373 research outputs found

    Collectively Simplifying Trajectories in a Database: A Query Accuracy Driven Approach

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    Increasing and massive volumes of trajectory data are being accumulated that may serve a variety of applications, such as mining popular routes or identifying ridesharing candidates. As storing and querying massive trajectory data is costly, trajectory simplification techniques have been introduced that intuitively aim to reduce the sizes of trajectories, thus reducing storage and speeding up querying, while preserving as much information as possible. Existing techniques rely mainly on hand-crafted error measures when deciding which point to drop when simplifying a trajectory. While the hope may be that such simplification affects the subsequent usability of the data only minimally, the usability of the simplified data remains largely unexplored. Instead of using error measures that indirectly may to some extent yield simplified trajectories with high usability, we adopt a direct approach to simplification and present the first study of query accuracy driven trajectory simplification, where the direct objective is to achieve a simplified trajectory database that preserves the query accuracy of the original database as much as possible. Specifically, we propose a multi-agent reinforcement learning based solution with two agents working cooperatively to collectively simplify trajectories in a database while optimizing query usability. Extensive experiments on four real-world trajectory datasets show that the solution is capable of consistently outperforming baseline solutions over various query types and dynamics.Comment: This paper has been accepted by ICDE 202

    And\^o dilations for a pair of commuting contractions: two explicit constructions and functional models

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    One of the most important results in operator theory is And\^o's \cite{ando} generalization of dilation theory for a single contraction to a pair of commuting contractions acting on a Hilbert space. While there are two explicit constructions (Sch\"affer \cite{sfr} and Douglas \cite{Doug-Dilation}) of the minimal isometric dilation of a single contraction, there was no such explicit construction of an And\^o dilation for a commuting pair (T1,T2)(T_1,T_2) of contractions, except in some special cases \cite{A-M-Dist-Var, D-S, D-S-S}. In this paper, we give two new proofs of And\^o's dilation theorem by giving both Sch\"affer-type and Douglas-type explicit constructions of an And\^o dilation with function-theoretic interpretation, for the general case. The results, in particular, give a complete description of all possible factorizations of a given contraction TT into the product of two commuting contractions. Unlike the one-variable case, two minimal And\^o dilations need not be unitarily equivalent. However, we show that the compressions of the two And\^o dilations constructed in this paper to the minimal dilation spaces of the contraction T1T2T_1T_2, are unitarily equivalent. In the special case when the product T=T1T2T=T_1T_2 is pure, i.e., if T∗n→0T^{* n}\to 0 strongly, an And\^o dilation was constructed recently in \cite{D-S-S}, which, as this paper will show, is a corollary to the Douglas-type construction. We define a notion of characteristic triple for a pair of commuting contractions and a notion of coincidence for such triples. We prove that two pairs of commuting contractions with their products being pure contractions are unitarily equivalent if and only if their characteristic triples coincide. We also characterize triples which qualify as the characteristic triple for some pair (T1,T2)(T_1,T_2) of commuting contractions such that T1T2T_1T_2 is a pure contraction.Comment: 24 page

    CPSAA: Accelerating Sparse Attention using Crossbar-based Processing-In-Memory Architecture

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    The attention mechanism requires huge computational efforts to process unnecessary calculations, significantly limiting the system's performance. Researchers propose sparse attention to convert some DDMM operations to SDDMM and SpMM operations. However, current sparse attention solutions introduce massive off-chip random memory access. We propose CPSAA, a novel crossbar-based PIM-featured sparse attention accelerator. First, we present a novel attention calculation mode. Second, we design a novel PIM-based sparsity pruning architecture. Finally, we present novel crossbar-based methods. Experimental results show that CPSAA has an average of 89.6X, 32.2X, 17.8X, 3.39X, and 3.84X performance improvement and 755.6X, 55.3X, 21.3X, 5.7X, and 4.9X energy-saving when compare with GPU, FPGA, SANGER, ReBERT, and ReTransformer.Comment: 14 pages, 19 figure

    Phytochemical and Pharmacological Studies on the Genus Psoralea

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    The genus Psoralea, which belongs to the family Fabaceae, comprises ca. 130 species distributed all over the world, and some of the plants are used as folk medicine to treat various diseases. Psoralea corylifolia is a typical example, whose seeds have been widely used in many traditional Chinese medicine formulas for the treatment of various diseases such as leucoderma and other skin diseases, cardiovascular diseases, nephritis, osteoporosis, and cancer. So, the chemical and pharmacological studies on this genus were performed in the past decades. Here, we give a mini review on this genus about its phytochemical and pharmacological studies from 1910 to 2015
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