12 research outputs found

    ArteFill® Permanent Injectable for Soft Tissue Augmentation: II. Indications and Applications

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    Patients ask for procedures with long-lasting effects. ArteFill is the first permanent injectable approved in 2006 by the FDA for nasolabial folds. It consists of cleaned microspheres of polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) suspended in bovine collagen. Over the development period of 20 years most of its side effects have been eliminated to achieve the same safety standard as today’s hyaluronic acid products. A 5-year follow-up study in U.S. clinical trial patients has shown the same wrinkle improvement as seen at 6 months. Long-term follow-up in European Artecoll patients has shown successful wrinkle correction lasting up to 15 years. A wide variety of off-label indications and applications have been developed that help the physician meet the individual needs of his/her patients. Serious complications after ArteFill injections, such as granuloma formation, have not been reported due to the reduction of PMMA microspheres smaller than 20 μm to less than 1% “by the number.” Minor technique-related side effects, however, may occur during the initial learning curve. Patient and physician satisfaction with ArteFill has been shown to be greater than 90%

    Methylaminolaevulinic acid photodynamic therapy in the treatment of erythroplasia of Queyrat

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    BACKGROUND: Erythroplasia of Queyrat (EQ) is an intra-epithelial carcinoma of the penis. Progression to invasive carcinoma may occur. Its cause is unknown but some evidence suggests infection with human papillomavirus in the pathogenesis of EQ; however, recent data do not confirm this. Therapy is difficult and associated with important recurrence rates. Photodynamic therapy (PDT) employs a photosensitizer excited by visible light. The resulting photodynamic reaction selectively destroys atypical cells. Only few reports exist on the use of topical PDT in the treatment of EQ. OBJECTIVE: We report 11 cases of EQ treated by topical methylaminolaevulinic acid (MAL) PDT. RESULTS: Out of 11 male patients with EQ treated by topical MAL-PDT, 3 achieved complete remission sustained for 24 and 51 months and 4 a partial remission sustained for 2-45 months with a follow-up period of 4-45 months (1 patient lost to follow-up); surprisingly, 2 of the 4 patients with partial remission presented a complete remission after 20 and 45 months of follow-up, respectively, without further therapy. Four patients showed progression of the disease. CONCLUSION: Whereas topical MAL-PDT offers the advantages of tumour specificity, preservation of function and a good cosmetic result, side effects may cause treatment discontinuation in some cases. Treatment of EQ with PDT may represent a valuable option in selected cases, but our data do not allow considering it as a first-line therapeutic option

    Management of primary cicatricial alopecias: Options for treatment

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    Primary cicatricial alopecias (PCAs) are a poorly understood group of disorders that result in permanent hair loss. Clinically, they are characterized not only by permanent loss of hair shafts but also of visible follicular ostia along with other visible changes in skin surface morphology, while their histopathological hallmark usually (although not always) is the replacement of follicular structures with scar-like fibrous tissue. As hair follicle neogenesis in adult human scalp skin is not yet a readily available treatment option for patients with cicatricial alopecias, the aim of treatment, currently, remains to reduce symptoms and to slow or stop PCA progression, namely the scarring process. Early treatment is the key to minimizing the extent of permanent alopecia. However, inconsistent terminology, poorly defined clinical end-points and a lack of good quality clinical trials have long made management of these conditions very challenging. As one important step towards improving the management of this under-investigated and under-serviced group of dermatoses, the current review presents evidence-based guidance for treatment, with identification of the strength of evidence, and a brief overview of clinical features of each condition. Wherever only insufficient evidence-based advice on PCA management can be given at present, this is indicated so as to highlight important gaps in our clinical knowledge that call for concerted efforts to close these in the near future.</p