28 research outputs found

    Heat-Killed Trypanosoma cruzi Induces Acute Cardiac Damage and Polyantigenic Autoimmunity

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    Chagas heart disease, caused by the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, is a potentially fatal cardiomyopathy often associated with cardiac autoimmunity. T. cruzi infection induces the development of autoimmunity to a number of antigens via molecular mimicry and other mechanisms, but the genesis and pathogenic potential of this autoimmune response has not been fully elucidated. To determine whether exposure to T. cruzi antigens alone in the absence of active infection is sufficient to induce autoimmunity, we immunized A/J mice with heat-killed T. cruzi (HKTC) emulsified in complete Freund's adjuvant, and compared the resulting immune response to that induced by infection with live T. cruzi. We found that HKTC immunization is capable of inducing acute cardiac damage, as evidenced by elevated serum cardiac troponin I, and that this damage is associated with the generation of polyantigenic humoral and cell-mediated autoimmunity with similar antigen specificity to that induced by infection with T. cruzi. However, while significant and preferential production of Th1 and Th17-associated cytokines, accompanied by myocarditis, develops in T. cruzi-infected mice, HKTC-immunized mice produce lower levels of these cytokines, do not develop Th1-skewed immunity, and lack tissue inflammation. These results demonstrate that exposure to parasite antigen alone is sufficient to induce autoimmunity and cardiac damage, yet additional immune factors, including a dominant Th1/Th17 immune response, are likely required to induce cardiac inflammation

    Masquerading acidosis after cardiopulmonary bypass: a case of propionic acidemia and congenital heart disease.

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    We report the case of a child with both propionic acidemia and cyanotic congenital heart disease. The presence of an underlying inborn error of metabolism confounded the management of this patient in the postoperative period, resulting in therapeutic misdirection until the true etiology of hyperlactemia was recognized

    Identification of a palmitoyl acyltransferase required for protein sorting to the flagellar membrane

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    Protein palmitoylation has diverse effects in regulating protein membrane affinity, localization, binding partner interactions, turnover and function. Here, we show that palmitoylation also contributes to the sorting of proteins to the eukaryotic flagellum. African trypanosomes are protozoan pathogens that express a family of unique Ca2+-binding proteins, the calflagins, which undergo N-terminal myristoylation and palmitoylation. The localization of calflagins depends on their acylation status. Myristoylation alone is sufficient for membrane association, but, in the absence of palmitoylation, the calflagins localize to the pellicular (cell body) membrane. Palmitoylation, which is mediated by a specific palmitoyl acyltransferase, is then required for subsequent trafficking of calflagin to the flagellar membrane. Coincident with the redistribution of calflagin from the pellicular to the flagellar membrane is their association with lipid rafts, which are highly enriched in the flagellar membrane. Screening of candidate palmitoyl acyltranferases identified a single enzyme, TbPAT7, that is necessary for calflagin palmitoylation and flagellar membrane targeting. Our results implicate protein palmitoylation in flagellar trafficking, and demonstrate the conservation and specificity of palmitoyl acyltransferase activity by DHHC-CRD proteins across kingdoms

    Metabolic Uncoupling Following Cardiopulmonary Bypass.

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    OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to characterize the natural history of metabolic uncoupling (type B hyperlactemia and hyperglycemia) following cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB), and to determine the impact of insulin therapy on time to lactate normalization in patients without low cardiac output. DESIGN: The design used was a retrospective cohort study. SETTING: The study was set in a pediatric cardiac intensive care unit in a tertiary-care urban children\u27s hospital. PATIENTS: All patients were aged ≤21 years admitted between 2007 and 2013 following cardiac surgery involving CPB with empiric intraoperative corticosteroids. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: simultaneous hyperlactemia (≥3.5 mEq/L) and hyperglycemia (≥200 mg/dL) within 48 hours after bypass. EXCLUSION CRITERIA: Exclusion criteria were evidence of low cardiac output state, diabetes or postoperative steroid administration. INTERVENTIONS: Characteristics were compared between those treated with insulin and those who were not (controls). OUTCOME MEASURES: Outcome measures used were time from admission to onset of hyperglycemia and hyperlactemia and time to resolution. Clinical outcomes included duration of mechanical ventilation, length of stay, unplanned readmission/reoperation, hypoglycemia and death. RESULTS: Of the 1345 patients receiving CPB, 132 (9.8%) met inclusion criteria. Seventy-eight (59%) were treated with insulin, leaving 54 controls. Patient characteristics, surgical complexity and time to onset of hyperglycemia and hyperlactemia were similar between groups. The insulin group had a shorter duration of hyperglycemia. There was no significant difference between groups in time to lactate normalization, ventilator days, length of stay, readmission and reoperation rates. Hypoglycemia (/dL) occurred in three patients. CONCLUSIONS: In children with metabolic uncoupling after CPB, insulin use did not shorten the time to lactate normalization or alter clinical outcomes. These findings suggest that type B hyperlactemia with hyperglycemia after CPB will resolve spontaneously and does not warrant specific treatment

    Cell Cycle Inhibition To Treat Sleeping Sickness

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    African trypanosomiasis is caused by infection with the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma brucei. During infection, this pathogen divides rapidly to high density in the bloodstream of its mammalian host in a manner similar to that of leukemia. Like all eukaryotes, T. brucei has a cell cycle involving the de novo synthesis of DNA regulated by ribonucleotide reductase (RNR), which catalyzes the conversion of ribonucleotides into their deoxy form. As an essential enzyme for the cell cycle, RNR is a common target for cancer chemotherapy. We hypothesized that inhibition of RNR by genetic or pharmacological means would impair parasite growth in vitro and prolong the survival of infected animals. Our results demonstrate that RNR inhibition is highly effective in suppressing parasite growth both in vitro and in vivo. These results support drug discovery efforts targeting the cell cycle, not only for African trypanosomiasis but possibly also for other infections by eukaryotic pathogens

    Endothelial transmigration by Trypanosoma cruzi.

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    Chagas heart disease, the leading cause of heart failure in Latin America, results from infection with the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi. Although T. cruzi disseminates intravascularly, how the parasite contends with the endothelial barrier to escape the bloodstream and infect tissues has not been described. Understanding the interaction between T. cruzi and the vascular endothelium, likely a key step in parasite dissemination, could inform future therapies to interrupt disease pathogenesis. We adapted systems useful in the study of leukocyte transmigration to investigate both the occurrence of parasite transmigration and its determinants in vitro. Here we provide the first evidence that T. cruzi can rapidly migrate across endothelial cells by a mechanism that is distinct from productive infection and does not disrupt monolayer integrity or alter permeability. Our results show that this process is facilitated by a known modulator of cellular infection and vascular permeability, bradykinin, and can be augmented by the chemokine CCL2. These represent novel findings in our understanding of parasite dissemination, and may help identify new therapeutic strategies to limit the dissemination of the parasite

    Development of humoral autoimmunity in mice immunized with HKTC is of similar antigen specificity as in <i>T. cruzi</i> infected mice.

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    <p>A/J mice were infected with <i>T. cruzi</i> (n = 7), immunized with HKTC (n = 7), or injected with PBS (n = 3). ELISA analysis was used to test individual serum samples for IgG reactivity to <i>T. cruzi</i> as well as to a panel of cardiac antigens (actin, Cha antigen, desmin, laminin, myoglobin, myosin, tropomyosin) and non-cardiac antigens (elastin, mucin) or the immunologically irrelevant antigen BSA at 21 d.p.i. Each data point represents the mean antibody titer of each cohort above the background response to BSA. Error bars indicate SEM. Data are representative of two independent experiments. * <i>P</i><0.05.</p

    <i>T. cruzi</i>-infection but not HKTC immunization induces robust autoreactive Th1 and Th17 responses.

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    <p>A/J mice were infected with <i>T. cruzi</i> (INF), or immunized with HKTC (HKTC), or PBS (PBS). At 21 d.p.i., splenocytes were isolated and stimulated with HKTC or Myo 4. Intracellular cytokine staining of CD90+CD4+ splenocytes stimulated with anti-CD3 for IFN-γ, IL-4, and IL-17 was analyzed via flow cytometry. (A) The mean percentage of cytokine-positive cells is shown. Error bars indicate SEM (n = 4 for INF and HKTC; n = 3 for PBS). Data are representative of two independent experiments. (B) Representative plots of the cells quantified in panel A are shown. The mean percentage and SEM of IFN-γ+IL-17-, IFN-γ+IL-17+, and IFN-γ−IL-17+ cells are indicated.</p