1,989 research outputs found

    Muscle glycogen and blood lactate in yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares, and skipjack, Katsuwonus pelamis, following capture and tagging

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    ENGLISH: Tagging and the recovery of tagged yellowfin (Thunnus albacares) and skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis) tunas are important aspects of the investigations conducted by the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean. The results of the tagging program provide information on population structures, migrations, mortality rates and growth rates of these two species. The present experimental program was undertaken to study the relationship between muscular fatigue and high tagging mortalities in yellowfin and skipjack. SPANISH: La marcación del atún aleta amarilla (Thunnus albacares) y del barrilete (Katsuwonus pelamis), y el recobro de estos atunes marcados, son aspectos importantes de la investigación que efectúa la Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical en el Océano Pacífico Oriental Tropical. Los resultados del programa de marcación proporcionan información sobre la estructura de las poblaciones, migraciones, tasas de mortalidad y tasas de crecimiento de estas dos especies. El programa experimental presente fue emprendido para estudiar la relación entre la fatiga muscular y la alta mortalidad causada por la marcación en el atún aleta amarilla y el barrilete. (PDF contains 52 pages.

    Blood lactate in yellowfin tuna, Neothunnus macropterus, and skipjack, Katsuwonus pelamis, following capture and tagging

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    ENGLISH: The staff of the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission for several years has been investigating the life history, population structure, behavior and ecology of the yellowfin tuna, Neothunnus macropterus, and the skipjack, Katsuwonus pelamis, in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean. The tagging and subsequent recovery of these tropical tunas, to provide information on population structure, migrations, mortality rates and growth rates, are important aspects of these investigations. Broadhead (1959) and Schaefer, Chatwin and Broadhead (1961) emphasize the many difficulties involved in tagging these extremely active yet delicate fish and give considerable evidence to suggest that tagging mortality is high, perhaps as great as 60 to 80 per cent. The latter authors suggest that the rather high mortality at tagging is related to the effects of hyperactivity brought about by the tagging operation. SPANISH: El personal de la Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical ha estado investigando durante varios años la historia natural, la estructura de la población, los hábitos y la ecología del atún aleta amarilla, Neothunnus macropterus, y del barrilete, Katsuwonus pelamis, en el Océano Pacífico Oriental Tropical. La marcación y el subsiguiente recobro de estos atunes tropicales, lo que da información sobre la estructura de la población, los movimientos migratorios y las tasas de crecimiento y de mortalidad, son importantes aspectos de estas investigaciones. Broadhead (1959) y Schaefer, Chatwin y Broadhead (1961) destacan las muchas dificultades que hay para marcar estos peces activos en extremo pero delicados, y proporcionan considerable evidencia que sugiere que la mortalidad por la marcación es bastante alta, siendo quizás de 60 a 80 por ciento. Los autores citados sugieren que esta elevada mortalidad por la marcación está relacionada con los efectos de la hiperactividad producida por la operación de marcación

    Hypoplastic left heart syndrome

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    Hypoplastic left heart syndrome(HLHS) refers to the abnormal development of the left-sided cardiac structures, resulting in obstruction to blood flow from the left ventricular outflow tract. In addition, the syndrome includes underdevelopment of the left ventricle, aorta, and aortic arch, as well as mitral atresia or stenosis. HLHS has been reported to occur in approximately 0.016 to 0.036% of all live births. Newborn infants with the condition generally are born at full term and initially appear healthy. As the arterial duct closes, the systemic perfusion becomes decreased, resulting in hypoxemia, acidosis, and shock. Usually, no heart murmur, or a non-specific heart murmur, may be detected. The second heart sound is loud and single because of aortic atresia. Often the liver is enlarged secondary to congestive heart failure. The embryologic cause of the disease, as in the case of most congenital cardiac defects, is not fully known. The most useful diagnostic modality is the echocardiogram. The syndrome can be diagnosed by fetal echocardiography between 18 and 22 weeks of gestation. Differential diagnosis includes other left-sided obstructive lesions where the systemic circulation is dependent on ductal flow (critical aortic stenosis, coarctation of the aorta, interrupted aortic arch). Children with the syndrome require surgery as neonates, as they have duct-dependent systemic circulation. Currently, there are two major modalities, primary cardiac transplantation or a series of staged functionally univentricular palliations. The treatment chosen is dependent on the preference of the institution, its experience, and also preference. Although survival following initial surgical intervention has improved significantly over the last 20 years, significant mortality and morbidity are present for both surgical strategies. As a result pediatric cardiologists continue to be challenged by discussions with families regarding initial decision relative to treatment, and long-term prognosis as information on long-term survival and quality of life for those born with the syndrome is limited

    The role of attitude and attitude ambivalence in acceptance of the cancer risk associated with red meat

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    Many cancers are linked to varying degrees with common lifestyle factors such as smoking, drinking and diet, and are therefore partially preventable. Building on existing risk perception literature, this article uses the case of red meat consumption to examine the effect of people’s attitudes and attitude ambivalence on health risk perceptions where there is some uncertainty about the risk. Data was obtained from an opportunity sample of community-dwelling adults (n = 167) using an online survey. The survey included information from a recent press release on the cancer risk associated with red meat consumption (‘probably carcinogenic’) as well as measures of attitude to red meat, attitude ambivalence, ambiguity aversion, information evaluation and acceptance of cancer risk. Participants who were more inclined to accept the risk of cancer linked to red meat tended to have a more negative attitude to red meat, higher attitude ambivalence, more favourable evaluation of the information provided, lower ambiguity aversion and lower red meat consumption; they also tended to be of older age. Attitude was a weaker predictor of risk perception among participants who were highly ambivalent. This, coupled with the finding that people with an ambivalent attitude to red meat evaluated the risk information more favourably and were more convinced that red meat can cause cancer, suggests that attitude ambivalence may play a more important role in risk perception than previously thought. These findings are discussed in the context of strategies for dealing with risk when drawing on rational and non-rational logics of handling evidence

    Reduced Left Lateralization of Language in Congenitally Blind Individuals

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    Language processing depends on a left-lateralized network of frontotemporal cortical regions. This network is remarkably consistent across individuals and cultures. However, there is also evidence that developmental factors, such as delayed exposure to language, can modify this network. Recently, it has been found that, in congenitally blind individuals, the typical frontotemporal language network expands to include parts of “visual” cortices. Here, we report that blindness is also associated with reduced left lateralization in frontotemporal language areas. We analyzed fMRI data from two samples of congenitally blind adults (n = 19 and n = 13) and one sample of congenitally blind children (n = 20). Laterality indices were computed for sentence comprehension relative to three different control conditions: solving math equations (Experiment 1), a memory task with nonwords (Experiment 2), and a “does this come next?” task with music (Experiment 3). Across experiments and participant samples, the frontotemporal language network was less left-lateralized in congenitally blind than in sighted individuals. Reduction in left lateralization was not related to Braille reading ability or amount of occipital plasticity. Notably, we observed a positive correlation between the lateralization of frontotemporal cortex and that of language-responsive occipital areas in blind individuals. Blind individuals with right-lateralized language responses in frontotemporal cortices also had right-lateralized occipital responses to language. Together, these results reveal a modified neurobiology of language in blindness. Our findings suggest that, despite its usual consistency across people, the neurobiology of language can be modified by nonlinguistic experiences

    'Visible worlds' : the process of the image in the work of H.D.

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    This thesis examines the literary deployment of the visual in the work of H. D. (Hilda Doolittle). Beginning with a discussion of the early poetry of Sca Garden (1916) and the essay Notes on Thought and Vision (1919), 1 argue that H. D. 's categorisation as an Imagist poet has effaced the political and aesthetic possibilities opened up by her prose and later work. H. D. *s representation of 'womb vision' in Notes on Thought and Vision can be seen to anticipate the notion of' the 'creating spectator' in the theoretical writings of the Soviet film director. Sergei Eisenstein. Thus, by considering Sea Garden alongside developments in early cinema, I re-evaluate the image in H. D. *s early work, and locate her poetics not as 'static" but as kinetic. H. D. was also directly involved in film-making and in the writing of film criticism. Chapter Two explores how her engagement with the moving image is inscribed into the autobiographical novel Her, written in 1917. Examining Her alongside the silent film Borderline (1930), which H. D. helped to produce, this chapter explores issues of sexual and racial difference which are foregrounded through the formal devices employed in both texts. Chapter Three examines Tile Gýfi, which was written during the Second World War, in the light of H. D. 's contributions to the film journal Close Up (1927-33). This reading not only illuminatcs the political and ideological implications of H. D. 's use of the visual, it explores the intersections between literary and visual cultures at the beginning of the twentieth century. Accounts of cinema are largely absent from the history of literary Modernism and the thesis therefore goes some way towards a revisionist analysis of the period. Chapter Four extends the paradigm of the visual in H. D. 's work still further, analysing her memoirs Tribute To Freud (1956) and the unpublished Mqiic Ring (1943-44) in the light of her involvement with spiritualism. Both these texts encode a critique of the scientific 'gaze' exemplified by psychoanalysis and offer possibilities for an alternative model of 'seeing' which is predicated upon spiritual, or visionary, experience. Returning to the discourse of the cinema in Chapter Five, I contextualise my reading of Helen in EDIpt (1961 ) within debates about synchronised sound in early cinema. I also explore H. D. 's construction of female subjectivity and corporeality in Helen in the light of recent feminist film theory. In many ways H. D. 's work anticipates the preoccupations of recent feminist thinkers such as Luce Irigaray, H616ne Cixous and Judith Butler. These writers - along with recent feminist film theorists like Mary Ann Doane and Laura n Mulvey - provide a theoretical underpinning for the thesis. Such an approach permits a questioning of H. D. 's perceived position as a 'Modernist' poet. Furthermore, in the light of postmodern preoccupations with process, fluidity and flux, it is possible to see how dominant configurations of gender and sexuality are. through H. D. 's work, deliberately, and consistently, unsettled

    Initial Survey of Engineering Technology Capstone Courses and TeamworkBuilding Using CATME

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    This paper represents a first step in what is to become a multi –institutional initiative focused on identifying best practices for developing and improving teamwork skills within the Capstone experiences of engineering, technology and computing programs. Teamwork in this paper is defined and measured as the dimensions measured by the CATME Peer Review [1], which is currently used by thousands of technology and engineering instructors and institutions worldwide. The CATME Peer Review measurement tool is used to collect self and peer evaluations of team members’ contributions on five different teamwork dimensions [2]. These teamwork dimensions are 1) pose the knowledge, skills, and abilities to help the team; 2) expect quality work from the team; 3) keep the team on schedule; 4) positive interactions between teammates to help the team; and 5) all team members contribute to the team\u27s work and success. Pung and Farris[3] used CATME in a one semester junior level design class and reported a “significant improvement” in student behavior when compared to the old system of peer review. A workshop was developed to assemble all the participants, and develop a systematic method of evaluating teamwork building using CATME. All the participating schools and faculty will be testing changes in their Capstone courses and sharing the results of this analysis, in teamwork skills, with their colleagues

    Genetic Monogamy in Socially Monogamous Mammals Is Primarily Predicted by Multiple Life History Factors: A Meta-Analysis

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    Background: We still do not understand the key drivers or prevalence of genetic monogamy in mammals despite the amount of attention that the evolution of mammalian monogamy has received. There have been numerous reviews of the hypotheses proposed to explain monogamy, some of which focused on animals in general, while others focused on particular classes like birds or mammals, or on specific orders within a class. Because monogamy is rare in mammals overall but relatively common in some of the orders in which it has been observed (e.g., Primates, Macroscelidea, and Carnivora), mammals provide a unique taxon in which to study the evolution and maintenance of monogamy However, the term “monogamy” encompasses related but separate phenomena; i.e., social monogamy (pair-living by opposite-sex conspecifics) and genetic monogamy or reproductive monogamy (mating exclusivity). A recent review of mammalian monogamy reported that 226 species (9%) in 9 orders (35%) were socially monogamous, although socially monogamous mammals are not necessarily genetically monogamous.Methods: Since factors that predispose socially monogamous mammals to be genetically monogamous are still subject to debate, we conducted meta-analyses using model selection to determine the relative importance of several life history, demographic, and environmental factors in predicting genetic monogamy.Results: We found sufficient data to include 41 species in our analysis, about 2x more than have been included in previous analyses of mammalian genetic monogamy. We found that living as part of a socially monogamous pair vs. in a group was the best predictor of genetic monogamy, either by itself or in combination with high levels of paternal care. A male-biased sex ratio and low population density were inversely related to the number of pairs that were genetically monogamous, but not to the production of intra-pair young or litters.Conclusion: Our results agree with the results of some previous analyses but suggest that more than one factor may be important in driving genetic monogamy in mammals