203 research outputs found

    Marjorie Fluor Moore helps Biola build for eternity

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    Library construction update

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    Adding heritage to the library / Jack Kenne

    Connecting authentic educational leaders and their followers

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    The success of organizations, including those of an educational nature, is inextricably intertwined with their leadership. The economic and financial woes which plagued the world in recent years have triggered the need for a new generation of leaders. There are various leadership models and styles which may be adopted, including authentic leadership. This may be considered as an emerging leadership model which, however, is quickly gathering momentum. It is a style of leadership which can contribute significantly to the success of an organization, leading to improved work-engagement and performance. One of the reasons for this is that it offers a connection between the leader and the followers, that is, those who are being led. It is not easy to define authentic leadership; very often it is defined as promoting a positive ethical climate, fostering self-awareness, an internalised moral perspective, balanced processing, and relational transparency (Walumbwa et al., 2008). This paper explores and summarizes the main characteristics and traits of authentic leaders, provides a short critique, as well as recommends how authentic leadership can be put into practice.peer-reviewe

    e-Learning for older workers in SMEs? : the perceptions of owners and workers in Maltese microenterprises

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    This paper presents the findings of a qualitative investigation of the perceptions about online training programmes of owners and older employees in Maltese microenterprises. The main data-gathering tool was the semi-structured interview. The analysis of the empirical data was achieved through grounded theory approaches, including constant comparison, coding and memoing. The findings indicate that owner-managers and older employees have a negative attitude towards training in general, and company-related e-learning efforts in particular. Various factors were identified. However, the data suggests that, if the online courses are designed to meet the demands of both owners and employees, and if they have a non-formal, non-directive form, like workbased learning, they can encourage the participation of older employees in training.peer-reviewe

    Immagini dell'eloquenza classica attraverso le figure emblematiche di Demostene, Pericle, Eschine, e Cicerone

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    Questo studio rappresenta una sorta di viaggio nella genesi e nell’evoluzione dell’eloquenza classica a partire dai principali oratori greci quali fondamentali artefici della retorica, seguiti dagli oratori romani e in particolare dalla straordinaria figura dell’oratore latino Marco Tullio Cicerone. In seguito all’analisi degli albori dell’oratoria classica, il saggio si occupa di una delle tappe più significative della storia della retorica, quella dell’unione tra la filosofia e l’eloquenza. Dopodiché ci si sofferma sui maggiori esponenti dell’eloquenza e più specificamente sulle loro particolari caratteristiche. Apre la carrellata colui che è considerato uno dei più grandi oratori di tutti i tempi nonché uno dei padri dell’eloquenza moderna. Si tratta dell’ateniese Demostene, considerato all’epoca di Cicerone come il rètore per eccellenza. Altre fondamentali fasi della presente esplorazione inquadrano il notevole apporto di oratori quali Pericle ed Eschine. Infine, si focalizza l’attenzione sull’eccezionale e prestigioso contributo di Cicerone, mirabile sintesi di un’eloquenza particolarmente efficace e praticamente scevra della benché minima imperfezione. L’aspetto più interessante di questo saggio è che la notevole lezione di tali artefici dell’oratoria classica non solo non è caduta nel dimenticatoio, ma ci è stata tramandata fino ai nostri tempi. In effetti, l’eloquenza più moderna, oggi più comunemente nota con l’appellativo di Public Speaking, deve necessariamente e inevitabilmente fare i conti con la retorica classica. In altri termini, tale si rivelò l’efficacia dell’eloquenza classica che oggigiorno, qualsiasi genere di oratoria – politica, religiosa o di altro genere ancora – non può prescindere dal fondamentale insegnamento dei massimi rappresentanti della comunicazione ellenistica e romana. = The following study analyzes in retrospect the genesis as well as the evolution of classical eloquence starting from the main Greek orators as fathers of rhetoric, followed by Roman orators and in particular by the remarkable figure of Marcus Tullius Cicero. After a detailed analysis of the dawn of classical oratory, the paper deals with one of the most significant stages of the history of rhetoric, namely, the correlation between philosophy and eloquence. Afterwards, the study focuses on the major exponents of eloquence and more specifically on their particular characteristics. Such an overview begins with the Athenian Demosthenes, considered as one of the greatest orators of all times as well as one of the forefathers of modern eloquence and reputed, during the age of Cicero, to be the rhetorician par excellence. Other important masters of classical eloquence included in this analysis are Pericles, a prominent and influential Greek statesman, orator and general of Athens during the Golden Age, and Aeschines, a Greek statesman and one of the ten Attic orators. Finally the study analyzes the outstanding and prestigious contribution by Cicero, whose eloquence constitutes a notable synthesis of the best possible model of persuasive communication. The most interesting aspect of this research is that the remarkable example by the outstanding masters of classical eloquence is, nowadays, still very much held in high esteem. As a matter of fact, modern eloquence, better known as Public speaking, continues to regard classical rhetoric as a basic point of reference. In other words, classical eloquence was so much effective to the extent that today, all kinds of oratory, either political or religious or of any other genre, cannot put aside the fundamental teachings of the major exponents of Hellenistic and Roman oratory.peer-reviewe

    Marketing and promotion of OAR@UoM : the open access Institutional Repository of the University of Malta

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    In 2014 the University of Malta Library launched its Open Access (OA) Institutional Repository: OAR@UoM. Since OAR@UoM is the first and only online institutional repository on the Maltese Islands, it also plays a major role in promoting OA nationally and in forming partnerships with other stakeholders who lack the infrastructure but are interested to deposit in OA. This pushes the boundaries of traditional IRs and creates a new sets of challenges. The Outreach Department of the library was tasked with promoting OAR@UoM and to develop training workshops to instruct academics on how to upload their research on the IR, whilst also providing some background information on OA and the benefits associated with it. A number of promotional material was created and disseminated on campus to help increase the awareness of OA and OAR@UoM. During its annual OA week in October, the library organizes OA-related activities and talks on campus. In 2015, in collaboration with FOSTER, the library organized a conference to address the misconceptions regarding OA brought forward by a number of academics. The one-day conference was entitled ‘Open Access and its impact on research and scholarship’. Discussions on the impact of OA on the Maltese research/academic community, and training on how to upload on OAR@UoM were the focus points. This paper will look into the effectiveness of the promotion and marketing strategy followed by the Outreach Department in relation to the (OA) repository. It will also look into the increase in submissions done willingly by academics and how their perception of OA has changed. This paper will also investigate the creation of an Open Science Department to assist academics with OA-related queries. Will the creation of a department exclusively responsible for OA have a big impact on the academics? How can the Open Science Department collaborate with the Outreach Department to create a more effective marketing strategy to promote OA publishing and submission of research papers on OAR@UoM? This paper will come up with suggestions for such questions by looking specifically at the case at the University but also compare this with other scenarios of how OA was promoted in different institutions.peer-reviewe

    Systems of Knowledge : strategies in challenging the current perceptions through improvement of lecturing strategies

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    This paper is the result of a practitioner research into the current teaching and learning of Systems of Knowledge, a compulsory subject, which is treated as an added burden. Consequently SOK is often deemed as a negative experience which steals time from other chosen subjects. The solutions lie in challenging this role. Rather than an inconvenience, SOK should be perceived as complementary to the students’ post-secondary educational experience. The vast syllabus should not be used as an excuse not to seek improvement in effective teaching methods. I am researching and implementing pedagogical strategies that enhance engagement and relevance. Skills-based lectures, within the framework for 21st-century learning and life-long learning policies is one strategy employed so far. Content remains important; however’ it is integrated with skills that students usually need for their everyday life and to tackle their subjects. This research is an introductory step but is indicative of the way forward. When students see the relevance of a subject in their studies and their lives, they own it, appreciate it and feel engaged.peer-reviewe

    A pilot study on e-learning in small online discussion groups and experimental design in biology

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    This pilot study focuses on assessing the effectiveness of discussion in small online student groups. More effective learning may be promoted through properly designed discussion tasks. These can be effective learning tools to promote creativity, student-student and student-teacher interactions, as well as promoting understanding for the learner. A two-week online course was designed for Advanced level biology students aimed at establishing an online learning community to encourage discussion of experimental procedures in small groups of 5–9 students. The study was carried out during a 2-week slot in 2016 and in 2017 with 28 and 38 students respectively. Results based on average scores for the various assigned activities were positive. Most students appreciated acquiring skills when using discussion forums. Students mentioned difficulties with meeting deadlines and the technology. The course needs some tweaking to facilitate further students’ participation.peer-reviewe
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