23 research outputs found


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    The paper aimed to present several criteria for dairy farms classification using a sample of 8 dairy farms from the Southern Romania whose data were collected for the year 2013. The most important indicator characterizing farm efficiency and size is milk yield because it is has a direct impact on gross margin or profit. Milk production cost should be also taken into account, as it is has a negative impact on the financial results. The application of the point method placed twofarms on the top position: F5 and F3, each one getting 45 points for the criteria taken into account. However, the farm F5 came on the 1st position for milk yield, marketed milk yield, gross product from milk, total gross product per cow and year and gross margin/cow/year and on the 7th position for variable costs, while the farms F3 came on the 3rd position for milk yield and variable cost, on the 2nd position for gross product from milk, total gross product per cow and year, and standard gross margin, and on the 1st position for heifer cost and own mechanical works as well. As a conclusion, dairy farmers should keep under control all the production cost items looking for measures to reduce costs as much as they can without affecting yield performance. Under an increased competition, farmers should pay attention to all the factors stimulating the growth of milk yield, as the higher milk production, the higher financial results


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    This paper has as its theme the marketing and promotion of tourism circuit between Bucharest and Prague, unique area in the world because there is a harmonious combination of potential natural and cultural values and historical tourism which attracts many tourists. Also due to the geographical potential tourists coming to Prague can practice sports activities both winter and summer.Both natural resources and the human touch are important sights to attract more tourists in the area, and in Prague, the potential exists


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    The paper purpose was to estimate the threshold of the average marketed milk as a starting point of profitableness growth using a sample of 6 dairy farms from the Southern Romania. The collected data belonged to the year 2013 and were processed using Grigoroiu's method. The estimated average marketed milk threshold varied between 5,506 kg per cow and year in case of F1, the maximum level and 4,719 kg per cow and year in case of F3, the minimum level. The average level for all the six dairy farms accounted for 5,059.16 kg. All the 6 farms were profitable, because they recorded a a positive difference between the real average marketed milk and the estimated profitableness threshold. The additional marketed milk varied between +88 kg per cow and year in case of the farm F2 and 1,053 kg per cow and year, the maximum difference, registered in case of the farm F4. Profit varied between Lei 123.2 per cow/year in case of the farm F2, the lowest level and Lei 1,684.8 in case of the farm F4, the highest level. As a conclusion, dairy farmers could use this useful tool to determine the average marketed milk threshold where profitableness starts growing in their own farm. In this way, they could better manage resources and mainly production costs in order to increase economic efficiency in dairy farming


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    The paper purpose was to analyze the sorghum statement at world, EU and Romania level in order to establish the main trends in the future of this crop. Sorghum is an important cereal coming on the 5th position after maize, rice, wheat and barley at world level due to its importance in human nutrition, animal feed, in producing bioethanol and green energy, and due to its good impact on environment. It is cultivated on all the continents, in the tropical, subtropical and temperate areas due to its resistance to drought, production potential, low inputs and production cost. It is an alternative to maize crop being more utilized as substituent in animal diets. The world sorghum production reached 63,811 thousand metric tons in 2014, the main producers being the USA, Mexico, Nigeria, India, Argentina, Ethiopia, Sudan and China. The world consumption of sorghum reached 63,148 thousand metric tons and it is continuously increasing. The sorghum exports accounted for 7,690 thousand metric tons in 2014, of which the USA export represents 4,600 thousand metric tons. Besides the USA, other exporting countries are Argentina, Australia, Ethiopia, India, Nigeria, Uruguay, while the main importing countries are China, Japan, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, the EU, Sudan. In 2014, the EU produced 576 thousand metric tons sorghum, imported 200 thousand metric tons, and consumed 770 thousand metric tons. The main EU producers of sorghum are France, Italy, Romania, Spain and Hungary. In 2012, Romania cultivated 20,000 ha with sorghum crop, 18 times more than in 2077. Also, in 2012, Romania produced 37.5 thousand tons of sorghum grains, by 31 times more than in 2007. The sorghum yield was 1,875 kg/ha by 66% higher in 2012 compared to 2007. Therefore, these figures show the increasing importance of sorghum crop at world level. Because Romania is situated in suitable geographical area for producing sorghum, it could increase production and become a more important supplier for the EU

    L'interculturel en francophonie. Représentations des apprenants et discours des manuels

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    Qu'il faille, aujourd'hui plus que jamais, "enseigner l'interculturel", c'est-à-dire ouvrir les élèves dès le plus jeune âge et jusqu'à la fin de leurs études à une connaissance nuancée et à un respect réel des cultures étrangères, est assez généralement admis. Mais, pour avoir une chance de ne pas demeurer un voeu pieux, cet objectif ne requiert-il pas une prise en compte sérieuse des représentations a priori que les élèves se sont forgées sur les autres cultures ? Et ne nécessite-t-il pas aussi une analyse critique du discours des manuels qui sont censés outiller les professeurs pour initier ces mêmes élèves à la différence ? C'est à cette double tâche que se sont attelés les quinze auteurs de cet ouvrage. Dans des contextes aussi divers que la Grèce, la Roumanie, l'Estonie, la Serbie, le Québec, le Brésil ou le Japon, ils se sont demandé avec quels apprenants et quels outils avaient à travailler lles formateurs et les enseignants chargés de diffuser la langue et la culture francophones dans le monde.Forts de leurs constats, plusieurs se sont demandé ensuite à quelles conditions ces représentations et ces discours pouvaient être considérés non plus comme des obstacles mais comme des tremplins pour un meilleur enseignement-apprentissage de l'interculturel en classe de français langue étrangère


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    In the center of all the activities of an organization is the human being. All the other resources such as land, buildings, equipments, vehicles or money are only of a secondary importance. Without people, business cannot be achieved. The importance of the human being in the success management of a business is to make from the”Human Resource Management” the essential competence for all the managers. This responsibility is not only to give people jobs, to guide them how to work and to record their performances, although the managers have to do this thing. Beside all these, there is an investment: to give people the power they need to act efficiently and effective. It also means to exploit the individual knowledge, the talents, the imagination and creativity for the common good. The world changes with an unprecedented speed determine each organization to employ competent, well informed, loyal, flexible and talented personnel. The managers should think well at what they offer to employees and at what they expect from them if they want to reach high performance and increase the firm competitiveness

    Espaces francophones : diversité linguistique et culturelle

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    Management ethics, the determination at what means “fair”, ”correct” and “just” in decisions and action that affect the others, passes the simple problems like corruption, steal and swindle. It is focused on human interrelations such as between employers and employees, sellers and clients, shareholders, creditors, distributors, community members. The solving of the ethics dilemmas in management do not represent just a delimitation between good and bad, correct and incorrect, but also it is a complex judgement aiming a balance between economical and social performance of the firm, taking into consideration all what could happened. Solving ethics dilemmas by managers is not easy, and the decision will depend all the time of their personality, experience, education, feelings, attitude and personal values. The communication is part of the organization infrastructure. Any effort for the development of an organization should be considered a priority for the human factor. An efficient communication is the only way in which employees can correlate their efforts, whose quality is leading to the organization success


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    The purpose of this paper is to highlight the progress of Romania on sustainable agriculture and what are theprospects for this type of development, given the possibilities and restrictions it has. For Romania, European Unionmember state, sustainable development represents a rational national perspective, resulting in a new paradigm ofdevelopment, to establish the confluence of economic, social and environmental. To highlight the development ofsustainable agriculture in Romania was taken into account a number of indicators, and calculate the indices fixedbase.The calculations were based on data provided by the Romanian Statistical Yearbooks 2008-2013, and the dataprovided on the website of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. To achieve sustainable development,Romania has important strengths such as: the soil that allows the practice of ecological agriculture, but there isalso problems, of which the most important are: scientific research in agriculture is low, the number of researchersis declining due to financial problems