36 research outputs found

    Turbulence decay in the density-stratified intracluster medium

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    Turbulence evolution in a density-stratified medium differs from that of homogeneous isotropic turbulence described by the Kolmogorov picture. We evaluate the degree of this effect in the intracluster medium (ICM) with hydrodynamical simulations. We find that the buoyancy effect induced by ICM density stratification introduces qualitative changes to the turbulence energy evolution, morphology, and the density fluctuation - turbulence Mach number relation, and likely explains the radial dependence of the ICM turbulence amplitude as found previously in cosmological simulations. A new channel of energy flow between the kinetic and the potential energy is opened up by buoyancy. When the gravitational potential is kept constant with time, this energy flow leaves oscillations to the energy evolution, and leads to a balanced state of the two energies where both asymptote to power-law time evolution with slopes shallower than that for the turbulence kinetic energy of homogeneous isotropic turbulence. We discuss that the energy evolution can differ more significantly from that of homogeneous isotropic turbulence when there is a time variation of the gravitational potential. Morphologically, ICM turbulence can show a layered vertical structure and large horizontal vortical eddies in the central regions with the greatest density stratification. In addition, we find that the coefficient in the linear density fluctuation - turbulence Mach number relation caused by density stratification is in general a variable with position and time.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, published in MNRA

    Offsets between the X-ray and the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich-effect peaks in merging galaxy clusters and their cosmological implications

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    Observations reveal that the peaks of the X-ray map and the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effect map of some galaxy clusters are offset from each other. In this paper, we perform a set of hydrodynamical simulations of mergers of two galaxy clusters to investigate the spatial offset between the maxima of the X-ray and the SZ surface brightness of the merging clusters. We find that significantly large SZ-X-ray offsets (>100kpc) can be produced during the major mergers of galaxy clusters. The significantly large offsets are mainly caused by a `jump effect' occurred between the primary and secondary pericentric passages of the two merging clusters, during which the X-ray peak may jump to the densest gas region located near the center of the small cluster, but the SZ peak remains near the center of the large one. Our simulations show that merging systems with higher masses and larger initial relative velocities may result in larger offset sizes and longer offset time durations; and only nearly head-on mergers are likely to produce significantly large offsets. We further investigate the statistical distribution of the SZ-X-ray offset sizes and find that (1) the number distribution of the offset sizes is bimodal with one peak located at low offsets ~0 and the other at large offsets ~350-450kpc/h, but the objects with intermediate offsets are scarce; and (2) the probabilities of the clusters in the mass range higher than 2x10^{14}Msun/h that have offsets larger than 20, 50, 200, 300, and 500kpc/h are 34.0%, 11.1%, 8.0%, 6.5%, and 2.0% respectively at z=0.7. The probability is sensitive to the underlying pairwise velocity distribution and the merger rate of clusters. Future observations on the offsets for a large number of clusters may put strong constraints on the cosmic velocity fields on the cluster scale and the cluster merger rate. (Abridged)Comment: 25 pages, 15 figure

    Runaway Merger Shocks in Galaxy Cluster Outskirts and Radio Relics

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    Moderately strong shocks arise naturally when two subclusters merge. For instance, when a smaller subcluster falls into the gravitational potential of a more massive cluster, a bow shock is formed and moves together with the subcluster. After pericenter passage, however, the subcluster is decelerated by the gravity of the main cluster, while the shock continues moving away from the cluster center. These shocks are considered as promising candidates for powering radio relics found in many clusters. The aim of this paper is to explore the fate of such shocks when they travel to the cluster outskirts, far from the place where the shocks were initiated. In a uniform medium, such a "runaway" shock should weaken with distance. However, as shocks move to large radii in galaxy clusters, the shock is moving down a steep density gradient that helps the shock to maintain its strength over a large distance. Observations and numerical simulations show that, beyond R500R_{500}, gas density profiles are as steep as, or steeper than, ∼r−3\sim r^{-3}, suggesting that there exists a "Habitable zone" for moderately strong shocks in cluster outskirts where the shock strength can be maintained or even amplified. A characteristic feature of runaway shocks is that the strong compression, relative to the initial state, is confined to a narrow region just behind the shock. Therefore, if such a shock runs over a region with a pre-existing population of relativistic particles, then the boost in radio emissivity, due to pure adiabatic compression, will also be confined to a narrow radial shell.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures; published in MNRA

    Standoff Distance of Bow Shocks in Galaxy Clusters as Proxy for Mach Number

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    X-ray observations of merging clusters provide many examples of bow shocks leading merging subclusters. While the Mach number of a shock can be estimated from the observed density jump using Rankine-Hugoniot condition, it reflects only the velocity of the shock itself and is generally not equal to the velocity of the infalling subcluster dark matter halo or to the velocity of the contact discontinuity separating gaseous atmospheres of the two subclusters. Here we systematically analyze additional information that can be obtained by measuring the standoff distance, i.e. the distance between the leading edge of the shock and the contact discontinuity that drives this shock. The standoff distance is influenced by a number of additional effects, e.g. (1) the gravitational pull of the main cluster (causing acceleration/deceleration of the infalling subcluster), (2) the density and pressure gradients of the atmosphere in the main cluster, (3) the non-spherical shape of the subcluster, and (4) projection effects. The first two effects tend to bias the standoff distance in the same direction, pushing the bow shock closer to (farther away from) the subcluster during the pre- (post-)merger stages. Particularly, in the post-merger stage, the shock could be much farther away from the subcluster than predicted by a model of a body moving at a constant speed in a uniform medium. This implies that a combination of the standoff distance with measurements of the Mach number from density/temperature jumps can provide important information on the merger, e.g. differentiating between the pre- and post-merger stages.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figures. Including major revision and matched to accepted version in MNRA

    Pairs of Giant Shock Waves (N-Waves) in Merging Galaxy Clusters

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    When a subcluster merges with a larger galaxy cluster, a bow shock is driven ahead of the subcluster. At a later merger stage, this bow shock separates from the subcluster, becoming a "runaway" shock that propagates down the steep density gradient through the cluster outskirts and approximately maintains its strength and the Mach number. Such shocks are plausible candidates for producing radio relics in the periphery of clusters. We argue that, during the same merger stage, a secondary shock is formed much closer to the main cluster center. A close analog of this structure is known in the usual hydrodynamics as N-waves, where the trailing part of the "N" is the result of the non-linear evolution of a shock. In merging clusters, spherical geometry and stratification could further promote its development. Both the primary and the secondary shocks are the natural outcome of a single merger event and often both components of the pair should be present. However, in the radio band, the leading shock could be more prominent, while the trailing shock might conversely be more easily seen in X-rays. The latter argument implies that for some of the (trailing) shocks found in X-ray data, it might be difficult to identify their "partner" leading shocks or the merging subclusters, which are farther away from the cluster center. We argue that the Coma cluster and A2744 could be two examples in a post-merger state with such well-separated shock pairs.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, submitted to MNRAS. Comments are welcom

    Generation of Internal Waves by Buoyant Bubbles in Galaxy Clusters and Heating of Intracluster Medium

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    Buoyant bubbles of relativistic plasma in cluster cores plausibly play a key role in conveying the energy from a supermassive black hole to the intracluster medium (ICM) - the process known as radio-mode AGN feedback. Energy conservation guarantees that a bubble loses most of its energy to the ICM after crossing several pressure scale heights. However, actual processes responsible for transferring the energy to the ICM are still being debated. One attractive possibility is the excitation of internal waves, which are trapped in the cluster's core and eventually dissipate. Here we show that a sufficient condition for efficient excitation of these waves in stratified cluster atmospheres is flattening of the bubbles in the radial direction. In our numerical simulations, we model the bubbles phenomenologically as rigid bodies buoyantly rising in the stratified cluster atmosphere. We find that the terminal velocities of the flattened bubbles are small enough so that the Froude number Fr≲1{\rm Fr}\lesssim 1. The effects of stratification make the dominant contribution to the total drag force balancing the buoyancy force. In particular, clear signs of internal waves are seen in the simulations. These waves propagate horizontally and downwards from the rising bubble, spreading their energy over large volumes of the ICM. If our findings are scaled to the conditions of the Perseus cluster, the expected terminal velocity is ∼100−200 km s−1\sim100-200{\,\rm km\,s^{-1}} near the cluster cores, which is in broad agreement with direct measurements by the Hitomi satellite.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figures, submitted to MNRA

    Evolution of Splashback Boundaries and Gaseous Outskirts: Insights from Mergers of Self-similar Galaxy Clusters

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    A self-similar spherical collapse model predicts a dark matter (DM) splashback and accretion shock in the outskirts of galaxy clusters while misses a key ingredient of structure formation - processes associated with mergers. To fill this gap, we perform simulations of merging self-similar clusters and investigate their DM and gas evolution in an idealized cosmological context. Our simulations show that the cluster rapidly contracts during the major merger and the splashback radius rspr_{\rm sp} decreases, approaching the virial radius rvirr_{\rm vir}. While rspr_{\rm sp} correlates with a smooth mass accretion rate (MAR) parameter Γs\Gamma_{\rm s} in the self-similar model, our simulations show a similar trend with the total MAR Γvir\Gamma_{\rm vir} (includes both mergers and Γs\Gamma_{\rm s}). The scatter of the Γvir−rsp/rvir\Gamma_{\rm vir}-r_{\rm sp}/r_{\rm vir} relation indicates a generally low Γs∼1\Gamma_{\rm s}\sim1 in clusters in cosmological simulations. In contrast to the DM, the hot gaseous atmospheres significantly expand by the merger-accelerated (MA-) shocks formed when the runaway merger shocks overtake the outer accretion shock. After a major merger, the MA-shock radius is larger than rspr_{\rm sp} by a factor of up to ∼1.7\sim1.7 for Γs≲1\Gamma_{\rm s}\lesssim1 and is ∼rsp\sim r_{\rm sp} for Γs≳3\Gamma_{\rm s}\gtrsim3. This implies that (1) mergers could easily generate the MA-shock-splashback offset measured in cosmological simulations, and (2) the smooth MAR is small in regions away from filaments where MA-shocks reside. We further discuss various shocks and contact discontinuities formed at different epochs of the merger, the ram pressure stripping in cluster outskirts, and the dependence of member galaxies' splashback feature on their orbital parameters.Comment: 25 pages, 24 figures, submitted to MNRAS. Comments are welcom

    Encounters of Merger and Accretion Shocks in Galaxy Clusters and their Effects on Intracluster Medium

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    Several types/classes of shocks naturally arise during formation and evolution of galaxy clusters. One such class is represented by accretion shocks, associated with deceleration of infalling baryons. Such shocks, characterized by a very high Mach number, are present even in 1D models of cluster evolution. Another class is composed of "runaway merger shocks", which appear when a merger shock, driven by a sufficiently massive infalling subcluster, propagates away from the main-cluster center. We argue that, when the merger shock overtakes the accretion shock, a new long-living shock is formed that propagates to large distances from the main cluster (well beyond its virial radius) affecting the cold gas around the cluster. We refer to these structures as Merger-accelerated Accretion shocks (MA-shocks) in this paper. We show examples of such MA-shocks in 1D and 3D simulations and discuss their characteristic properties. In particular, (1) MA-shocks shape the boundary separating the hot intracluster medium (ICM) from the unshocked gas, giving this boundary a "flower-like" morphology. In 3D, MA-shocks occupy space between the dense accreting filaments. (2) Evolution of MA-shocks highly depends on the Mach number of the runaway merger shock and the mass accretion rate parameter of the cluster. (3) MA-shocks may lead to the misalignment of the ICM boundary and the splashback radius.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures; published in MNRA