10,136 research outputs found

    A Protein Allergen Microarray Detects Specific IgE to Pollen Surface, Cytoplasmic, and Commercial Allergen Extracts

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    Current diagnostics for allergies, such as skin prick and radioallergosorbent tests, do not allow for inexpensive, high-throughput screening of patients. Additionally, extracts used in these methods are made from washed pollen that lacks pollen surface materials that may contain allergens.We sought to develop a high-throughput assay to rapidly measure allergen-specific IgE in sera and to explore the relative allergenicity of different pollen fractions (i.e. surface, cytoplasmic, commercial extracts). To do this, we generated a protein microarray containing surface, cytoplasmic, and commercial extracts from 22 pollen species, commercial extracts from nine non-pollen allergens, and five recombinant allergenic proteins. Pollen surface and cytoplasmic fractions were prepared by extraction into organic solvents and aqueous buffers, respectively. Arrays were incubated with <25 uL of serum from 176 individuals and bound IgE was detected by indirect immunofluorescence, providing a high-throughput measurement of IgE. We demonstrated that the allergen microarray is a reproducible method to measure allergen-specific IgE in small amounts of sera. Using this tool, we demonstrated that specific IgE clusters according to the phylogeny of the allergen source. We also showed that the pollen surface, which has been largely overlooked in the past, contained potent allergens. Although, as a class, cytoplasmic fractions obtained by our pulverization/precipitation method were comparable to commercial extracts, many individual allergens showed significant differences.These results support the hypothesis that protein microarray technology is a useful tool for both research and in the clinic. It could provide a more efficient and less painful alternative to traditionally used skin prick tests, making it economically feasible to compare allergen sensitivity of different populations, monitor individual responses over time, and facilitate genetic studies on pollen allergy

    Synchronization in a ring of pulsating oscillators with bidirectional couplings

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    We study the dynamical behavior of an ensemble of oscillators interacting through short range bidirectional pulses. The geometry is 1D with periodic boundary conditions. Our interest is twofold. To explore the conditions required to reach fully synchronization and to invewstigate the time needed to get such state. We present both theoretical and numerical results.Comment: Revtex, 4 pages, 2 figures. To appear in Int. J. Bifurc. and Chao

    Symmetry breaking in commensurate graphene rotational stacking; a comparison of theory and experiment

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    Graphene stacked in a Bernal configuration (60 degrees relative rotations between sheets) differs electronically from isolated graphene due to the broken symmetry introduced by interlayer bonds forming between only one of the two graphene unit cell atoms. A variety of experiments have shown that non-Bernal rotations restore this broken symmetry; consequently, these stacking varieties have been the subject of intensive theoretical interest. Most theories predict substantial changes in the band structure ranging from the development of a Van Hove singularity and an angle dependent electron localization that causes the Fermi velocity to go to zero as the relative rotation angle between sheets goes to zero. In this work we show by direct measurement that non-Bernal rotations preserve the graphene symmetry with only a small perturbation due to weak effective interlayer coupling. We detect neither a Van Hove singularity nor any significant change in the Fermi velocity. These results suggest significant problems in our current theoretical understanding of the origins of the band structure of this material.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, submitted to PR

    The Keck keyword layer

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    Each Keck instrument presents a consistent software view to the user interface programmer. The view consists of a small library of functions, which are identical for all instruments, and a large set of keywords, that vary from instrument to instrument. All knowledge of the underlying task structure is hidden from the application programmer by the keyword layer. Image capture software uses the same function library to collect data for the image header. Because the image capture software and the instrument control software are built on top of the same keyword layer, a given observation can be 'replayed' by extracting keyword-value pairs from the image header and passing them back to the control system. The keyword layer features non-blocking as well as blocking I/O. A non-blocking keyword write operation (such as setting a filter position) specifies a callback to be invoked when the operation is complete. A non-blocking keyword read operation specifies a callback to be invoked whenever the keyword changes state. The keyword-callback style meshes well with the widget-callback style commonly used in X window programs. The first keyword library was built for the two Keck optical instruments. More recently, keyword libraries have been developed for the infrared instruments and for telescope control. Although the underlying mechanisms used for inter-process communication by each of these systems vary widely (Lick MUSIC, Sun RPC, and direct socket I/O, respectively), a basic user interface has been written that can be used with any of these systems. Since the keyword libraries are bound to user interface programs dynamically at run time, only a single set of user interface executables is needed. For example, the same program, 'xshow', can be used to display continuously the telescope's position, the time left in an instrument's exposure, or both values simultaneously. Less generic tools that operate on specific keywords, for example an X display that controls optical instrument exposures, have also been written using the keyword layer

    Seeding for pervasively overlapping communities

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    In some social and biological networks, the majority of nodes belong to multiple communities. It has recently been shown that a number of the algorithms that are designed to detect overlapping communities do not perform well in such highly overlapping settings. Here, we consider one class of these algorithms, those which optimize a local fitness measure, typically by using a greedy heuristic to expand a seed into a community. We perform synthetic benchmarks which indicate that an appropriate seeding strategy becomes increasingly important as the extent of community overlap increases. We find that distinct cliques provide the best seeds. We find further support for this seeding strategy with benchmarks on a Facebook network and the yeast interactome.Comment: 8 Page

    The Keck Task Library (KTL)

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    KTL is a set of routines which eases the job of writing applications which must interact with a variety of underlying sub-systems (known as services). A typical application is an X Window user interface coordinating telescope and instruments. In order to connect to a service, application code specifies a service name--typically an instrument name--and a style, which defines the way in which the application will interact with the service. Two styles are currently supported: keyword, where the application reads and writes named keywords and the resulting inter-task message traffic is hidden; and message, where the application deals directly with messages. The keyword style is intended mainly for user interfaces, and the message style is intended mainly for lower-level applications. KTL applications are event driven: a typical application first connects to all its desired services, then expresses interest in specified events. The application then enters an event dispatch loop in which it waits for events and calls the appropriate service's event-handling routine. Each event is associated with a call-back routine which is invoked when the event occurs. Call-back routines may (and typically do) interact with other sub-systems and KTL provides the means of doing so without blocking the application (vital for X Window user interfaces). This approach is a marriage of ideas culled from the X window, ADAM, Keck instrument, and Keck telescope control systems. A novel feature of KTL is that it knows nothing about any services or styles. Instead it defines a generic set of routines which must be implemented by all services and styles (essentially open(), ioctl(), read(), write(), event(), and close()) and activates sharable libraries at run-time. Services have been implemented (in both keyword and message styles) for HIRES (the Keck high resolution echelle spectrograph built by Lick Observatory), LWS (the Keck long wavelength spectrometer built by UC San Diego), and the Keck telescope. Each of these implementations uses different underlying message systems: the Lick MUSIC system, RPC's, and direct sockets (respectively). Services for the remaining three front-line Keck instruments will be implemented over the next few months

    Silicon intercalation into the graphene-SiC interface

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    In this work we use LEEM, XPEEM and XPS to study how the excess Si at the graphene-vacuum interface reorders itself at high temperatures. We show that silicon deposited at room temperature onto multilayer graphene films grown on the SiC(000[`1]) rapidly diffuses to the graphene-SiC interface when heated to temperatures above 1020. In a sequence of depositions, we have been able to intercalate ~ 6 ML of Si into the graphene-SiC interface.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figures, submitted to PR
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