8 research outputs found

    Visualization 1: Ultra-high resolution coded wavefront sensor

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    Video of system in action Originally published in Optics Express on 12 June 2017 (oe-25-12-13736

    Response of <i>Meloidogyne hapla</i> VW9 to potassium cyanide gradients in PF-127 gel.

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    <p>Region of the gel around the small opening of chemical dispenser with 2 mM KCN is shown at 5 h (A) and 24 h (B) after initiation of the assay. Same region when dispenser contains 5 mM KCN is shown at 5 h (C) and 24 h (D). Panel E shows opening of dispenser containing water at 24 hr. Panel F shows a detail of large end of dispenser with 5 mM KCN at 24 hr. Panels G and H are taken at lower magnification with backlighting. In these panels the large end of the dispenser (4 mm diameter) is shown for 2 mM KCN (G) and 5 mM KCN (H) at 24 h after assay initiation. Petri dish containing 600 J2 per ml PF-127 gel was used for each assay. Scale bar in A-F is 1 mm.</p

    Response of nematodes to cyanide in a closed system.

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    <p>A. Diagram of assay design: (1) 23% PF-127 (grey shading) was added to 52 mm-long polystyrene tubing and KCN (red shading) was added to the donor tube (12-mm long). (2) After gel formed, the two tubes were connected. Hydrogen cyanide was produced in the donor tube then allowed to move across the airspace and to form a gradient upon re-dissolving in PF-127 gel in the assay tube. Gradient was allowed to form for 24 h. (3) J2s in PF-127 were layered into the assay tube and a layer of 23% PF-127 solution was pipetted on top. This addition was considered assay time point 0. B. Cyanide concentration measured at indicated distance from the interface assay tube and airspace of donor tube at 1 and 24 hr after time point 0. C. Tubes were photographed with side lighting to visualize the nematodes by reflected light at indicated times after assay start. A control experiment with no KCN in donor tube is shown on the right. Numbers at top correspond to distance (mm) from the bottom of the assay tube. The left-most 6 mm of the assay tube are not shown due to glare from the side lighting. The white arrow in C points to nematode clumps.</p

    Comparison of <i>Meloidogyne</i> strain clump formation and attraction to cyanide<sup>a</sup>.

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    a<p>Petri dishes contained 300 J2 per ml PF-127 gel.</p>b<p>Average number of nematodes within 5 mm of the small opening of the dispenser minus the average number of nematodes in the corresponding region with a dispenser containing PF-127 gel alone. Significant differences are indicated by different letters (P<0.05).</p

    QTLs associated by nonparametric mapping with root-galling index (GI) and nematode egg production (EGR) in TM-1 x Pima 3–79 RIL population.

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    a<p>QTL - Root-galling index (GI) phenotype;</p>b<p>QTL- Data for nematode egg production were transformed to Log<sub>10</sub>(x+1) for analysis (Log EGR);</p>c<p>Chr: Cotton chromosome designation;</p>d<p><i>Mi-GI<sub>h</sub>-C03<sub>1</sub></i>: The name of first (1) identified QTL for GI on chr 3 from <i>G. hirsutum</i> (h) to root-knot nematode <i>Meloidogyne incognita</i> (<i>Mi</i>): <i>Mi-EGR<sub>b</sub>-C23</i>: The name of QTL for EGR on chr 23 from <i>G. barbadense (b)</i> to root-knot nematode <i>Meloidogyne incognita</i> (<i>Mi</i>);</p>e<p>K*: Kruskal-Wallis analysis test regarded as the nonparametric equivalent of the one-way analysis of variance (Van Ooijen 2004);</p>f<p><i>P</i>-value: P-values are designated as P<0.05 (**), 0.01 (***), 0.005 (****), 0.001 (*****), 0.0005 (******);</p>g<p>TM-1 <b>allele</b>: Mean value of phenotype associated with the TM-1 allele; Pima 3–79 allele, Mean value of phenotype associated with the Pima 3–79 allele.</p

    Map locations of QTLs associated with resistance to root-knot nematode.

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    <p>Single-marker analysis conducted using nonparametric mapping (Kruskal-Wallis analysis) test equivalent of the one-way analysis of variance (Van Ooijen 2004). Red bars - QTL influencing root-galling index phenotype; Green bars - QTL influencing egg production phenotype (For Experiment I).</p

    Effect of the combinations of QTLs for galling index and nematode egg production on mean phenotypic value (Β± standard error) based on genotypic classes carrying one to four favorable alleles (+, ++, +++, ++++ blue bars) and null genotypes (βˆ’,βˆ’βˆ’,βˆ’βˆ’βˆ’,βˆ’βˆ’βˆ’βˆ’, red bars) for Experiment I.

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    <p>Effect of the combinations of QTLs for galling index and nematode egg production on mean phenotypic value (Β± standard error) based on genotypic classes carrying one to four favorable alleles (+, ++, +++, ++++ blue bars) and null genotypes (βˆ’,βˆ’βˆ’,βˆ’βˆ’βˆ’,βˆ’βˆ’βˆ’βˆ’, red bars) for Experiment I.</p