intentional lie, which is communicated through verbal speech, negation corresponds to unconscious thoughts, which we can find in dreams. During sleep a transformation occurs, language is altered and expressed through images. Negation deforms the image. This deformation of the image happens in an unconscious process. This negation distorts the reality of the patient and his ability to interact with the other. Corresponding the relationship will be aggressive/destructive. The only way to identify this deformation is dream interpretation. Results: Through this therapeutic process the patient will be able to intuit and realize instead of negate the positive qualities of the other and integrate these into his reality. Only human interaction that is free from negation enable the patient to overcome the ideo-affective splitting, which allows recovery of positive affects and the possibility of developing evolutive relationships. Conclusions: Only a clarification of the term negation allows a psychotherapeutic process with the aim of developing evolutive relationships

    Molecular Detection of Arthropod-Borne Pathogens in Eurasian Badgers (Meles meles) from the United Kingdom

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    © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Arthropod-borne diseases (ABD) are of increasing interest in veterinary and public health. Eurasian badgers (Meles meles) are known to harbor a wide range of pathogens, but information on their role as ABD reservoirs and their potential epidemiological relevance is limited. This study aimed to investigate the occurrence of arthropod-borne pathogens, specifically piroplasmids and the bacteria Anaplasma phagocytophilum, Ehrlichia canis, Coxiella burnetii, Francisella tularensis and Bartonella spp., in badgers from Great Britain (GB). Blood and heart samples from 18 badgers were examined using PCR and sequencing. A neighbour-joining (NJ) phylogram was also produced. Nine animals tested positive for Babesia sp., while none of the samples was positive for the investigated bacteria. The sequences obtained clustered with other sequences of Babesia sp. from badgers from GB and elsewhere, including China, Hungary, Spain and Italy, showing a widespread distribution of this parasite in badgers. Badger-associated Babesia DNA was also found recently in a wild cat in Bosnia Herzegovina, in a wolf in Italy and in dogs in Hungary. Further investigations are needed to understand the epidemiology of this putative pathogen and its impact on the health of wild and domestic carnivores

    Study on psychoeducation enhancing results of adherence in patients with schizophrenia (SPERA-S): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.

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    BACKGROUND: Poor adherence to pharmacotherapy negatively affects the course and the outcome of schizophreniaspectrum psychoses, enhancing the risk of relapse. Falloon and coworkers developed a Psychoeducation Program aimed at improving communication and problem-solving abilities in patients and their families. This study set out to evaluate changes in adherence to pharmacotherapy in patients diagnosed with schizophrenia-spectrum psychoses, by comparing one group exposed to the Falloon Psychoeducation Program (FPP) with another group exposed to family supportive therapy with generic information on the disorders. METHODS: 340 patients diagnosed with schizophrenia and related disorders according to standardized criteria from 10 participating units distributed throughout the Italian National Health System (NHS), will be enrolled with 1:1 allocation by the method of blocks of randomized permutations. Patients will be reassessed at 6, 12 and 18 months after start of treatment (duration: 6 months).The primary objective is to evaluate changes in adherence to pharmacotherapy after psychoeducation. Adherence will be assessed at three-month intervals by measuring blood levels of the primary prescribed drug using high pressure liquid chromatography, and via the Medication Adherence Questionnaire and a modified version of the Adherence Interview. Secondary objectives are changes in the frequency of relapse and readmission, as the main indicator of the course of the disorder.Enrolled patients will be allocated to the FPP (yes/no) randomly, 1:1, in a procedure controlled by the coordinating unit; codes will be masked until the conclusion of the protocol (or the occurrence of a severe negative event). The raters will be blind to treatment allocation and will be tested for blinding after treatment completion. Intention-to-treat will be applied in considering the primary and secondary outcomes. Multiple imputations will be applied to integrate the missing data. The study started recruitment in February 2013; the total duration of the study is 27 months. DISCUSSION: If the psychoeducation program proves effective in improving adherence to pharmacotherapy and in reducing relapse and readmissions, its application could be proposed as a standard adjunctive psychosocial treatment within the Italian NHS

    Malattie da vettore di interesse veterinario su tasso europeo (Meles Meles)

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    Le malattie trasmesse da zecche (“Tick-Borne-Diseases, TBD”) sono un importante problema di interesse veterinario e sanità pubblica. Durante la prima parte del 21° secolo, ed in particolare negli ultimi dieci anni, le malattie trasmesse da zecche sono aumentate notevolmente nella loro incidenza e distribuzione in Europa. In Europa ci sono poche informazioni sulla prevalenza delle malattie trasmesse da vettori nei carnivori selvatici e, data la loro intensa esposizione ai vettori artropodi, potrebbero rappresentare un buon marker per la circolazione di questi agenti patogeni. I tassi europei (Meles meles) sono noti per ospitare una vasta gamma di agenti patogeni, ma le informazioni sui loro agenti infettanti e il loro ruolo come serbatoi di infezioni trasmesse da vettori, potenziale rischio per la salute degli altri animali o dell'uomo, sono limitate. Il presente studio ha come oggetto la valutazione della prevalenza e della diversità genetica di Babesia, e batteri Gram negativi, quali Anaplasma phagocytophilum, Ehrlichia canis, Coxiella burnetii, Francisella tularensis e Bartonella spp., in tassi europei (Meles Meles), provenienti dal Regno Unito. Sono stati esaminati con tecnica molecolare PCR campioni di organi provenienti da 18 tassi. Di questi, i campioni provenienti da sette tassi sono risultati positivi a piroplasmi (39%) mentre nessuno dei campioni è risultato positivo a batteri. I risultati evidenziano l’attuale prevalenza di emoprotozoi in tassi europei rispetto a la presenza di batteri
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