355 research outputs found

    A Review of Recent Developments in the World Sea Cucumber Fisheries

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    Sea cucumbers (Holothuridae and Stichopodidae) have been harvested commercially for at least 1,000 years. The world fisheries for sea cucumbers, however, are not well documented and in general are poorly managed. Depending upon the species exploited, there are two processing procedures for the sea cucumber product. Some species are eaten raw, while most commercial species are processed into a dry product called beche-de-mer or trepang. This dry product is exported to a central market such as Hong Kong and then re-exported to the consumers. In this review, recent statistics on the world sea cucumber fisheries, collected from different services, are detailed for each major fishing area. Case studies for each fishing area are also presented. Recent major changes in the Indo-Pacific fishery include the participation of new producer countries, the shift in the species being exploited, and an increase in the Chinese market. The expansion of the largely monospecific temperate North Pacific fisheries is also described. Statistics from Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, and the Food and Agriculture Organization provide valuable information on the producer and importer countries. Particular attention is paid to the reciprocal trade of beche-de-mer between Hong Kong and Singapore. An evaluation of the world sea cucumber landings and beche-de-mer production is presented. Recent developments include an expansion of the Hong Kong market due to increased demand by China, the importance of Indonesia as a major world producer, and an increase in the fisheries of Tropical Pacific nations. This increase is best documented for New Caledonia and Fiji. Ways to improve the access and the reliability of the statistics for the sea cucumber fishery are discussed, as is the potential for management of artisanal fisheries

    Reproductive biology of the holothurians from major communities of the New Caledonian lagoon

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    The reproductive biology of nine species of aspidochirote holothurians from the majour communities of the New Caledonian lagoon has been analysed. The data were obtained from monthly sampling from 1978 to 1982 of their populations on reef slopes and passes for #Holothuria nobilis, #H. fuscogilva, #H. fuscopuctata and #Thelenota ananas# in the inner lagoon for #Stichopus variegatus, #H. scabra and #H. scabra versicolor and on reef flats for #Actynoptyga mauritiana, #A. echinites and #H. atra$. The morphology and anatomy of the gonads and their annual cycle are described. The reproductive cycles, composed of the five phases of gonad growth, maturing, spawning, post spawning and resting, were determined from the changes in the sexual stages, the gonad indices and the percentage of indeterminate sex. Three main reproductive patterns are recognized, annual cycles with spawning occuring during the warm season or during the cool season and a semiannual cycle. (D'après résumé d'auteur

    Biology and phenology of Amblygaster sirm (Clupeidae) in New Caledonia, a sardine of the coral environment

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    The biology of the sardine, #Amblygaster sirm$, is studied from fish caught in the lagoons around New Caledonia. About 500 fishing hauls were carried out between 1980 and 1983. This sardine is a fast-growing, medium sized fish (Lmax:24 cm) with a short lifespan. Reproduction takes place from October to December. First maturity is attained when fish reach 1 year of age and at this time their size is about 16-17 cm. Mortality is high and most fish die before the age of 2 years. This phenology compared with other seasonal spawners indicates a tendency towards semelparity. (Résumé d'auteur

    Life history of the silverside Atherinomorus lacunosus (Atherinidae) in New Caledonia

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    The abundance, the seasonal variation and the life history of the silverside, #Atherinomorus lacunosus, are studied from fish caught in the lagoons around New Caledonia. About 270 nights of fishing were carried out between 1980 and 1983. The silverside is present in most of the fishing hauls but seldom in large quantities. Fish reproduce from September to December at 1 year of age. At this time their size is about 10 cm. Mortality is high and a few individuals can survive a second year and reach 13 cm. Results from other studies indicate that in a less seasonally contrasted environment than the lagoons of New Caledonia, #A. lacunosus has several spawning periods during the year. This species is thus able to adjust its phenology to the environmental conditions. (Résumé d'auteur
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